Achieve More Together

Leviticus 26:8 (NKJV) Five of you shall chase a hundred, and a hundred of you shall put ten thousand to flight; your enemies shall fall by the sword before you.

Beloved, you achieve more together. It is beautiful to see My children operating in unity, and it brings the added blessing of greater impact for My Kingdom.

There is personal sacrifice in working together. It requires setting aside any personal agenda and instead finding mutual goals – extending grace and operating in love. From a position of humility, harmony is made easier. So choose unity. Choose multiplication and increased impact. Choose My Kingdom first, and give glory unto Me.

Embrace the Truth of Who You Are

Leviticus 2:13 (VOICE) You must salt every grain offering you bring so that the salt of your covenant with God will not be missing. You will season all of the offerings you present with salt.

Beloved, salt is essential. It is a necessary part that when missing is noticeably absent. It has a call and a purpose that is needed and undeniable. It is vital to life. 

And, beloved, you are the salt of the earth. You are essential. You are life-giving. You are necessary and have purpose. Denying any of that doesn’t change the truth. So embrace the truth of who you are, how you’ve been made, and what you’ve been called to, for only in doing so can you reach your full potential and find true fulfillment. 

Attentive for Eternity

Psalm 121:4 (TPT) He will never slumber nor sleep; he is the Guardian-God for his people, Israel.

Beloved, I AM awake day and night. Alert. Not one thing escapes My notice. I hear each prayer and petition, each offering on the altar of praise – day and night, night and day. I do not grow weary of My children, nor do I grow callus to your pleas. You are My heart’s desire, and I’m attentive for eternity. 

Refuse to let your flame grow dim, or to let your passion cool. My love for you is steadfast and ardent, unshakable and true. So as you lift your hands in worship and sing your words of praise, know I receive your sweet offerings – and will do so all My days.

Leviticus 6:13 (VOICE) The fire on the altar must burn continually; it must not be allowed to go out.

Keep the Flame on the Altar of Your Heart Burning

Leviticus 6:13 (JUB) The fire shall burn continuously upon the altar; it shall not be put out.

Beloved, there’s no wrong time to worship Me. When you’re feeling overwhelming gratitude, it’s the right time. When you’re overcome with sorrow, it’s the right time. When trials press in on all sides, it’s the right time. It’s always the right time. 

Be intentional to let nothing steal your praise. Make time to lavish Me with your affections, and let Me do so in return. Keep the flame on the altar of your heart continuously burning – may it never go out. 

YHVH El-Ashiyb (the Lord God Restorer)

Leviticus 25:10 (VOICE) When the 50th year arrives, sanctify it and declare liberty throughout the land for all who live there— dramatic, radical liberty for all. It is to be your jubilee year. Each of you is allowed to go back to the land that belonged to your ancestors; and each of you may return to your own family.

Beloved, there is dramatic, radical liberty available to all in Me. Refuse to settle for anything less. I AM YHVH El-Ashiyb – the Lord God Restorer, and I do nothing halfway. Look to Me for complete deliverance, for I AM able. 

Behold, I AM realigning things as they are supposed to be. Stand at the ready and be expectant, turn your face to Me, for I AM the God of the impossible because nothing is impossible for Me. 

Rest Well

Leviticus 25:4 (NIV) But in the seventh year the land is to have a year of sabbath rest, a sabbath to the LORD. Do not sow your fields or prune your vineyards.

Beloved, inactivity does not mean purposelessness. Rest has purpose, and it is deeply necessary. Everything I have created requires pause – room to breathe, a moment to refresh. Resist the urge to find this time wasteful. 

Just as healing often takes place below the surface and out of view of the natural eye and yet its effects become known over time, so rest brings life when rightly paired with times of activity – both are essential. So be intentional with your pauses and rest well even as you labor well. 

Sabbath Rest

Leviticus 23:3 (NLT) “You have six days each week for your ordinary work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath day of complete rest, an official day for holy assembly. It is the LORD’s Sabbath day, and it must be observed wherever you live.

Beloved, I created you and I know well your inner workings. Just as a car comes with a manual so you know how to take care of it in a way to keep it in the best condition, so I have instructed you in My Word about how you should live. I have not created this structure to exert needless control, but rather because having made you, I know what you need in order to be your best, and I have instructed you accordingly.

Resist the urge to neglect the rest you need. I have instructed you that six days you may work, but should set aside the seventh for rest. It is not wasteful to observe the sabbath. It is needful. Pause for times of refreshing in My presence. Pause for times of fellowship with the Body. Pause simply to rest. Make time for sabbath rest and see how you flourish.

Burn for Me

Leviticus 6:13 (AMP) The fire shall be burning continually on the altar; it shall not [be allowed to] go out.

Beloved, it is your responsibility to maintain and nurture the flame of worship in your heart. I cannot nor will not attempt to force you into a place of intimacy with Me. I simply invite you in. The onus rests on you to cultivate a heart that burns for Me.

So stir up the flames, beloved. Resist the pull towards complacency and choose instead to press in for more of Me. Refuse to settle for second best, for cheap counterfeits that will leave you unsatisfied and unfulfilled. I AM all you need. Choose to burn for Me.

I Receive You

Leviticus 9:24 (NLT) Fire blazed forth from the LORD’s presence and consumed the burnt offering and the fat on the altar. When the people saw this, they shouted with joy and fell face down on the ground.

Beloved, present yourself as a living offering. You are precious to Me. Whether you feel lovely or worthy matters not, simply offer Me you. Just as with offerings of old, I will send My fire – the fire of My Spirit – to consume the offering as a symbol of My acceptance. So know as you feel My fire, you are Mine – your life a fragrant offering before Me, pleasing and acceptable.

I will receive you, beloved. Hold nothing back. Grant to Me your whole heart. Give Me all of you, unreservedly. Refuse to allow fear of not being enough to hold you back, for I love My children, imperfections and all. You are enough when you give Me all of you. I receive you. I accept you. You are Mine. Continue reading “I Receive You”

I AM Worth Your Extravagant Offering

Romans 12:1 (VOICE) Brothers and sisters, in light of all I have shared with you about God’s mercies, I urge you to offer your bodies as a living and holy sacrifice to God, a sacred offering that brings Him pleasure; this is your reasonable, essential worship.

Beloved, you are a living sacrifice – beautiful and pleasing to Me. Poured out before Me and the sweet aroma of your worship is like incense before My throne. You dance among the flames of My presence, arms lifted high in reverent praise. I cannot look away for you have captivated My gaze. Behold you are beautiful My love – altogether lovely!

Your sacrifice is extravagant – a surrendered heart – and so worthy for I accept nothing less. You give your best to Me just as I give and have given My best to you. Ensconced in our love. Passionate and true. Ever burning like a jealous flame, My heart is steadfast to you. So pour it out beloved, your heart – your worship- isn’t wasted. I AM worth your extravagant offering. I AM consuming you. Continue reading “I AM Worth Your Extravagant Offering”