I AM the Richest of Fare

Psalm 37:3 (TPT) Keep trusting in the Lord and do what is right in His eyes. Fix your heart on the promises of God and you will be secure, Feasting on His faithfulness.

Beloved, feast on Me and on My goodness for I AM the richest of fare. Delight yourself in Me. Know My heart that you might act rightly and do that which is pleasing to Me. Trust Me and lean on Me, knowing I will not let you down for I AM faithful.

My promises are yes and amen. See them as done, beloved, for the moment they leave My mouth they are as good as such. Let the surety of them anchor you and provide stability as the enemy seeks to agitate and distract you. I AM faithful. I AM true. I watch over My word to perform it. Trust in Me.

Let Your Anticipation Testify

Psalm 130:6 (VOICE) My soul waits for the Lord to break into the world more than night watchmen expect the break of day, even more than night watchmen expect the break of day.

Beloved, be a watchman on the wall. Alertly fix your gaze, watching expectantly for Me to breakthrough for I AM the God of the breakthrough. Let your heart stand in faith, knowing with full certainty that I will move suddenly. It may seem as though I tarry, but I tarry not.

Anticipate Me. Sober, alert, and ready – expectant, filled with confidence and trust in Me and My word. May your anticipation alone testify to your faith in who I AM and My faithfulness.

Align, Abide, Bear Fruit

John 15:16 (GW) …I have appointed you to go, to produce fruit that will last, and to ask the Father in my name to give you whatever you ask for.

Beloved, I have created you to bear fruit – fruit that will last. See with My eyes and hear with My heart, as you do you will know what to ask for and when, and you will know you do so in My name and under My authority. Then watch Me respond.

Be moved with compassion. Hear past the outer layer of a situation to the heart of the matter. Allow your discernment to grow and increase as you cultivate your spiritual senses and tune in more and more accurately to My frequency. Be patient with the process and remember it will always be ongoing for you cannot begin to fathom the depths of Me. Allow My Spirit time and space to move in you. Align with Me. Abide in Me. Bear fruit.

Sober and Singleminded

Proverbs 4:25 (AMPC) Let your eyes look right on [with fixed purpose], and let your gaze be straight before you.

Beloved, resist the urge to be sidetracked or to lose focus. I have given you purpose and a call, and behold it is good and worthy – worthy of your time, attention, and focus. So keep your gaze fixed, not looking to the left or to the right, and not wasting time looking back – for I AM your rear guard and I go before you, there is nothing to fear.

The cares of this world may try to draw you in through worry and fear, and the temptations of this world will seek to lull you into complacency, but you know – you know, beloved – that time is short. So be sober and singleminded in purpose. Expand the Kingdom and make My name great.

Able and Willing 

Psalm 40:5 (CJB) How much you have done, Adonai my God! Your wonders and your thoughts toward us — none can compare with you! I would proclaim them, I would speak about them; but there’s too much to tell!

Beloved, I AM the God of Wonders. Pause and behold My handiwork. See Me for who I AM. Do not allow doubt or circumstances to minimize Me in your eyes. Nothing is too hard for Me. And I love you. You are My beloved, My heart, apple of My eye, and center of My world.

Do you think that I could part the seas, but somehow be incapable of moving on your behalf? Or perhaps you think Me able but unwilling? Don’t fall prey to those lies, trust Me. Trust My plans for you, and yield to Me. Look with wonder upon My glory. Watch Me in action. Refuse to be moved or shaken. Know that I AM God.

Firmly Rooted in Me 

John 15:5 (VOICE) I am the vine, and you are the branches. If you abide in Me and I in you, you will bear great fruit. Without Me, you will accomplish nothing.

Beloved, stay rooted in Me. Abide in Me. Rest, tarry, remain… BE with Me. Then watch. Watch the fruit pour forth from your life – so much you can’t contain it. So much it cannot be ignored or denied. My hand of blessing evident on your life.

Resist the urge to cut yourself off from My life-giving flow. Like a flower cut and placed on display, the appearance of life will linger for a season, but when you are cut off from life, you are dying – even if it isn’t immediately evident. Distractions will always be around you, vying for your attention, cultivate steady focus – be firmly rooted in Me.

Cling and Sing

Psalm 118:14 (VOICE) He is my strength, and He is the reason I sing; He has been there to save me in every situation.

Beloved, praise Me in every situation. I AM your strength. I AM El Maowz (God your strength). Allow Me to strengthen you, beloved, regardless of circumstances. Praise Me. Let joy pour forth from deep in your soul because I AM worthy. Let your songs of love be a victory cry that you refuse to waver, that you trust Me implicitly.

I AM Yeshua (your salvation). My hand is extended to you, beloved. Take hold. Cling to Me. I AM strong and I will strengthen. We will stand fast together. The enemy cannot stand against us so cling and sing. Cling and sing, beloved. Your deliverance is here. Continue reading “Cling and Sing”

I AM YHVH Ezer (the Lord your helper)

Psalm 118:13 (TLB) You did your best to kill me, O my enemy, but the Lord helped me.

Beloved, know I AM with you always. I AM YHVH Ezer, the Lord your helper. Though the enemy may relentlessly seek to kill, steal, and destroy, I WILL NOT leave you. I will fight for you and by your side. I have given My angels charge over you, to keep and protect you. I will snatch your feet from the net – the traps the enemy has laid for you WILL NOT succeed.

Lift up your eyes, beloved. Your help comes from Me. Never lose sight of Me. Keep your gaze fixed steadfastly. The storms may rage, but let nothing steal your attention for I AM greater than any storm or trial. Nothing is to strong for Me. For I AM YHVH. I AM the Lord.  Continue reading “I AM YHVH Ezer (the Lord your helper)”

Pursue Me 

Psalm 84:10 (NIV) Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere; I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of the wicked.

Beloved, there is no place so sweet as My presence. I AM worth the time – worth the effort. The rest and refreshing that comes in My presence is deep and cleansing. Fight through the noise around you to find that quiet place of peace. I AM there. I AM waiting. I AM always with you.

Be hungry and thirsty for Me beloved. Be insatiable. I AM worth it. Just knowing Me is worth the blessings that pour forth from time with Me. I AM worth your pursuit. Find the time. Refuse to allow distractions to keep you from being with Me. I AM like air to you – necessary for life for I AM life. I AM the life giver. I AM the healer. I AM the refresher. I AM the Lover of Your Soul. Pursue Me. Continue reading “Pursue Me “

Cultivate the Peace of My Presence 

Galatians 5:22 (AMP) But the fruit of the Spirit [the result of His presence within us] is…[inner] peace…

Beloved, the quiet that you find inside is from Me. Seek it. Cultivate it. Cultivate the quiet that exudes – that shalom that others can feel. It is a tangible and comforting presence, like a deep exhale – rest for the tired and soul weary. My peace isn’t a passive presence – it wars against chaos – much like light dispels darkness, My peace dispels chaos and stress.

So find that place within you where I reside. Cultivate and enlarge its footprint in your life. Make room. Make way. Open the doors for Me to flood you with the peace of My presence. Then dwell there, refusing to be moved regardless of circumstances or the world around you. I AM peace and I AM with you. Watch and pray.