The Spirit and the Bride Say Come

Revelation 22:17 (TPT) “Come,” says the Holy Spirit and the Bride in divine duet. Let everyone who hears this duet join them in saying, “Come.” Let everyone gripped with spiritual thirst say, “Come.” And let everyone who craves the gift of living water come and drink it freely. “It is my gift to you! Come.”

Beloved, the earth is groaning. And those with ears to hear know the urgency and the cadence like a heartbeat of the Spirit and the Bride saying, “Come!” Over and over the cry continues, “Come!”

As you join in with the the voices – both aloud and in your hearts and spirits as the cry resounds, “Come!” Drink deeply of the water of life. Be saturated even as you cry for more. Let the deep wells of spiritual desire be filled to overflowing as your heart continues the echo, “Come!”

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