I AM the Lover of Your Soul

Song of Solomon 8:6 (VOICE) Set me as a seal over your heart; wear me as an emblem on your arm For love is as strong as death, and jealousy is as relentless as the grave. Love flares up like a blazing fire, a very ardent flame.

Beloved, be overcome with devotion for Me. I AM the lover of your soul, the One your heart desires – the only One who can truly fulfill you. Hunger for Me, as I ardently burn for you. Nothing can diminish My love for you, and let nothing dampen your fiery passion for Me.

Wear My love like a brand – a mark clearly identifying you as belonging to Me. For you do. And nothing can break that covenant connection. Let the world see and know, for I will not share your affections, beloved. You have given yourself to Me, so you are indeed Mine.

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