Draw from Me

Ephesians 3:17 (TPT) Then, by constantly using your faith, the life of Christ will be released deep inside you, and the resting place of his love will become the very source and root of your life.

Beloved, I AM the source of life – of creativity and inspiration. Draw from Me. Drink deeply from the well of My love and know truth and freedom. For I AM the giver of life, and I AM the Creator.

Look to Me, beloved, as your source because nothing else can satisfy. Just as a tree’s roots burrow deep for nourishment and stability, so you should root yourself in Me. For I AM your foundation. I AM your truth. And I AM your all in all. Continue reading “Draw from Me”

Partner with Me

Ephesians 3:14-15 (TPT) So I kneel humbly in awe before the Father of our Lord Jesus, the Messiah, the perfect Father of every father and child in heaven and on the earth.

Beloved, I existed before the earth began. I know every creature, every mountain, every stream – everyone and everything. I AM Creator. And as you create and innovate, remember you are functioning in My anointing.

Allow My Holy Spirit to lead you and inspire your thoughts and ideas. I AM with you always, but refuse to allow the access to My presence to create a sense of its being commonplace. I AM not common, I AM God. I AM Lord of all. See Me as I AM, and parter with Me. Together the possibilities are endless. Continue reading “Partner with Me”

Come and Know Me More

Psalm 18:11-12 (TPT) Wrapped and hidden in the thick-cloud darkness, his thunder-tabernacle surrounded him. He hid himself in mystery-darkness; the dense rain clouds were his garments. Suddenly the brilliance of his presence broke through with lightning bolts and with a mighty storm from heaven— like a tempest dropping coals of fire.

Beloved, I cloak Myself in glory and mystery surrounds Me, and yet I beckon you closer and welcome you into My presence. I AM power and authority. My holiness radiates from My presence. Come and know Me – come and know Me more.

Be reverent, but also be bold. Know who I AM, but also understand who you are. Move past any seeming contradictions, and simply choose to know Me. Choose to pursue Me. Be undone in My presence and overcome by the radiance of My glory.

Note: this Prophetic Nugget was featured on a Lunchtime Live on the Dyed4you Ministries Facebook page. You can watch a recording of the livestream by visiting: Lunchtime Live: Pursuit 

God of the Impossible

Numbers 23:19 (VOICE) God is not a man—He doesn’t lie. God isn’t the son of a man to want to take back what He’s said, Or say something and not follow through, or speak and not act on it.

Beloved, am I not God? Refuse to try to contain Me within the confines of your limited understanding, or limit My abilities by the breadth of your imagination. I AM greater than you can understand, and My authority exceeds any expectation.

I AM faithful and I AM good. My Word is bedrock. You cannot manipulate or control Me, but you can trust Me completely. I have perspective you do not, so trust Me to know what is best and trust Me to keep My promises, for I AM the God of the impossible because nothing is impossible with Me.

Your True Plumb Line

Psalm 143:2 (VOICE) Be kind and slow to judge Your faithful servant, for compared to You, no one is truly just.

Beloved, rely on Me to be your true plumb line. For regardless of your best efforts, you will always function with bias and flawed judgment. Only I AM the righteous judge, so resist the urge to attempt to stand in My shoes.

Rather lean on Me. Trust Me to guide you in true righteousness. Love as I love. For as you walk as a reflection of Me, you manifest My glory in the earth and make My heart known to the children of men.

El Olam (the Everlasting God)

Daniel 2:20 (VOICE) Daniel: Praise the name of God forever and ever, for all wisdom and power belong to Him.

Beloved, I AM El Olam, the everlasting God. I AM sovereign, and I AM King. All power and authority rest in My hands. So who could you turn to for wisdom or understanding that would be more capable than I AM? No one, for there is none in heaven or on earth whose understanding exceeds Mine.

Seek Me. Focus on Me. Praise and give glory to Me. Do so not out of a sense of obligation, but simply as joyous overflow. From generation to generation I AM faithful, so simply rest in Me. Stay firmly rooted in your faith, for you know unquestionably who I AM. Look to Me, beloved, and watch Me move. Continue reading “El Olam (the Everlasting God)”

Be Rooted in Hope

Romans 5:4 (VOICE) …When our characters are refined, we learn what it means to hope and anticipate God’s goodness.

Beloved, refuse to lose hope – even if the trials seem endless. Trust, and be rooted in faith, for you know who I AM, and you know My character, so anticipate My goodness. For I AM a good Father, and I love My children.

Let hope become your weapon, and make praise your battle cry. May My Word be your foundation, and may My Spirit lead you on. I AM the King of victory, and My heirs align with Me. So refuse to settle for anything less than My divine peace, for it is your legacy. Continue reading “Be Rooted in Hope”

Trust My Radical Grace

Romans 5:2 (VOICE) Jesus leads us into a place of radical grace where we are able to celebrate the hope of experiencing God’s glory.

Beloved, rest in My radical grace which was freely given to you. Cling fast to hope in seasons of testing, and know My grace is sufficient for all that is before you. I AM faithful, and I AM good. Trust in My mercy as you rely on My grace, for I will see you through.

Trust Me to be glorified even in the greatest trials, for I give beauty for ashes and joy for mourning, so rest in Me. Hope in Me. Cling fast, and trust My radical grace to see you through. Continue reading “Trust My Radical Grace”

Withhold Nothing

Hebrews 11:17 (VOICE) By faith Abraham, when he endured God’s testing, offered his beloved son Isaac as a sacrifice. The one who had received God’s promise was willing to offer his only son;

Beloved, withhold nothing from Me. Remember all you have is from My hand. So refuse to be like a dog growling at its  master’s outstretched hand as it enjoys a bone that was gifted from that very same hand. Trust all to Me. Resist the urge to guard or withhold from Me that which you hold dear.

If I instruct you in My Word not to frustrate your children, do you think I will turn around and do the opposite of what I instruct? Trust Me. I give and I take away, but I AM always working for good. Simply because I remove something doesn’t mean you’re “in trouble.” Trust that I AM working for your good.

So be passionate in your faith of Me. Withhold nothing. Demonstrate by your actions the level of belief you have in who I AM and the nature of My character. Let your unreserved faith declare Me worthy to all. Continue reading “Withhold Nothing”

Put Your Trust in Me

Psalm 56:11 (AMP) In God have I put my trust and confident reliance; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?

Beloved, resist any temptation to be intimidated by men. For I AM God – I AM able to bestow honor and riches and favor. You need never strive for those things. Nor need you be worried over men’s machinations or threats, for I AM always with you and My right hand upholds you.

Men have what power I have allowed, you need not fear them or feel forced to trust them. Instead trust Me. Instead give reverence and honor to Me, for I AM the only true God. Refuse to even allow your fears or your tears to give more honor to them than you would to Me. Trust Me to meet every need, for I AM good.

Note: this Prophetic Nugget was featured on a Lunchtime Live on the Dyed4you Ministries Facebook page. You can watch a recording of the livestream by visiting: Lunchtime Live: Choose Who You Trust and Honor