YHVH Tsidkenu (the Lord your Righteousness)

Psalm 23:2-3 (VOICE) …He soothes my fears; He makes me whole again, steering me off worn, hard paths to roads where truth and righteousness echo His name.

Beloved, I AM YHVH Tsidkenu – the Lord your righteousness. Follow Me, for I will lead you rightly. When you walk with Me, you will not go astray. Walk in truth, and be the child of the Light you’ve been called to be. 

Resist the darkness, and the fruit of the enemy’s influence. My perfect love casts out all fear, so refuse to embrace it. Resist the urge to indulge in worry, and instead trust that I AM leading you. 

Yield to My soothing touch. And let My rod and My staff bring direction and comfort. I AM with you always, and My counsel is trustworthy for I AM righteousness and I AM truth. Trust in Me. Continue reading “YHVH Tsidkenu (the Lord your Righteousness)”

Embrace the Wealth of Comfort

2 Corinthians 1:5 (VOICE) For even as His suffering continues to flood over us, through the Anointed we experience the wealth of His comfort just the same.

Beloved, embrace the wealth of comfort I offer. Refuse to stay stuck in pain. Allow Me to guide you through to the other side. There is no shame in grief or in feeling things deeply. Nor is there shame in taking time to pause – in acknowledging your experience. But there comes a moment when it is time to step forward. And just as relearning to walk after a serious injury can be difficult, moving forward after an emotional blow can be equally trying. And yet, you must try. You must carry on. 

Resist the urge to wallow when it comes time to step forward. Refuse to give the enemy a toehold. Trust that My strength will sustain you. Trust that My love will uplift you. And trust that I will use all the pain for good purpose; all that was intended to bring devastation, I will use to bring more life. Because I AM the giver of live, and I give it abundantly. Continue reading “Embrace the Wealth of Comfort”

Find Fellowship with Me

2 Corinthians 1:4 (VOICE) He consoles us as we endure the pain and hardship of life so that we may draw from His comfort and share it with others in their own struggles. 

Beloved, in the midst of pain, I AM still with you. No hardship will scare Me away. I will use each one to grow you and strengthen your character, if you will yield to Me. Draw comfort from Me. You are not alone.

And remember as you endure the sufferings, that I have endured them as well. And when you encounter betrayal, remember I have encountered it as well. And when you’re ridiculed, misjudged, and persecuted – remember, beloved, I have been too. So draw close to Me, and in the midst of trial, find fellowship with Me. Continue reading “Find Fellowship with Me”

Elohei khol-Nechamah (God of all Comfort)

2 Corinthians 1:3 (VOICE) All praise goes to God, Father of our Lord Jesus, the Anointed One. He is the Father of compassion, the God of all comfort.

Beloved, I AM Elohei khol-Nechamah – God of all Comfort, so trust your heart to Me. I AM keenly aware of the troubles that try you, and I remain by your side – sustaining you – through them all. 

So be at peace. Quiet your soul. Trust that the afflictions of this world will pass, but My love remains steadfast and true. Let My love uplift you and carry you as on eagles wings. Let My hand guide you, and let My Spirit comfort you.  Continue reading “Elohei khol-Nechamah (God of all Comfort)”

Breathe Me In {Moments with God}

{my heart cries} Father, why do You feel so far away. Where are You as the waves of grief and sadness crash over me seeking to crush my very soul? I know that You are YHVH Shammah – You are present. Intellectually, I know You’re here, probably even holding Me in Your loving embrace – so why can’t I feel Your touch?

{my heart reaches out, like a hand extending, seeking the Father’s heart – asking Him to tighten His grip that I might feel Him}

{He gently replies} Shift your focus, beloved. Stop looking at the grief and focusing on the pain. I’m right here with you – holding you so tight. I’m capturing each tear and counting each hair on your head – every part of you and every thought and concern of your heart of the utmost importance to Me. Yes, beloved, pause and shift your focus to Me. Reach out to Me and feel My grip. I AM here. I AM present. I will never leave you. Stand fast and breathe. Breathe Me in. Be comforted by the wind of My Spirit – refreshing, renewing, bringing hope. Breathe Me in, for I AM here to strengthen you. You are the apple of My eye and I love you. Be still and let Me saturate you with My love. Just breathe. 

Psalm 10:1 (VOICE) Why, O Eternal One, are You so far away? Why can’t You be found during troubling times?

Wrapped in His Loving Arms

Psalm 91:4 (TPT) His massive arms are wrapped around you, protecting you. You can run under his covering of majesty and hide. His arms of faithfulness are a shield keeping you from harm.

Beloved, press in to Me, for I AM here for you. I have wrapped you in My loving arms and nothing can wrest you from My grip. Let Me be your strong tower, the One you run to in the storm, for I AM solid and steadfast, fully trustworthy, and My love for you knows no bounds.

I will give you grace in the hard times, and overflow you with joy in the good. Let My love be a shield and a comfort – a refuge in times of trouble, for I AM with you always, and never will I leave. You are My beloved One. My heart toward you is constant and true.

By Your Side

Psalm 23:4 (VOICE) Even in the unending shadows of death’s darkness, I am not overcome by fear. Because You are with me in those dark moments, near with Your protection and guidance, I am comforted.

Beloved, there is nothing I will not walk through with you. So in your darkest moments when you struggle to believe I’m there, rest in the knowledge I AM by your side and will not ever leave. 

So press into Me. Allow Me to sustain you and be your strength, for I AM able and I AM willing, and I AM greater than you know. Be comforted by My right hand, and guided by My eye. Trust in Me, and rest assured. 

Find Comfort in Love

Psalm 23:4 (TPT) Lord, even when your path takes me through the valley of deepest darkness, fear will never conquer me, for you already have! You remain close to me and lead me through it all the way. Your authority is my strength and my peace. The comfort of your love takes away my fear. I’ll never be lonely, for you are near.

Beloved, My perfect love casts out all fear, so press into the comfort of My love. I AM with you always, and My love is unchanging. Know the strength of it. Find authority in that strength and peace to command the storms to cease. 

Be steadfast – rock solid in your faith. Know that you know that you know who I AM and who you are to Me. Rest in those truths. Embrace that identity. Receive the fullness of your inheritance from Me, and find comfort in the truth that it is unfaltering. 

Find Your Joy in Me

Matthew 5:4 (NIV) Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.

Beloved, I will not leave you lonely or hurting. My love for you is steadfast and true – all-encompassing and healing, wrap yourself in it and allow it to comfort and restore. Your heart is precious to me. 

My desire is to protect you from all harm, but in the moments you walk through the desert place or the flames of trials burn hot, know that I AM with you and will never leave you. You are My beloved and My delight. Find your joy in Me.