1 Corinthians 12:31 (TPT) But you should all constantly boil over with passion in seeking the higher gifts. And now I will show you a superior way to live that is beyond comparison!
Beloved, passionately pursue Me. Passionately pursue My gifts and the fruits of My Spirit. Refuse to settle for a lack luster, mediocre relationship with Me. What I have for you is rich and deep, it is powerful and sweet, it is life-changing, and it is worth fighting for – worth pursuing.
Don’t waste time or focus on being envious of others’ walks with Me because each is unique and special just as each person is unique and special. I meet each of you exactly where you need. You don’t need – nor should you want – a duplicate of what someone else has, but rather something uniquely wonderful tailor-made just for you. That is a superior way to live – it is beyond comparison.