Walk in Wisdom

Proverbs 3:17-18 (TPT) The ways of wisdom are sweet, always drawing you into the place of wholeness. Seeking for her brings the discovery of untold blessings, for she is the healing tree of life to those who taste her fruits.

Beloved, seek fast after wisdom and ask Me for it, for I will not withhold it. But remember that seeking and having wisdom is only part of the journey. Implementing that wisdom and making decisions based on it is essential as well. 

For as you walk in wisdom, blessing overtakes you. It draws you into a place of wholeness. And from that place of completeness, you are able to effectively pour out to others. So seek wisdom. Ask for it. Then walk in wisdom that you might be blessed and be a blessing.  Continue reading “Walk in Wisdom”

The Pleasure of Knowing Me

Psalm 105:3 (VOICE) Revel in His holy name. May the hearts of the people who seek the Eternal celebrate and experience great joy.

Beloved, take great pleasure in knowing who I AM – in knowing My character, in knowing My name. I AM steadfast and everlasting – unchanging and fully reliable. I AM your true north – the One who gives you both stability and direction, so look to Me.

Seek Me with great fervor, and understand My worth. Take joy in both the pursuit and the times of intimacy. Remember the whole of the journey is of value, not simply the destination points along the way. Take time to experience the great joy of relationship with Me.

Relentlessly Pursue the Mystery of Me

Job 36:26 (GW) Certainly, God is so great that he is beyond our understanding. The number of his years cannot be counted.

Beloved, seek out My mysteries. Continually seek to plumb My depths. Simply because I AM so great I defy full understanding doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try. There is much beauty both in knowing Me and the pursuit of doing so. And though you might seek Me all of your days, there will always be more of Me to ferret out. 

So endeavor to know Me, the unknowable God. Seek to understand, and refrain from wrongly judging Me in moments you do not comprehend My ways. I AM omnipotent and all-knowing. I AM also merciful and good, slow to anger and long suffering. Trust My character, and relentlessly pursue the mystery of Me. Continue reading “Relentlessly Pursue the Mystery of Me”

Connect to Me

John 1:51 (NLT) Then he said, “I tell you the truth, you will all see heaven open and the angels of God going up and down on the Son of Man, the one who is the stairway between heaven and earth.”

Beloved, I AM the way. Follow Me. All of heaven and earth lie before Me, and nothing is hidden from My eye. Connect yourself to Me, and open yourself to the things of Me. There is so much more accessible than you could begin to imagine – so grab hold. 

Through Me, dead are raised. Through Me, blind eyes see. Through Me, lame can walk. Through Me, the broken are healed, those in bondage are set free, those who weep are comforted, and so much more. I open the heavens, and through Me heaven touches earth – the supernatural becoming natural. So connect to Me.

Unrelenting Heartfelt Pursuit

Psalm 63:1 (TPT) O God of my life, I’m lovesick for you in this weary wilderness. I thirst with the deepest longings to love you more, with cravings in my heart that can’t be described. Such yearning grips my soul for you, my God!

Beloved, be tenacious in your pursuit of Me. Be relentless in the chase. Have no worries, I’ll most certainly allow Myself to be caught, but I enjoy the efforts put forth in the pursuit. 

So let your actions declare Me worthy of the efforts. Let your actions align with the words recited in song. Saying I AM worthy isn’t enough, beloved, show those sentiments to be true through your actions: unrelenting heartfelt pursuit.  Continue reading “Unrelenting Heartfelt Pursuit”

YHVH Tsidkenu (the Lord your Righteousness)

Proverbs 2:7 (VOICE) He has stored up the essentials of sound wisdom for those who do right; He acts as a shield for those who value integrity.

Beloved, I AM the righteous One – YHVH Tsidkenu, the Lord your righteousness, and I value integrity. I have wisdom and insight stored up for those who seek to walk uprightly. And to those who treat with honor that which they’ve been given, more will be bestowed. 

So seek My face and choose to act rightly – according to My definition, not what seems right to the eyes of men or to your own heart. Rather seek Me and know My ways, then walk in them. And know that as you seek to walk with Me, I will make your pathway sure. 

Dance of Sweet Intimacy

Psalm 63:4 (TPT) Daily I will worship you passionately and with all my heart. My arms will wave to you like banners of praise.

Beloved, lift up your arms as banners of praise. Give a wave offering unto Me. Hold nothing back. Pour yourself out like a drink offering – precious and sweet – before My throne of grace, holy unto Me. 

Press in, beloved. Come in closer. There is more for you here. So much more of Me for you to know. This is the dance of sweet intimacy as I draw you forever nearer. Come deeper into My heart, beloved, for it is ever true. 

Dwell in My Beauty

Psalm 27:4 (VOICE) I am pleading with the Eternal for this one thing, my soul’s desire: To live with Him all of my days— in the shadow of His temple, To behold His beauty and ponder His ways in the company of His people.

Beloved, embrace the sweet privilege of unhindered access to Me. In the same way that you would deeply feel the honor of being invited to spend time with a president or king, even more so with the King of Kings. 

Resist the urge to allow the familiarity of unfettered access to breed a devaluing of the gift you’ve been given of intimate relationship with Me. Magnify Me. See Me as I AM. Sit in awe at the depth of love and favor I’ve bestowed upon you. Dwell in My beauty, beloved, and embrace the gift you’ve been given.  Continue reading “Dwell in My Beauty”

Grab Hold

Luke 8:43-44 (TPT) In the crowd that day was a woman who had suffered greatly for twelve years from slow bleeding. Even though she had spent all that she had on healers, she was still suffering. Pressing in through the crowd, she came up behind Jesus and touched the tassel of his prayer shawl. Instantly her bleeding stopped and she was healed.

Beloved, touch the hem of My garment. Reach for Me and be made whole. There is healing in My wings and life within My touch. Grab on to Me and stay close. 

Just as the woman with the issue of blood drew life as she grabbed hold, so My life giving flow is ready and available for those who reach for Me today. So grab hold, beloved. Grab hold. 

Contend. Refuse to be discouraged. Resist the urge to turn back. Seek Me while I may be found, and grab hold. Wrestle – like Jacob and the angel, and refuse to let go until I bless you. Grab hold. 

The Spirit and the Bride Say Come

Revelation 22:17 (TPT) “Come,” says the Holy Spirit and the Bride in divine duet. Let everyone who hears this duet join them in saying, “Come.” Let everyone gripped with spiritual thirst say, “Come.” And let everyone who craves the gift of living water come and drink it freely. “It is my gift to you! Come.”

Beloved, the earth is groaning. And those with ears to hear know the urgency and the cadence like a heartbeat of the Spirit and the Bride saying, “Come!” Over and over the cry continues, “Come!”

As you join in with the the voices – both aloud and in your hearts and spirits as the cry resounds, “Come!” Drink deeply of the water of life. Be saturated even as you cry for more. Let the deep wells of spiritual desire be filled to overflowing as your heart continues the echo, “Come!”