Deep Assurance

Proverbs 18:10 (GW) The name of the Lord is a strong tower. A righteous person runs to it and is safe.

Beloved, those who know Me, know My name. My name reflects My character. A part of intimacy is having a deep assurance about another’s character that is unshakable regardless of circumstance. Having that foundation with Me brings an enormous amount of peace.

If you know Me, you know I AM always with you. If you know Me, you know I take care of My children. If you know Me, you know I’ll use each hardship you encounter as a force for good. Knowing Me is about trusting and releasing control into My hands. It’s about allowing Me to be your strong tower and your firm foundation. So, beloved, run to Me and be safe.

Run, Rest, Rely

Proverbs 18:10 (TPT) The character of God is a tower of strength, for the lovers of God delight to run into his heart and be exalted on high.

Beloved, I AM sovereign, and I AM strong. I AM YHVH Tsur – the Lord your strength, and YHVH Misgab – the Lord your Strong Tower. I AM unchanging – the alpha and omega, the same yesterday, today, and forever. Rest in Me.

My character is infallible. It creates a safe and stable foundation for you – a place you can rely on. Rest in Me. My name reflects My character, for I AM that I AM. Remember, beloved, run to Me, rest in Me, and rely on Me, for I AM wholly faithful and ever true.  Continue reading “Run, Rest, Rely”

Call Upon My Name

Acts 2:21 (NLT) But everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.

Beloved, call to Me and I will answer. I will not ignore the one who calls upon My name – the one who knows My character and calls upon My integrity, who looks to Me in times of trouble. I will be faithful to respond. 

For I AM called faithful – I AM El Aman, the Faithful God. I AM YHVH Misgab, the Lord your Strong Tower and El Tsur, God your Strength. I AM your protection and your sustainer – your very present help in times of trial. So call upon My name, and trust Me to respond. 

My Dominion is Everlasting

Psalm 145:13 (VOICE) Your kingdom will never end; Your rule will endure forever. [You are faithful to Your promise, and Your acts are marked with grace.]

Beloved, My dominion is everlasting. My sovereignty knows no end. There is no promise I will be unable to fulfill or whose outcome is beyond My reach. Rest in My hands. Trust your heart and hopes and dreams to Me.

Will I ignore the pleas of My children? Am I a bad father who neglects those he is called to cover and protect? Surely not! I AM slow to anger and rich in mercy, and I keep My promises from generation to generation. Trust yourself in My hands.

Walk with Me in Righteousness

Ecclesiastes 12:14 (GW) God will certainly judge everything that is done. This includes every secret thing, whether it is good or bad.

Beloved, I’m not hovering, waiting for you to mess up so I can smite you. Nor am I eagerly awaiting seeing you stumble or fall. But the fact remains, I see all and I AM righteous. I AM the righteous judge and I don’t grade on a curve. Yet I AM slow to anger and rich in mercy. 

What this means is don’t simply do your best – deciding for yourself what seems right or wrong, but rather know My Word that you might understand what is expected and the measure by which all is judged. Then look to Me to help you walk out My will. 

I AM a good father. I AM patient and kind. Let Me help and let My Spirit teach you. And in the moments you fall short, don’t delay in repenting and realigning with My heart. Put your hand in Mine and walk with Me in righteousness.

Let Joy Blossom

Psalm 5:11 (VOICE) But let those who run to You for safety be glad they did; let them break out in joyful song. May You keep them safe— their love for You resounding in their hearts.

Beloved, let joy resound in your heart. You are loved. You are seen. You are accepted – flaws and all. You are safe with Me. For My heart towards you is good, so you need never doubt My intentions toward you. 

Hiding yourself away is not where safety is found, for fear too easily grows in dark, quiet corners. So invite Me into your space. Include Me in your tender moments and times of trial. Trust Me to be a tender, safe place for you to rest. And let joy blossom as you dwell in My presence. 

Be Prayerful and Expectant

James 5:16 (AMP) …The heartfelt and persistent prayer of a righteous man (believer) can accomplish much [when put into action and made effective by God—it is dynamic and can have tremendous power].

Beloved, allow yourself to dream and hope. You know who I AM – the God of the impossible, so don’t hesitate to bring to Me that which stirs in your heart. Resist the urge to qualify your heart’s desires to determine their “worth” because I love to hear the desires of your heart. No petition is too outlandish or outrageous – I love when you think big because I AM a big God. Nor is any request too small or insignificant. What is on your heart is important to Me, and I hear the requests of My children.

So allow your heartfelt requests to come forth in prayer and expectation. Trust Me to move. There is great power as you team together with Me. So don’t be one who “has not because they ask not.” Ask, seek, and knock; then wait expectantly for Me to open the door.

Be certain to ask in faith. What is the point of asking if you expect no response? Would you knock on a door without expectation of it being opened? Be sure to be expectant that I will hear and respond. It may not be in the way you’re hoping, but I don’t ignore the petitions of those I love (and I love you). So be prayerful and expectant, beloved, and watch as I move.

Penetrating Love

Psalm 4:6 (VOICE) Crowds of disheartened people ask, “Who can show us what is good?” Let Your brilliant face shine upon us, O Eternal One, that we may know the undeniable answer.

Beloved, feel the warmth of My love shining on you, and allow its fervency to mark you. Let it change your innermost being. Let it keep you from moments of discouragement and despair. For I AM good and I love My children. 

See Me as I AM, and know My heart toward you intimately. I don’t simply love you, I AM love. So receive My love and allow its penetrating intensity to change you to the depths of your soul. For you are Mine, beloved. I have accepted you. 

Dwell in Safety with Me

Psalm 18:19 (TPT) His love broke open the way and he brought me into a beautiful broad place. He rescued me—because his delight is in me!

Beloved, even on your darkest day, I still delight in you. My love for you is unchanging. I do not grow tired of whatever hardship or the pain you are experiencing, but rather I patiently and steadfastly walk by your side until the morning comes. 

So let My love expand a place of joy and beauty and truth for you to rest. And take My hand and let Me rescue you from the one who seeks to steal, kill, and destroy. He is no match for Me. So dwell, beloved, in safety with Me.  Continue reading “Dwell in Safety with Me”

Adon Olam (Master of the World/Sovereign of the Universe)

Matthew 6:13 (KJV) …For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.

Beloved, see Me for who I AM: Lord of all, Adon Olam – the Master of the World, Sovereign of the Universe – and I AM the ultimate authority. See Me as I AM, for in doing so your faith will rise. And allow that faith to increase your understanding that truly nothing is too difficult for Me.

So declare the truth of who I AM and bring praise to My holy name. Give honor to Me, beloved, and watch how I move. See My power on display. Have eyes to see the miracles both great and small. I AM able to do abundantly above all you can ask or think, for I AM God. Continue reading “Adon Olam (Master of the World/Sovereign of the Universe)”