The Apple of My Eye

Psalm 17:8 (VOICE) Keep close watch over me as the apple of Your eye; shelter me in the shadow of Your wings.

Beloved, just as you are pained if someone injures the pupil of your eye, so do I feel every hurt and wound you experience. For you are the apple of My eye – My beloved one, My focus, and I care for you more than you could begin to comprehend.

Though trials will surely come – for they always do – know that the shelter of My wings is always there for you to turn to. I AM steadfast and I AM faithful, and My love continues from generation to generation without end. So rest, knowing I AM watching over you and I AM with you, for you are Mine. Continue reading “The Apple of My Eye”

Keenly Attuned

Psalm 17:6 (VOICE) I am crying aloud to You, O True God, for I long to know Your answer. Hear me, O God. Hear my plea. Hear my prayer for help.

Beloved, I AM keenly attuned to your voice. I don’t miss one utterance that falls from your lips. I know you so well that I don’t miss even your unspoken heart cries. I hear them all. I AM always ready and I AM always listening.

In the same way a good parent would not sit back and watch as their child struggled and drowned, know that I too am keenly attentive to your every need, so you don’t have to beg for My help or My attention – I give it freely. I listen to each whisper, and anticipate every need. So trust that I AM with you and that I will never leave.

Psalm 17:5-8 (VOICE) I will press on —moving steadfastly forward along Your path. I will not look back. I will not stumble. I am crying aloud to You, O True God, for I long to know Your answer. Hear me, O God. Hear my plea. Hear my prayer for help. Put Your marvelous love on display for all to see. Liberator of those who long for shelter beside You, set them safely away from their enemies, ever welcomed by grace. Keep close watch over me as the apple of Your eye; shelter me in the shadow of Your wings.

Note: this Prophetic Nugget was featured on a Lunchtime Live on the Dyed4you Ministries Facebook page. You can watch a recording of the livestream by visiting: Lunchtime Live: Mercy

You are My Defender {Moments with God}

{I declare in my heart} When my heart is wounded, and when I’m in despair, I will fix my eyes upon You and hold fast to Your hand of grace. And when I stand accused, and when my integrity is questioned, I will trust my honor and reputation in Your very capable hands. For I know that I can trust You, and that I’m safe within Your arms. I know there’s been times You’ve been the one accused, and so You know just how I feel. So I will choose to rest in Your embrace, no matter what comes my way. For You are my defender, and so in You will I wait.

Psalm 59:1 (NET) Deliver me from my enemies, my God! Protect me from those who attack me!

Psalm 18:1 (GNT) How I love you, Lord! You are my defender.

Faithful to Provide a Way Through

Psalm 121:3-4 (TPT) He will guard and guide me, never letting me stumble or fall. God is my keeper; he will never forget nor ignore me. He will never slumber nor sleep; he is the Guardian-God for his people, Israel.

Beloved, I never stop watching out for you. I never look away, never take a break. And though I won’t always take you around hardships, I AM faithful to provide a way through. Like Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego who weren’t kept from the fiery furnace, but they were given a way through (Daniel 3), so I will be faithful to lead you.

Put your hand in Mine, and follow My lead. I AM your port in any storm, your rest in the midst of turmoil, your grace in the midst of chaos. I AM faithful and I AM steadfast, beloved, so put your hope in Me. Continue reading “Faithful to Provide a Way Through”

Strength Comes from Me

Psalm 121:1-2 (TPT) I look up to the mountains and hills, longing for God’s help. But then I realize that our true help and protection come only from the Lord, our Creator who made the heavens and the earth.

Beloved, resist the urge to look for strength in earthly things. Instead look to Me – the Maker of heaven and earth. Who is above Me? Who could stand in victory against Me? I AM your strength and your salvation, your strong tower and your rock of refuge. And though I may work through earthly things to achieve My end, remember their strength comes from Me alone.

Rest assured even as you cling fast to My hand. You’ve no need to be anxious or afraid, for you are Mine and I provide for My children. So yield to Me with joyous ease as you trust Me and My plans. For I AM faithful, and worthy of your trust. Continue reading “Strength Comes from Me”

I Understand You Completely

Psalm 139:15 (VOICE) You see all things; nothing about me was hidden from You As I took shape in secret, carefully crafted in the heart of the earth before I was born from its womb.

Beloved, I’ve been with you for each moment of your life, and I’ll be with you for all the remaining ones too. Every memory that has marked you, I’ve experienced with you. And I don’t stand by as an impartial observer at a distance – I AM right there with you. I share tears when moments have been painful, and share joy in times of blessing. I understand you completely, often even when you don’t understand yourself.

I know each trigger you struggle with, and which wound it comes from. I know which wounds have been reinforced time and again, which also means I understand why you struggle with broken patterns that are part of your defense system. I’m not shocked by them, nor do I judge you for them. Rather I stand patiently with you, ready to support and comfort you in times of need (even if there’s many) and ready bring you through to a place of healing (though the process may be long). I love you, and you are worth the effort – so much so that to Me it seems no effort at all because I love you. Continue reading “I Understand You Completely”

Trust My Perspective

Psalm 91:13-14 (AMP) You will tread upon the lion and cobra; The young lion and the serpent you will trample underfoot. “Because he set his love on Me, therefore I will save him; I will set him [securely] on high, because he knows My name [he confidently trusts and relies on Me, knowing I will never abandon him, no, never].

Beloved, even as you walk through the times of trouble and things that threaten your safety, still I AM in your midst. I hold you securely both in good times and bad – in easy and in challenging, I AM with you through it all. So resist the urge to fear or to react rather than respond from a place of peace and love.

My love casts out all fear, and the understanding of who I AM (and who I have made you to be) lift you above circumstance. As you rest in the knowledge that any challenge you encounter is one I will lead you through, you can be at peace regardless of outcome. You are spiritual creatures, so refuse to allow the physical to be your only focus and instead trust My perspective, which sees all. Continue reading “Trust My Perspective”

I AM Your Portion

Psalm 84:7 (TPT) They grow stronger and stronger with every step forward, and the God of all gods will appear before them in Zion.

Beloved, the more you press in towards Me and pursue Me with relentless intent, the greater your strength will be. For true strength is found in Me, and when you seek Me with your whole heart, I always allow Myself to be found. 

So set your mind on Me, and on the things of My Kingdom. Trust that I AM all you need. For I AM your portion, and your inheritance is in Me. Bask in the wealth of that reality, for I AM more than enough. Even the darkest day is as sunrise when you walk hand in hand with Me. Continue reading “I AM Your Portion”

I AM Able to Bring Forth

Psalm 84:6 (TPT) Even when their paths wind through the dark valley of tears, they dig deep to find a pleasant pool where others find only pain. He gives to them a brook of blessing filled from the rain of an outpouring.

Beloved, I never leave you. Even in the dark moments when troubles press from every side, I AM with you. I bring beauty for ashes and give you joy from mourning, so look to Me to bring blessing even in the midst of pain.

I AM fully able to do far beyond what you can imagine. This doesn’t mean trials will never come, it only assures you I AM able to bring forth something worthwhile even from the most challenging circumstance. So look to Me, and wait for the showers of blessings to fall. Continue reading “I AM Able to Bring Forth”

Let Your Roots Go Deep

Psalm 84:2 (TPT) …When I’m near you my heart and my soul will sing and worship with my joyful songs of you, my true source and spring of life!

Beloved, I AM the vine and you are the branches. I AM your source of life, and apart from Me you cannot flourish. So let your roots go deep, and satisfy your thirst. Feed on Me and on My Word – allow Me to sustain you and bring increase.

Rejoice in the life I give you, for even in the hardships there is beauty – you have but to look to see My hand at work. I AM ever working for your benefit, and for the Kingdom. Trust Me, and bring forth praise. Continue reading “Let Your Roots Go Deep”