I Will Respond

Psalm 107:28-29 (TPT) Then we cried out, “Lord, help us! Rescue us!” And he did! God stilled the storm, calmed the waves, and he hushed the hurricane winds to only a whisper.

Beloved, I do not turn a blind eye nor are My ears closed to your cries. I AM ever aware of your needs – mindful of each and every one. Like a father standing beside a tearful child, ready and waiting to pull them into his arms the moment the child reaches his way, so I AM with you, ready and waiting.

Call to Me and I will answer. Raise your voice in faith, trusting that I will respond. I AM a good Father. And I AM God Most Able and God Most High. Nothing is too hard for Me.

Cling to Hope

Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV) For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Beloved, cling to hope tenaciously knowing I AM a good God who lavishes His love on His children. Even when things look bleak, remember every story has its ups and downs, pains and pleasures, moments of sorrow and rejoicing; and a happily ever after is dependent on where you stop the tale. Would Lazarus story be as powerful if it ended in the tomb?

So wait for Me to move. Trust that I AM a good author weaving a beautiful tale of glorious redemption where My grace, mercy, love, and power are on full display. My plans for you are good, beloved. So cling fast to hope and wait for Me to move. Though it may not be in the way you expect, it’s always in the way that’s best.

Dream with Me

Ephesians 3:20 (TLB) Now glory be to God, who by his mighty power at work within us is able to do far more than we would ever dare to ask or even dream of—infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, or hopes.

Beloved, dream with Me. Your thoughts and hopes are safe here. I want to know the desires of your heart, for what is important to you is important to Me. Refuse to feel small or somehow lesser-than, for to Me you are of the utmost importance. You are the apple of My eye. You have My heart and My attention, and most importantly, you have My love.

And in the same way that when you love someone you desire to lavish them with blessings, so I love to lavish you. So dream with Me. Allow your heart to soar. Hold nothing back, and place those tender hopes in My hands trusting Me to lead you and bless you wisely. I know the plans I have for you and they are GOOD plans. Dare to dream big, for I AM the God of the impossible. With Me nothing is impossible. So stir up your faith, beloved, and dream.

Double Portion of Faith

2 Kings 2:9 (NKJV) And so it was, when they had crossed over, that Elijah said to Elisha, “Ask! What may I do for you, before I am taken away from you?” Elisha said, “Please let a double portion of your spirit be upon me.”

Beloved, ask and you shall receive. So ask. Ask for a double portion of faith. An encompassing faith that shields and protects in such a way that you are unshakable, the onslaught of the enemy will not shift or overtake you, and your faith in Me never wavers.

Feel your hopeful expectations rising, like the waters of the tide coming in, your capacity to believe big is increasing. You serve a wonder-working God, so expect the miraculous. Stand in faith for it. Encourage others’ faith for it. Stand and believe. Continue reading “Double Portion of Faith”

Command the Storm

Matthew 8:26 (VOICE) …Jesus got up, told the wind and the waves to calm down, and they did. The sea became still and calm once again.

Beloved, command the storm. You have been called to do greater things, so refuse to be intimidated by what you see in the flesh. Instead walk in the authority you have been given and trust Me to move.

I AM faithful. I AM true. I AM mighty and you are made in My image. Refuse to be silent. Refuse to be impressed by chaos surrounding you, and instead usher in the peace you have been given. Command the storm to be still, beloved, then wait and watch Me move.

YHVH Nissi (the Lord my Banner) & About Flag Ministry

Exodus 17:15 (NLT) Moses built an altar there and named it Yahweh-Nissi (which means “the Lord is my banner”).

Beloved, I AM your banner, your miracle, your declaration of victory. Lift Me high. Exalt Me and lift your hands in holy reverence for I AM worthy of your praise. I AM a sign and a symbol to any who would look that you have been set free. You have overcome.

In honor of Me, lift your hands. In honor of Me, raise high your symbol of victory. Your unabashed faith in who I AM and willingness to hold nothing back are powerful messages in the spiritual realm. You declare Me faithful – your very actions announcing to any with ears to hear that I AM God and I AM worthy of your devotion. Praise Me for I AM good. Continue reading “YHVH Nissi (the Lord my Banner) & About Flag Ministry”

Trust Me Unreservedly

Matthew 11:6 (TPT) And tell John that the blessing of heaven comes upon those who never lose their faith in me — no matter what happens!

Beloved, resist the temptation to judge My ways. For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are My ways your ways. My thoughts are higher, and you need not understand to obey. Faith is trust. The foundation of your life is your faith; therefore, stand fast in your trust of Me regardless of your understanding (or lack thereof), and walk in obedience.

Move in the good work I have set before you. I will reveal each step in its time, so simply trust My Holy Spirit to lead. I AM more capable of leading than you are of messing up, so trust that as you keep your heart tender toward Me, I will always find a way to direct you. Your faith is sufficient for Me, so remain steadfast and trust Me unreservedly. Continue reading “Trust Me Unreservedly”

Let Your Faith and Your Walk Testify

Revelation 12:11 (VOICE) By the blood of the Lamb and the word of their witnesses, they have become victorious over him, For they did not hold on to their lives, even under threat of death.

Beloved, refuse to allow even the strongest of threats to silence your voice or to shift your feet from the path I’ve set before you. Be obedient to My prompting regardless of the potential outcomes trusting that I AM sovereign. I have a plan and your role in that plan is good.

Yield to Me. Surrendering your plans and hopes and dreams to Me. Trust that My thoughts and plans are good, far better even than you could imagine yourself. Declare My goodness without a word through your obedience and underscore it with the word of your testimony. Let your faith and your walk declare who I AM.

I AM YHVH Rapha (Healer)

Matthew 14:14 (AMP) When He went ashore, He saw a large crowd, and felt [profound] compassion for them and healed their sick.

Beloved, I AM a God of deep compassion. My eyes are not blind nor My heart closed, I AM moved by the trials of My people. I love My children. I AM YHVH Rapha, the Lord your healer. I love to heal My children! Ask Me to do so and ask in faith knowing I AM able and willing.

But beloved, if your healing is delayed, refuse to take on doubt or self-condemnation, know it is not a result of Me not caring or not loving you. Refuse to believe the lies the enemy would tempt you with. Refuse to be offended by My decisions trusting I AM at work in the lives of my children who I deeply love. Blessed are those who are not offended by Me.

And even if your healing has been long-awaited and hope has begun to fade, refuse to stop asking and standing in faith for it to come. I AM a miracle-working God, and I love to move on behalf of My children. Continue reading “I AM YHVH Rapha (Healer)”

Unconditional Trust

Matthew 26:39 (TPT) Then he walked a short distance away, and overcome with grief, he threw himself facedown on the ground and prayed, “My Father, if there is any way you can deliver me from this suffering, please take it from me. Yet what I want is not important, for I only desire to fulfill your plan for me.” Then an angel from heaven appeared to strengthen him.

Beloved, refuse to try to contain Me or to put conditions on your trust in Me. I see what you do not and am weaving a greater picture together than the piece you are in. And yet your piece is precious to Me – each of My children are so important to Me – so know that I AM working all things together for good.

As you trust Me unconditionally, I will strengthen you. I will minister to you even with My angels for I AM keenly aware of your thoughts and needs. Put your faith in Me and leave it there. Resist the urge to put restrictions or conditions on it, and simply trust Me unconditionally. Continue reading “Unconditional Trust”