Be Vigilant

Matthew 26:41 (ASV) Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.

Beloved, stay alert. Keep your spiritual eyes open and attentive. Then allow My Spirit to move you based on what you’ve seen, that you might know how to pray. Resist the urge to rely on your natural senses, for they are limited and create bias. 

Instead be vigilant in the spirit – be open to what you’re “seeing” and sensing. Then pray. For, beloved, I have called you to a lifestyle of prayer. So be intentional to continually stay in communion with Me as you bring petitions before My throne.

Burn Brightly

Revelation 2:4 (TPT) But I have this against you: you have abandoned the passionate love you had for me at the beginning.

Beloved, refuse to allow your flame to dim. And if you find your passion for Me is naught but smoldering embers, stir them up to roaring flames. Ask Me to blow on your embers and ignite you to flame. Seek Me as one who is suffocating seeks breath. Knock and be persistent in your pursuit. Refuse to be waylaid or derailed.

Burn brightly, My love. Hold fast to your first love, quickly seeking to regain it if you see your passion dimmed. I will settle for nothing less than your whole heart, and I will offer you nothing less than all of Mine. I AM worthy of your best. Refuse to hold back. Refuse to mute your passion so as not to offend someone else, or be concerned that you will draw attention to their own waning blaze. Burn, and burn brightly. Continue reading “Burn Brightly”

Heart Treasures

Matthew 6:21 (TPT) For your heart will always pursue what you value as your treasure.

Beloved, look at where you spend your time, energy, and resources, for that is what you treasure. And though it’s easy to try to deceive yourself about your focus, those things don’t lie. Allow them to reveal truth.

If you find your focus is spent on temporal things, resist the urge to be hard on yourself and simply readjust your focus. Often pursuing the things of the Kingdom is a thankless job. But remember that I see you, and let that be enough. May your heart treasure that which I hold dear. Continue reading “Heart Treasures”

Build a Lasting Legacy

Matthew 6:20 (TPT) Instead, stockpile heavenly treasures  for yourselves that cannot be stolen and will never rust, decay, or lose their value.

Beloved, leave a legacy – a legacy of love. Reflect My love that all those you come in contact with might know Me. Love well and without restraint that they might know My love. Focus on consistently staying in a place of love. Refuse to allow anything to hinder your ability to pour it out, for it is desperately-needed hope to many you will meet. You may never know the impact your love has. 

So focus on being filled with My love that you might be an overflowing vessel – able to pour out to those around you in abundance. In that way, beloved, you will leave a rich legacy – one that cannot rot or be stolen. So love and love well. Build a lasting legacy. Continue reading “Build a Lasting Legacy”

Cultivate That Which Endures

Matthew 6:19 (TPT) Don’t keep hoarding for yourselves earthly treasures that can be stolen by thieves. Material wealth eventually rusts, decays, and loses its value.

Beloved, resist the temptation to waste your time and resources on things that will fade away. Though in your earthly circumstance, things in the natural may feel solid and strong – they may seem to have permanence, remember that they do not. 

Worldly possessions are temporal. Even if they aren’t stolen and don’t fade or break during your time with them on earth, they cannot follow you on to heaven. So cultivate that which endures, and keep your eyes fixed on My Kingdom. Continue reading “Cultivate That Which Endures”

Turn Your Faith into the Currency of Prayer

Mark 11:24 (TPT) This is the reason I urge you to boldly believe for whatever you ask for in prayer—believe that you have received it and it will be yours.

Beloved, turn your faith into the currency of prayer. Ask, seek, and knock. The door will be opened to you. So align yourself with Me, and immerse yourself in Me. Meditate on My Word. Know My heart and trust Me to know yours. 

From that place of intimacy – in the beauty of being known, recognize that the more time you spend with Me, the more your desires align with Mine. And as you pray and petition, you begin reiterating My desires back to Me, and we work together as one – expanding My Kingdom.  Continue reading “Turn Your Faith into the Currency of Prayer”

Step Out of the Boat

Matthew 14:27 (TPT) Then Jesus said, “Be brave and don’t be afraid. I am here!”

Beloved, resist the urge to succumb to fear, for I AM always with you. Shore up your courage, and trust in Me. Take My hand and step out of the boat – step out of your safe and familiar circumstances, and trust that though you walk into the unknown (and sometimes even seemingly impossible), I AM strengthening you with My right hand of power. 

I have you in My grip and will never let you go. Keep your eyes on Me, and move ahead. Withstand the onslaught of fear, and refuse to cower in the face of challenges. Persevere with Holy Spirit empowered strength, and step into all I have for you. Behold I AM calling, beloved. Step out of the boat. Continue reading “Step Out of the Boat”

Trust Your Heart to Me

Matthew 6:26 (VOICE) Look at the birds in the sky. They do not store food for winter. They don’t plant gardens. They do not sow or reap—and yet, they are always fed because your heavenly Father feeds them. And you are even more precious to Him than a beautiful bird. If He looks after them, of course He will look after you.

Beloved, My tender care is apparent for all to see, and you are precious to Me. I never miss a thing – I AM mindful of details – nothing is beneath My notice. Will you receive from Me? Extend your hand, beloved, and accept what I have for you – even if it isn’t what you expected or hoped for. Trust in Me and in My goodness.

My thoughts toward you are good thoughts, so while you may not understand My actions, you can rest in the knowledge I AM good. I AM faithful and unerringly careful with your heart. Trust it in My capable hands.

Boldness Empowered by Faith

Proverbs 30:30 (VOICE) The lion, which is the strongest of the animals, does not back down from any other creature;

Beloved, be bold without apology. Standing fast may not be popular, but consider whose approval you seek. I will sustain you in trials, and embolden you in times of resistance. “Be wise as serpents and gentle as doves.”

Be like a courageous lion, undaunted by opposition and fully confident. My Spirit within you will sustain you. In the same way that courage doesn’t have to come from a place of fearlessness, but rather a willingness to act regardless of fear, so godly boldness is empowered by faith, not perfection or human chutzpah.

Simply be firmly rooted in Me. Be tuned into My Holy Spirit for direction. And trust My leading enough to step out when directed. In the end, the opinions of man are meaningless, so focus yourself on the things of the Kingdom, which are everlasting. Continue reading “Boldness Empowered by Faith”

Boldness Birthed in the Quiet Place

Acts 4:31 (AMP) And when they had prayed, the place where they were meeting together was shaken [a sign of God’s presence]; and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak the word of God with boldness and courage.

Beloved, boldness is birthed in the quiet place. Godly boldness doesn’t come from being brash or needing to be the center of attention. It is birthed in a place of yielded humility – one of beautiful intimacy with Me. 

In intimacy, My nature is increasingly revealed. And as I’m known, faith in Me is the result. And from that firm foundation of faith, grows a holy boldness that is earth-shaking. When I meet with My children, they cannot help but be changed. And those who have been radically changed cannot keep it to themselves because such truth is too beautiful not to share. 

So meet with Me. Yield in humility. Allow Me to shake you – to realign you and empower you for My good work. Then watch what I will do through you as we change the world together.  Continue reading “Boldness Birthed in the Quiet Place”