Be Wise of Speech

Proverbs 12:18 (VOICE) Thoughtless words cut deeply like a thrusting sword, but the speech of the wise is a healing balm.

Beloved, be wise of speech, choosing each word with intentionality. Speak from an understanding that each word is a seed you are depositing – it will bring forth either life or death. So be deliberate what harvest you hope to reap, and sow accordingly.

Resist the urge to surrender to momentary emotions by venting hurtful words that may maim for years to come. Instead let hard words be chosen with care that they might break that they can bind, so healing can blossom forth. Speak life, and do so with love. Let your words reflect Me and My heart. Continue reading “Be Wise of Speech”

I Wield My Power with Wisdom

Psalm 18:12 (TPT) Suddenly the brilliance of his presence broke through with lightning bolts and with a mighty storm from heaven— like a tempest dropping coals of fire.

Beloved, I AM able to bring dramatic and instantaneous breakthrough. In the same way that lightning rapidly and powerfully strikes – bringing immediate change and intensity, so I AM able to move quickly and with extreme power.

Trust Me to wield that power with wisdom. Simply because I do not move in your timing doesn’t mean I’m unable to do so. It just means My plans are different than yours. Beloved, choose to trust My plans. Breakthrough will come in My perfect timing. Trust Me. Continue reading “I Wield My Power with Wisdom”

Attiyq Youm (the Ancient of Days)

Daniel 2:23 (VOICE) I recognize who You are, and I praise You, God of my ancestors, for You have given me wisdom and strength…

Beloved, I AM Attiyq Youm, the Ancient of Days. I have forever been and will forever be. I AM. I have created you. My fingerprints are on the very fiber of your being. Your soul and spirit know and recognize Me instinctively. Give praise for you are indeed fearfully and wonderfully made.

As you ask Me for wisdom, I freely supply it. So ask, beloved, and be ready and willing to listen when I respond. For only a fool would ask a question only to leave before hearing an answer. So quiet your heart, and make room for Me to speak. Then walk in the wisdom you have been given. Continue reading “Attiyq Youm (the Ancient of Days)”

Gelah Raz (the Revealer of Mysteries)

Daniel 2:22 (VOICE) He reveals deep truths and hidden secrets; He knows what lies veiled in the darkness; pure light radiates from within Him.

Beloved, seek Me and come prepared to explore. Boundless revelation is at My fingertips, and nothing is hidden from Me. Walk in My light of truth – absorb the warmth of its rays. No darkness can hide from Me, for darkness cannot combat light – it simply must surrender.

So stand with Me, and allow Me and the light of My love and countenance to illuminate that which was previously hidden in darkness and obscurity. Then allow seeing with new eyes and understanding by My Spirit to completely change the way you act and think.

But know, beloved, that to whom much is given, much is also required. So walk in the fullness of this increased wisdom and revelation with sobriety and circumspection. As you walk in the light, reflect the light, and move in love and grace. Continue reading “Gelah Raz (the Revealer of Mysteries)”

El Olam (the Everlasting God)

Daniel 2:20 (VOICE) Daniel: Praise the name of God forever and ever, for all wisdom and power belong to Him.

Beloved, I AM El Olam, the everlasting God. I AM sovereign, and I AM King. All power and authority rest in My hands. So who could you turn to for wisdom or understanding that would be more capable than I AM? No one, for there is none in heaven or on earth whose understanding exceeds Mine.

Seek Me. Focus on Me. Praise and give glory to Me. Do so not out of a sense of obligation, but simply as joyous overflow. From generation to generation I AM faithful, so simply rest in Me. Stay firmly rooted in your faith, for you know unquestionably who I AM. Look to Me, beloved, and watch Me move. Continue reading “El Olam (the Everlasting God)”

Hold Your Tongue

James 3:5 (CSB) So too, though the tongue is a small part of the body, it boasts great things. Consider how a small fire sets ablaze a large forest.

Beloved, remember that even a small spark can start a forest fire that devastates thousands of acres. Resist the urge to judge by man’s standards, thinking a simple joke or teasing word is “no big deal.” Consult My Spirit, for woe be to the one whose “joke” damages the spirit of another.

Remember that I hear every word. These are My beloved creations you are speaking to, so be sure to do so with care. For anything that undermines the work of My Spirit or the identity I have given is a work of darkness. Whose kingdom would you build? So be intentional, and seek My wisdom, for it is better to hold your tongue than hurt one of My children. Continue reading “Hold Your Tongue”

Cultivate an Atmosphere of Peace

James 3:18 (NLT) And those who are peacemakers will plant seeds of peace and reap a harvest of righteousness.

Beloved, do more than simply walk in godly wisdom – cultivate it in those around you. Encourage them to bear fruit. Work together to walk in unity. Be intentional to inspire one another to pursue righteousness. Allow joy to be your strength, and share one another’s burdens.

For truly the Body of Christ is called to live in peace and love. You are called to strengthen one another and encourage one another towards that which is good. Create an atmosphere of peace. Reflect Me – YHVH Shalom, the Lord your peace. For living in this manner is the greatest testimony you can share and it is achieved without a word. Continue reading “Cultivate an Atmosphere of Peace”

Simply Reflect Me

James 3:17 (NLT) But the wisdom from above is first of all pure. It is also peace loving, gentle at all times, and willing to yield to others. It is full of mercy and good deeds. It shows no favoritism and is always sincere.

Beloved, the fruit of true wisdom is sweet. It is easily recognizable, and tastes of Me. It is pure and cultivates harmony. It builds up and encourages that which is good. It is founded in truth and My Word. It isn’t self-seeking or unkind. It’s merciful, and encourages goodness.

Those who walk in this wisdom, seek to understand. They listen well – to men and to Me. They embrace that which is right, and inspire righteousness and mercy. They refuse to walk in judgment, but rather from a heart of love they seek to bring all into alignment with Me. They are genuine, and walk in sincerity. Their ultimate goal is to simply reflect Me. Continue reading “Simply Reflect Me”

Demonstrate Godly Wisdom

James 3:13 (NLT) If you are wise and understand God’s ways, prove it by living an honorable life, doing good works with the humility that comes from wisdom.

Beloved, lead by example, but do so as one who knows My ways that you may not lead others astray. Walk in righteousness – fully aligned with My Word. Do good and love well. Be a person of humility, and one who walks in honor.

See with My eyes and be lead by My Spirit. Be kind and long suffering. May you extend patience beyond even that which you’d hope to receive. Let all this fruit demonstrate your godly wisdom to choose to walk with Me. Continue reading “Demonstrate Godly Wisdom”

Listen with a Hearing Heart

1 Kings 3:12 (VOICE) I will honor your request. I have planted the deepest human wisdom into your heart. There has never been nor will there ever be a man like you.

Beloved, I listen. I hear every word spoken, and I weigh the value of each. That is an element of wisdom. And are you not made in My image? Therefore, you should do likewise. Listen well, and examine the truth and the value of that which is said.

For I have given you wisdom, and will grant you insight – if you make that your request. Seek to understand. Seek to be just. Exercise wisdom. Listen with a hearing heart. Be like Me.