Walk in Wisdom

Proverbs 3:17-18 (TPT) The ways of wisdom are sweet, always drawing you into the place of wholeness. Seeking for her brings the discovery of untold blessings, for she is the healing tree of life to those who taste her fruits.

Beloved, seek fast after wisdom and ask Me for it, for I will not withhold it. But remember that seeking and having wisdom is only part of the journey. Implementing that wisdom and making decisions based on it is essential as well. 

For as you walk in wisdom, blessing overtakes you. It draws you into a place of wholeness. And from that place of completeness, you are able to effectively pour out to others. So seek wisdom. Ask for it. Then walk in wisdom that you might be blessed and be a blessing.  Continue reading “Walk in Wisdom”

Carried on My Breath

Proverbs 25:11 (VOICE) A well-spoken word at just the right moment is like golden apples in settings of silver.

Beloved, be slow to speak and seek Me for wisdom, for I will richly grant it when asked. The right word in the right moment can have life-changing impact, but the wrong word – or even the right word in the wrong moment – can result in resistance and hurt. 

So seek Me for wisdom – both on what to say and when to say it. It’s more important for change to occur than it is for you to be able to say you were right. So lay down your pride, refuse to be offended, and simply operate in loving humility as a one whose words are carried on My breath.

Speak Without Hesitation

Daniel 12:3 NIV “Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars for ever and ever.”

Beloved, I have given you wisdom. And that wisdom is to share. Resist the urge to question yourself, discount or dismiss your thoughts, or second guess My prompting. Instead trust what I have deposited in you, and trust My ability to nudge you when to share it. Then give grace to yourself as you follow My leading. 

Not one person on earth gets it right all the time. Come to terms with the fact that you won’t always be perfect, but know that I will work in and through it all. So be a yielded vessel, and pour out that which I have poured in. Shine brightly, beloved, and speak without hesitation. 

Knowing When to Save Your Breath

Proverbs 23:9 (VOICE) Do not waste your wisdom on a fool, for he doesn’t care for anything you have to say.

Beloved, sometimes walking in humility looks like knowing when to save your breath rather than wasting wise counsel on one who will not listen. Pride will urge you on so that later you may say, “I told you so,” but there is no benefit in doing so. 

Instead humbly hold your counsel, and pray that their eyes might be opened. Be moved with compassion knowing that there have been times when you yourself have been the fool. So be grateful that day is past, and pray for theirs to pass quickly too. Continue reading “Knowing When to Save Your Breath”

The Depths of My Wisdom

Proverbs 2:6 (VOICE) The Eternal is ready to share His wisdom with us, for His words bring true knowledge and insight;

Beloved, I have so much to share, but to hear it you must quiet yourself and listen. If you have something of value to share and the person you want to share it with is giving you little to no attention, does that foster your desire to share? Absolutely not. And often if you power through and share it anyway, it’s treated lightly or as though it has no value, which diminishes the gift that’s been given. 

In the same way, beloved, I will not chase after you trying to share the depths of My mysteries. Those come only through your time and pursuit. But, beloved, they are well worth the effort, and here and available if you take time to abide. So seek Me while I may be found, and open yourself to the depths of My wisdom.

Adonai Ori (the Lord your Light)

Psalm 27:1 (TPT) The Lord is my revelation-light to guide me along the way…

Beloved, I AM Adonai Ori, the Lord your Light. Look to Me for clarity and wisdom. Look to Me for direction and insight. Look to Me to illuminate that which is murky or hidden in darkness. For I see all, and I understand all. I AM conscious of the hidden things for nothing is hidden from Me. 

I AM at work in the midst of every situation, so look to Me and seek to know how you fit within My plan. My eye is on you and My light is within you, so shine even as you follow My directing rays.

Key to the Kingdom: Receive Correction

Psalm 141:5 (AMP) Let the righteous [thoughtfully] strike (correct) me—it is a kindness [done to encourage my spiritual maturity]. It is [the choicest anointing] oil on the head; Let my head not refuse [to accept and acknowledge and learn from] it; For still my prayer is against their wicked deeds.

Beloved, I chasten those I love. Those who are humble and wise will receive it without complaint knowing it ultimately is given for their benefit. My sheep know My voice, beloved, so if correction comes without My breath on it or if you simply aren’t sure, ask Me and I will lovingly make My will known. I break down to build up. I wound that I might heal. I will not tear you down and abandon you or leave you hopeless. None who seek me are beyond My reach. 

So willingly – even joyously – seek that which will grow and strengthen you. Godly correction not only shifts things into place, but it builds good character, so embrace it without fear or hesitation. It is not an indication that you are hopeless or worthless, but rather that you are loved and you are Mine. 

Key to the Kingdom: Walk in Wisdom

Proverbs 21:22 (TPT) A warrior filled with wisdom ascends into the high place and releases regional breakthrough, bringing down the strongholds of the mighty.

Beloved, wisdom is worth pursuing. Ask Me and I will give it. Seek Me and have more. Gain it and victories come swifter and sweeter, insight becomes ever clearer, and happiness overflows. Wisdom is well worth the pursuit. 

Wisdom begins with reverential fear of Me. The understanding that I AM God and you are not. A movement from self-dependence to complete reliance on Me. See where we can go – heights you cannot imagine and adventures beyond your imagination. Walk in wisdom, beloved, and that begins with pursuing Me. 

The Coming Harvest

Psalm 126:6 (VOICE) Those who weep as they walk and plant with sighs Will return singing with joy, when they bring home the harvest.

Beloved, I have seen your tearful sowing and know well the cost and your pain. But just as I have assured you that “Weeping may go on all night, but in the morning there is joy.*” So you may also be encouraged that harvest will surely come.

I will not be mocked, that which you sow you shall most surely reap, so sow with wisdom and intention – knowing the cost is well worth the multiplication that is to come.

*Psalm 30:5 (TLB)

Correcting Light

Ephesians 5:13 (TPT) Whatever the revelation-light exposes, it will also correct, and everything that reveals truth is light to the soul.

Beloved, My correcting light is a blessing worth embracing. I chasten those I love, so to reject My chastening is to reject My life-altering love. Embrace Me. Embrace My love. Welcome My correction without fear or shame. You have no need to defend yourself because you are not under attack. I understand your every heart motivation long before you do, and My grace is sufficient for you.

The wise embrace truth and see it as My wisdom, while the foolish reject it and seek to believe falsehoods and perversions. Refuse to allow pride to keep you from the benefit of wisdom, or for fear to create barriers from receiving My love. No one is beyond redemption. No one is incapable of change when empowered by My Spirit. Embrace My loving correction and allow the light of Truth to have its way. Yield to the shaping of the Potter’s hands, and become the glorious vessel you’ve been created to be.