Luke 1:33 (NKJV) “And He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and of His kingdom there will be no end.”
Beloved, I AM ageless. I AM beyond time. To know Me and the things of Me, you must embrace eternity. Your time on earth may be fleeting, but eternity is everlasting. Embrace the joy of knowing Me, and dwell in My presence.
Look to Me in times of trial. Look to Me in times of joy. Trust that with your eyes on Me, your walk will be secure. I reign. Let Me help you stay Kingdom-minded. Yield to Me – let Me embrace you in My loving arms, for I AM Olam Zerowa – the Everlasting Arms.
Lunchtime Live: Outside Time
- Show and tell: Deep Waters flute
- Testimony: Beautiful Tallit and Confirming Art and Comfort & Honor
- Prophetic Nugget (Daily Downloads from Heaven): Embrace Eternity
- Dyed4you Art: Forever Bloom
- Dyed4you silk: medium (14×72) silk called Gentle Touch (available on Etsy in a gift set with Dance with Me)
- Other stuff: MeghanW post called “Choosing to Partner”
- Music: Background music is from Music to Pray By
- Daily Downloads from Heaven preorders are available in paperback / hardcover / kindle