Psalm 37:4 (VOICE) Take great joy in the Eternal! His gifts are coming, and they are all your heart desires!
Behold I love to give good gifts. I love to bless My children. I delight in giving them the things their hearts long for (as long as those things won’t be harmful to them). But beloved, you must know that I won’t allow you to lift anything in your heart higher than me. I cannot help you make idols because to do so would hurt you, and I love you far too much to permit that.
Recognize that I AM a gift – My love, My presence, and relationship with Me. Cherish this gift and take delight in it (in Me). Make Me the center of your world – your deepest joy, your heart’s desire. Watch as I pour forth My blessings when you lavish your love on the Gift Giver rather than focusing on the gifts I give. Beloved, recognize Me as the greatest gift of all.