Faithful to the Generations 

Psalm 103:17 (VOICE) But the unfailing love of the Eternal is always and eternal for those who reverently run after Him. He extends His justice on and on to future generations,

Beloved, pursue Me. Fix your eyes and stay on course. My love for you never stops, it knows no bounds. I AM a God of justice. I make wrong things right. I extend mercy to those who love Me, and to their children and their children’s children. I AM faithful.

Pursue Me wholeheartedly. Never losing focus or being taken off track. Run the race victoriously, trusting that your Prize is well worth the effort. For I AM. I AM worth the effort. I AM worth the pursuit. I AM worthy. Period. love Me because I first loved you.

God of Justice (Elohiym Mishpat)

Psalm 37:28 (VOICE) “Because the Eternal cherishes justice and will not abandon those loyal to Him…”

Beloved, I am a God of justice. Even My name is justice. For behold, I will see the good rightly divided from the evil, and the righteous rightly divided from the wicked, and I AM righteousness itself!  My judgment is righteous, I see things rightly, and will not fail to do what is right. Therefore, I can be fully trusted to be loyal to those who love Me, to stay true to those whose heart’s are steadfast to Me.

Elohiym Mishpat (God of Justice) Isaiah 30:18