Step Forward in Gratitude

Psalm 126:2-3 (VOICE) Our mouths were filled with laughter; our tongues were spilling over into song. The word went out across the prairies and deserts, across the hills, over the oceans wide, from nation to nation: “The Eternal has done remarkable things for them.” We shook our heads. All of us were stunned— the Eternal has done remarkable things for us. We were beyond happy, beyond joyful.

Beloved, regardless of what comes your way, step forward in gratitude. Remember all that I have done in your life, and stay in a place of perpetual thanksgiving. Dayenu (which means it is sufficient). What I have done – and if I never do more, is enough.

Keep your eyes and heart filled with the blessings that come from Me. You are alive, for I have given you breath. You are loved, for I call you My own. For the many blessings I have given, without expectation of more even as you know more will come, give thanks to the One who has bestowed them. For I AM God alone.

Note: this Prophetic Nugget was featured on a Lunchtime Live on the Dyed4you Ministries Facebook page. You can watch a recording of the livestream by visiting: Lunchtime Live: Embracing Gratitude

Step Out and Call on Me

Psalm 120:1-2 (VOICE) When I was in deep trouble, I called out to the Eternal, and He answered my call. I prayed: “Protect me, Eternal, from lips that lie and tongues poisoned with deceit.”

Beloved, when trouble comes from every side, resist the urge to defend yourself. Instead call on Me, for I AM your defender and the place of your deliverance. I AM your strong tower – your refuge in the storm.

Look to Me, for I AM your very present help in times of trouble. So rest in Me, YHVH Yeshua – the Lord your Salvation, for I AM the One who saves. So step out and call on Me, for I AM God.

Trials Fade in Light of Knowing Me

Song of Songs 8:7 (TPT) …Endless floods will be unable to quench this raging fire that burns within you. Everything will be consumed. It will stop at nothing as you yield everything to this furious fire until it won’t even seem to you like a sacrifice anymore.

Beloved, the beauty of My Kingdom is that even loss is gain. From sacrifice, blessing emerges, and from trials come forth strength. So even as you yield to Me and the refining from My holy fire burns hot, soon the beauty of the flame and the glory it brings forth far outweigh the sacrifice.

In choosing Me, you are declaring I AM worthy. So you have offered yourself as a living sacrifice – a sweet aroma before Me. I have received you, and accepted you as My very own. And just as the pain of childbirth dims as the beauty of motherhood comes forth, so the pain and the trials fade in light of knowing and loving Me. Continue reading “Trials Fade in Light of Knowing Me”

Be Set Aflame

Song of Songs 8:6-7 (TPT) …Place this fierce, unrelenting fire over your entire being. Rivers of pain and persecution will never extinguish this flame. Endless floods will be unable to quench this raging fire that burns within you…

Beloved, allow My holy fire to overtake you. For as you walk through My refining, My zealous passion is deposited within you and you are set aflame. That fire burns bright and true, for you are holy and set apart for Me.

Be set aflame. Welcome My holy fire, and embrace the trials that refine you. Be holy as I AM holy. Let your life be a living testament to the Jealous God who loves you. For truly you are My beloved one, and your unquenchable passion to be further and further refined glorifies Me. Continue reading “Be Set Aflame”

You are an Overcomer

Micah 7:8 (CSB) Do not rejoice over me, my enemy! Though I have fallen, I will stand up; though I sit in darkness, the LORD will be my light.

Beloved, in the moments you feel down, remember that you will most assuredly rise again. And as the darkness seems to overwhelm, remember My daylight always comes. For I AM YHVH El-Ashiyb – the Lord God Restorer, and I bring forth life from death. Behold, I make all things new.

Rest in Me. Trust that no matter how dark and dismal things may seem, I AM with you and I AM moving. For I AM the God of the impossible, for with Me nothing is impossible. You are an overcomer, beloved. So stand strong in Me.

Be Rooted in Hope

Romans 5:4 (VOICE) …When our characters are refined, we learn what it means to hope and anticipate God’s goodness.

Beloved, refuse to lose hope – even if the trials seem endless. Trust, and be rooted in faith, for you know who I AM, and you know My character, so anticipate My goodness. For I AM a good Father, and I love My children.

Let hope become your weapon, and make praise your battle cry. May My Word be your foundation, and may My Spirit lead you on. I AM the King of victory, and My heirs align with Me. So refuse to settle for anything less than My divine peace, for it is your legacy. Continue reading “Be Rooted in Hope”

Rise to the Challenge

Romans 5:3-4 (VOICE) …We also celebrate in seasons of suffering because we know that when we suffer we develop endurance, which shapes our characters…

Beloved, embrace trials with joy knowing growth comes in its midst. Refuse to be reluctant and drag the unpleasantness out, but rather trust your heart to My care. Take hold of My hand, for I will see you through.

Allow Me to develop your character. For like a diamond formed under intense pressure, so tribulations can bring forth shining beauty in you if you cling to Me in the process. So rise to the challenge. Be strengthened and beautified through the hardships that come. Beloved, hide yourself in Me. Continue reading “Rise to the Challenge”

Nothing is Too Hard for Me

Psalm 126:3 (VOICE) We shook our heads. All of us were stunned— the Eternal has done remarkable things for us. We were beyond happy, beyond joyful.

Beloved, I AM El Shaddai – God Almighty, and nothing is too hard for Me. So when the tears and rain may come, know that no situation or circumstance is beyond My ability to bring forth good. So wait, watch, and trust in Me. 

I AM faithful from generation to generation, and with Me nothing is impossible. I AM true to My word – I keep My promises. Be ready and expectant. Stand fast in hope. Know that I can and will move. And though it may not be in the way you expect, trust Me to be working all things for good. For I AM God. Continue reading “Nothing is Too Hard for Me”

Wait and Trust

Psalm 126:5 (VOICE) Those who walk the fields to sow, casting their seed in tears, will one day tread those same long rows, amazed by what’s appeared.

Beloved, though the days and nights of trial feel endless, stand fast and cling to hope. For in a time not too far off, you will stand amazed by the beauty that lies where the ashes once were. For I bring forth life from death, just as a seed – dry and dormant – is sown and brings forth fruit. 

So wait and trust. Resist the urge to battle and rage, and instead look to Me in the midst of your storm. Find My gaze and hold it. Just as keeping your eyes on the horizon calms sea sickness, so holding My gaze will steady you in the midst of turmoil. So cling to Me and the hope of who I AM. Trust and wait, beloved. Wait and trust.  Continue reading “Wait and Trust”

I AM Good

Psalm 56:10 (TPT) I trust in the Lord. And I praise him! I trust in the Word of God. And I praise him!

Beloved, in the midst of trials, hold fast to that which you know is true: I AM good. That fact remains unchanging. Difficulties are not a sign that I’m cruel or uncaring. Hardships are simply a part of life. 

But I AM with you always. I stand by you – to comfort and to guide you – in good times and in bad. Trust in Me. Resist the urge to blame or accuse Me, for I AM loving and I AM good. And I will bring forth beauty from ashes, so wait for it and rest in Me.