Time to Blossom

Song of Solomon 4:12 (VOICE) You are a locked garden, my sister, my bride, open only to me; a spring closed up tight, a sealed fountain.

Beloved, I’ve set you apart, for you are Mine and Mine alone. Your heart belongs to Me. You are accepted and chosen, cherished and loved. I AM devoted to you – you mean the world to Me.

Rest in My favor. Be shored up by My strength. For My love is steadfast and true. My eyes are upon you, My ear is attentive, and My heart is forever true. So rest in My goodness, and rest in My love. Flourish in the safe place that My affection grants you. It’s now time to blossom and come to fullness of joy, to bloom nourished by the love that surrounds you.


1 Peter 5:7 (TPT) Pour out all your worries and stress upon him and leave them there, for he always tenderly cares for you.

Beloved, release all that is not serving you. For I desire that you would flourish and have abundant life. Just as a gardener pulls weeds and prunes to allow his plants to flourish to their fullest, so you must do for yourself. I AM fully able to take on the things that weigh on you, and to strengthen you to release all that is no longer needed.

So whether there are patterns of thought (like worry or fear), or patterns of behavior (like taking on responsibilities you have not been called to or that belong to someone else), or even physical patterns (like clutter that distracts you and steals your focus); whatever it may be that is holding you back from more growth, release it now. For you are worth cultivating and tending. You are dearly loved and valuable beyond measure, so cherish yourself accordingly.

Simply Walk

Philippians 3:15-16 (TPT) So let all who are fully mature have this same passion, and if anyone is not yet gripped by these desires, God will reveal it to them. And let us all advance together to reach this victory-prize, following one path with one passion.

Beloved, the steadfastness of your purpose marks your maturity. For a child’s attention is constantly fluttering from one experiential feast to the next, but the one who has grown and learned life’s lessons knows it is often the things most easily overlooked that benefit from our attention.

Yield your plans to Me and continue on with purpose. Remember your walk with Me is more like a marathon than a sprint. Though your zeal may entice you to do and see and experience everything at once, therein lies the way to burnout. Rather be steady and yield the pace to Me. Allowing Me to bring each revelation and experience in exactly the right moment. So be steadfast, beloved, and simply walk with Me in love. Continue reading “Simply Walk”

Rise to the Challenge

Romans 5:3-4 (VOICE) …We also celebrate in seasons of suffering because we know that when we suffer we develop endurance, which shapes our characters…

Beloved, embrace trials with joy knowing growth comes in its midst. Refuse to be reluctant and drag the unpleasantness out, but rather trust your heart to My care. Take hold of My hand, for I will see you through.

Allow Me to develop your character. For like a diamond formed under intense pressure, so tribulations can bring forth shining beauty in you if you cling to Me in the process. So rise to the challenge. Be strengthened and beautified through the hardships that come. Beloved, hide yourself in Me. Continue reading “Rise to the Challenge”

Hold Your Tongue

James 3:5 (CSB) So too, though the tongue is a small part of the body, it boasts great things. Consider how a small fire sets ablaze a large forest.

Beloved, remember that even a small spark can start a forest fire that devastates thousands of acres. Resist the urge to judge by man’s standards, thinking a simple joke or teasing word is “no big deal.” Consult My Spirit, for woe be to the one whose “joke” damages the spirit of another.

Remember that I hear every word. These are My beloved creations you are speaking to, so be sure to do so with care. For anything that undermines the work of My Spirit or the identity I have given is a work of darkness. Whose kingdom would you build? So be intentional, and seek My wisdom, for it is better to hold your tongue than hurt one of My children. Continue reading “Hold Your Tongue”

Tame Your Tongue

James 3:3-4 (CSB) Now if we put bits into the mouths of horses so that they obey us, we direct their whole bodies. And consider ships: Though very large and driven by fierce winds, they are guided by a very small rudder wherever the will of the pilot directs.

Beloved, though your tongue may seem like a small muscle, it can wield more damage than the fiercest blow another could deliver. Tame it, for you are responsible for every word that departs from it. Just as those who have intentionally or thoughtlessly injured you, so you have done to others. So extend forgiveness even as you yourself need it.

Resist the urge to minimize the potential hurt your words may inflict. Remember that echoes of painful words may repeat and continue their damage for decades to come. So be slow to speak, weighing each word – seeking insight from My Spirit. Let Holy Spirit lead you rightly, and help guard your tongue that you might be known as a fountain of life. Continue reading “Tame Your Tongue”

Embrace the Endurance

Romans 5:3 (VOICE) And that’s not all. We also celebrate in seasons of suffering because we know that when we suffer we develop endurance, which shapes our characters.

Beloved, embrace the endurance that trials cultivate. Celebrate the growth to your character that times of hardship inevitably bring. Suffering is unpleasant, but refuse to allow the pain to be wasted. Instead allow it to bring forth beauty in you.

In the same way that uncomfortable pressure and heat cause carbon to become a diamond – something both beautiful and strong, so your times of testing, when embraced, can bring forth a brilliance of character that is worth the pain.  Continue reading “Embrace the Endurance”

Find Fellowship with Me

2 Corinthians 1:4 (VOICE) He consoles us as we endure the pain and hardship of life so that we may draw from His comfort and share it with others in their own struggles. 

Beloved, in the midst of pain, I AM still with you. No hardship will scare Me away. I will use each one to grow you and strengthen your character, if you will yield to Me. Draw comfort from Me. You are not alone.

And remember as you endure the sufferings, that I have endured them as well. And when you encounter betrayal, remember I have encountered it as well. And when you’re ridiculed, misjudged, and persecuted – remember, beloved, I have been too. So draw close to Me, and in the midst of trial, find fellowship with Me. Continue reading “Find Fellowship with Me”

Enjoy the Journey

Job 40:7 (VOICE) Eternal One:  Now, prepare yourself and gather your courage like a warrior. Prepare yourself for the task at hand. I’ll be asking the questions, now— you will supply the answers.

Beloved, every task I set before you is one I’ve equipped you to achieve. Resist the urge to feel overwhelmed or incapable, and rather step forward in bold confidence in Me knowing I will not lead you astray. Trust My direction, and trust Me to lead you rightly. 

Resist the urge to focus on the destination point, and instead embrace the journey – recognize it for the character-building growth experience it is. Each moment and each step is valuable – embrace each one as the gift it is. Enjoy the journey. 

Open Your Heart and Believe

Genesis 18:14 (AMP) Is anything too difficult or too wonderful for the Lord? At the appointed time, when the season [for her delivery] comes, I will return to you and Sarah will have a son.

Beloved, I AM capable of the miraculous, so stretch your faith and open your heart wider and believe. Resist the urge to only have faith in Me for the things you think I’m able to accomplish. I AM so much greater than you even know. 

Expect the unexpected. Expectation like this is an active waiting, not an entitlement. It is a joyful hope based on who you know I AM, and what you –  in faith – know Me to be capable of. I AM the God of the supernatural, so open your heart and believe.