Step Securely

Psalm 129:4 (VOICE) The Eternal is just. He’s severed the bindings of the wicked so they can’t hurt me anymore.

Beloved, you are safe with Me, for with Me you step securely. I AM Elohim Mishpat – God of Justice, the righteous judge, so trust Me to bring true justice. For the heart of justice is making wrong things right.

I advocate for the widows and orphans. I AM mindful of the lost and hurting. The humble know My name. I AM good, and I do good. For I AM a good Father, who leads you securely, so follow Me.

Stepping in Safety

Psalm 124:8 (VOICE) Our help has come in the name of the Eternal, the Maker of heaven and earth!

Beloved, as you walk, you are stepping in safety, for I AM God – creator of heaven and earth. I AM El Shaddai – the all-sufficient one, and El Elyon – the most high God. Who is there above Me? Whose power is greater? Whose arm is longer? Who sees all and knows all but Me?

There is none above Me, and you belong to Me. I have accepted you as My very own. I AM your comfort and your help in times of trouble, and I AM eternally faithful. My love exceeds man’s ability to understand. So step safely as you walk with Me. Continue reading “Stepping in Safety”

Hide Beneath the Shadow of My Wing

Psalm 18:18 (TPT) When I was at my weakest, my enemies attacked— but the Lord held on to me.

Beloved, when you give yourself to Me, I hold you fast and don’t let go. Resist the urge to presume if I haven’t moved in the way you desire that I’m unable or unwilling. Instead trust Me, and look to see where My hand is at work, for it surely is.

I AM a good father, and fiercely protective of My children. My love for you is so great that it cannot be measured. It cannot even be fathomed. So do you think I’d turn a blind eye to your circumstances, or a deaf ear to your cries? Surely not. Hold tight, beloved, and hide beneath the shadow of My wing. Continue reading “Hide Beneath the Shadow of My Wing”

My Steadfast Affection

Psalm 42:3 (VOICE) Right now I’m overwhelmed by my sorrow and pain; I can’t stop feasting on my tears. People crowd around me and say, “Where is your True God whom you claim will save? ”

Beloved, I AM with you in your sorrow. I AM with you in your pain. Know My heart is for you, and that will not ever change. Press in to Me for comfort. May My Spirit give you hope. No matter what befalls you, I’m with you through it all.

So when the walk is painful and trouble seems everywhere, know I’m ever faithful, and let My love find you there. May My steadfast affection heal you, and My strength build you up. May My peace become your keystone, and My joy restore your soul.

Safe within My Arms {Moments with God}

{He whispers} Hide yourself in Me. Hover close. Find refuge in the shadow of My wings. 

{I feel Him reaching as if to pull me in. I have only to yield and stay close. And yet – oh and yet – the temptation to forge my own path and go my own way is strong. I look to Him and look away – considering my choice. But in the end I take the only one that can possibly end well, and I surrender myself into His care. As I snuggle in, He kisses my head and holds me close, and whispers} You’ve chosen well, beloved. I love you with all My heart. You can trust Me to sustain you, and know you’re always safe within My arms. 

Psalm 91:1 (VOICE) He who takes refuge in the shelter of the Most High will be safe in the shadow of the Almighty.

Surrender to My Care

Psalm 3:3 (VOICE) But You, Eternal One, wrap around me like an impenetrable shield. You give me glory and lift my eyes up to the heavens.

Beloved, feel My arms around you. I hold you tight in My embrace. Allow My love to shield you – allow Me to keep you safe. Feel My love saturate you as it softens you and prepares you to withstand the blows that life will bring. Safe you are, and safe you’ll stay, enveloped in My care. 

Be glorified and changed as you rest tight within My arms. From heaven above to the earth below, nothing can rock you, or move you from My touch. Yield to Me completely and surrender to My care. My love will always shield you, and you will find your safety there. 

I AM Good

Psalm 56:10 (TPT) I trust in the Lord. And I praise him! I trust in the Word of God. And I praise him!

Beloved, in the midst of trials, hold fast to that which you know is true: I AM good. That fact remains unchanging. Difficulties are not a sign that I’m cruel or uncaring. Hardships are simply a part of life. 

But I AM with you always. I stand by you – to comfort and to guide you – in good times and in bad. Trust in Me. Resist the urge to blame or accuse Me, for I AM loving and I AM good. And I will bring forth beauty from ashes, so wait for it and rest in Me.

I’m Safe in Your Arms

{Pausing in His presence, I feel His arms enclose around me as I say} Papa, I know that I’m safe in Your arms. You – Olam Zerowa, the Everlasting Arms, hold me tightly. You keep me firmly sheltered in Your loving grip. Thank You for the comfort You bring. 

{I feel His cheek rest on the top of my head as I nestle in like a child. He whispers} You are My beloved – so precious to Me. I call you Mine, for you are My very own. 

{And as His arms close ever so slightly in a gentle squeeze He adds} You are safe with Me. I watch over you, and even My angels guard over you. Rest in My arms. Stay in My embrace. Know that you are seen, and you are loved, for you are Mine and I love you.

Psalm 121:5 (TPT) Jehovah himself will watch over you; he’s always at your side to shelter you safely in his presence.

Sheltered in My Strong Love

Psalm 36:7 (VOICE) Your strong love, O True God, is precious. All people run for shelter under the shadow of Your wings.

Beloved, I wait – with outstretched arms that you might hide in the shadow of My wings. Like a mother bird shelters her chicks, I AM always here to shelter you in My strong love. 

It isn’t a question of whether you are worth protecting or if I’m willing, I AM always ready and waiting for you. So come and rest in Me. Refuse to try to “maintain” in your own strength because I AM here for you, beloved, always. So cast your cares on Me.

Run to Me, and cling fast. I AM ready, willing, and able. I AM your comfort and your place of refuge, so find rest and refreshing in Me. I AM El Tsur – God your strength, so find what you need as you rest in Me.

You Are Not Alone

Psalm 62:1 (TPT) I stand silently to listen for the one I love, waiting as long as it takes for the Lord to rescue me. For God alone has become my Savior.

Beloved, you are not alone. Nor do you need to tackle the trials that come by yourself, for I AM with you, and I AM here to comfort you. I AM YHVH Shammah – the Lord who is present, and I AM always here. 

So look to Me, and wait on Me – knowing I meet every need. I AM your help, and the One who saves, so trust in Me. Look to Me with hopeful expectation. Trust Me to navigate, and leave each step to My loving hands.