Embrace Small Beginnings

1 Kings 18:44 (VOICE) The servant did as Elijah requested each time; and on the seventh time, he told Elijah, “A minuscule cloud, as tiny as the hand of a man, is ascending from the sea.” Elijah: Go quickly, and give a message to Ahab for me: “Prepare your chariot, and leave quickly before the rain gets torrential and keeps you from traveling.”

Beloved, when you find yourself in the day of a small beginning, resist the urge to take it lightly or view it as small or unimportant. For I bring increase in its season, so the wise will be intentional to prepare.

Be intentional to yield to Me not just as you wait for a promise to manifest, but also once it has begun. For I see the beginning and the end, so trust Me to lead you rightly. So embrace your small beginning, even as you make ready for the more. Continue reading “Embrace Small Beginnings”

Wait Expectantly

1 Kings 18:43-44 (VOICE) Elijah (to his servant): Go now, and look in the direction of the sea. Servant (returning to Elijah): I did as you asked, and there is nothing in the direction of the sea. Elijah gave him the same instruction seven times, “Go back, and look in the direction of the sea.” The servant did as Elijah requested each time; and on the seventh time, he told Elijah, “A minuscule cloud, as tiny as the hand of a man, is ascending from the sea.”…

Beloved, wait expectantly – with a heart filled with hope, and watch for me to move. For if I have spoken, will I not act? And if I have promised, will I not fulfill? If you know Me, you know of My faithfulness from generation to generation. I AM always faithful, and I AM always good.

Stir up your faith during your time of waiting, and be intentional to stir up the faith of those around you. Remind yourself of all I have already done, and consider all I have said I will do. Rest in the assurance of My character. And wait expectantly and with joy, knowing that the wait only serves to sweeten the inevitable fulfillment of My promises. Continue reading “Wait Expectantly”

Be in Agreement

1 Kings 18:41-42 (VOICE) Elijah (to Ahab): …I hear a heavy rain coming… Elijah journeyed to the peak of Mount Carmel. There he bowed down on the ground and placed his head between his knees.

Beloved, even when the world seems like desert without a cloud in sight, believe Me when I say the rain is coming. One of the greatest spiritual weapons in your arsenal is that of the power of agreement. So with intention, stand in faith for that which I have promised. And with intention, pray for those things to come to pass. And with praise – even with hands raised high, give thanks for the manifestation of that which is still unseen.

I AM faithful, and My promises are yes an amen. So refuse to be double-minded – on the one hand asking for breakthrough and on the other doubting it will come. Be steadfast and sure because you know the character of the God you serve. You know that I AM faithful, so refuse to be moved and be in agreement with My promises to you. Continue reading “Be in Agreement”

Prepare for Rain

1 Kings 18:41-42 (VOICE) Elijah (to Ahab): You should go fill your belly with food and water. I hear a heavy rain coming. Ahab did as Elijah instructed and went to eat and drink…

Beloved, as you wait in expectation, be obedient when instruction comes. Resist the urge to rely on your own knowledge, for I see what you do not. Therefore, I will often prepare you for events that are unexpected by you. In those moments, if you judge My instructions in the natural, you may be tempted to ignore them or take a different action.

Beloved, trust that I see what you do not, and trust that I will prepare you. For just as Noah built an ark in preparation for a catastrophic flood though no rain had yet fallen, so I will prepare you for that which is seen and unseen – if you will but obey. Continue reading “Prepare for Rain”

Listen for the Rain

1 Kings 18:41 (VOICE) Elijah (to Ahab): You should go fill your belly with food and water. I hear a heavy rain coming.

Beloved, remain in a place of expectation. Rest firmly in hope – hope in My goodness. Be still and listen. Know that I AM moving. Hold those expectations with an open hand, trusting My timing and My plans, but indeed be intentional to hope.

Be open and ready that you might not miss what I’m doing. So in the midst of the dry season – when the times of drought seem endless, listen for the rain. For you know rain will surely come, just as I bring day from night, surely you know I bring joy from mourning. So listen for the rain and await the breakthrough. Continue reading “Listen for the Rain”

Season Intentionally

Matthew 5:13 (MSG) Let me tell you why you are here. You’re here to be salt-seasoning that brings out the God-flavors of this earth. If you lose your saltiness, how will people taste godliness? You’ve lost your usefulness and will end up in the garbage.

Beloved, choose the flavor with which you season your world. Will you season it with bitterness? Anger? Envy? Greed? Or will you sow liberally righteousness? Forgiveness? Compassion? Joy?

Beloved, choose to bring My flavor to those around you that they might taste and see that I AM God. Make Me known. For you have the choice of whose kingdom you are expanding. Either you are sowing into My Kingdom or you are making room for darkness. So season, and do so intentionally. Bring My flavor to the world.

Note: this Prophetic Nugget was featured on a Lunchtime Live on the Dyed4you Ministries Facebook page. You can watch a recording of the livestream by visiting: Lunchtime Live: Choosing Where You Align (Anointing Oil and Salt)

Trust Me to Multiply Your Impact

Joshua 23:10 (NET) One of you makes a thousand run away, for the LORD your God fights for you as he promised you he would.

Beloved, trust Me to multiply your impact when you act in conjunction with Me. For I AM the Lord your God who gives strength. I lift men up and make them great, and I cause the proud to stumble.

I fiercely love My children. Those who have chosen Me and yield to Me, operate in My power and under My authority – in My name. I AM for you and I operate on your behalf, so move in step with Me.

YHVH Nissi (the Lord your Banner)

Psalm 108:13 (VOICE) Only through God can we be successful…

Beloved, I AM the source of true victory, and in Me you find true strength. For I AM the one who lifts men up and brings accomplishment. All honor and glory comes from Me. So rest in My judgment, and trust the blessing from My hand.

Cling fast to Me, refusing to allow the praise or criticism of men sway you. For I AM the triumphant call, the Lord your banner – YHVH Nissi, your victory, your miracle. Trust your life and all its successes and perceived failures to Me.

1 Chronicles 29:11-12 (VOICE) All that is great and powerful and glorious and victorious and majestic is Yours, O Eternal One. Indeed everything that is in the heavens and the earth belongs to You. The kingdom belongs to You, O Eternal One, and You are the head of it all. Wealth and glory come from You, and You rule over them all. In Your hand is power and strength, and You use them to make great and strengthen everyone.

Make Ready

Revelation 19:7 (VOICE) Now is the time for joy and happiness. He deserves all the glory we can give Him. For the wedding feast has begun; the marriage of the Lamb to His bride has commenced, and His bride has prepared herself for this glorious day.

Beloved, it is time to make ready, it is time to prepare. For glorious days are coming, and you don’t want to be caught unaware. Be intentional to avoid being made foolish by finding yourself lacking with no oil to spare, but rather be filled by My Spirit and overflow in My care.

Just as in the natural a bride expends much time and effort towards the preparation of the marital celebration, so should you be taking equal care in preparing and making room for Me. Behold you are beautiful, My love. My heart is for you and My attention is on you, so reflect the same back to Me.

Matthew 25:1-3 (AMP) Then the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins, who took their lamps and went to meet the bridegroom. Five of them were foolish [thoughtless, silly, and careless], and five were wise [far-sighted, practical, and sensible]. For when the foolish took their lamps, they did not take any [extra] oil with them,

The Greatest Miracle is You {Moments with God}

{speaking to the Lord} I remember the many times You’ve moved on my behalf.  Moments I saw no escape, and yet You made a way for me when there seemed to be no way. You demonstrate Your faithfulness again and again and again. And yet when hardships and trials come my way, I have to fight all over to remain steadfast in my trust. I have to fight to remember the truth of who You are and of who I am to You.

{declaring} But I will remind Myself of all You’ve done, and wait with expectation for what You’re going to do. You are the God of miracles, and nothing is too hard for You. So I’ll stand fast, and I’ll stay true, and I’ll wait for You to move. I will rest in the knowledge of Your great love, for the greatest miracle is You.

Psalm 136:4 (TPT) Give thanks to the only miracle working God! His tender love for us continues on forever!