Let Me Guide You in Truth

Proverbs 3:5 (TPT) Trust in the Lord completely, and do not rely on your own opinions. With all your heart rely on him to guide you, and he will lead you in every decision you make.

Beloved, trust My perspective, for I see all and I see rightly. So when I call you beautiful, it is truth. And when I call you loved, it is fact. Refuse to allow the lies that have been reflected to you or your own insecurities to mar your perspective.

Trust that I see you in truth. Trust that I know you, and know that I find you worth knowing. With all your heart, let Me guide you to see the truth of who you are. And then choose to believe, for in doing so you acknowledge Me as being trustworthy. And remember, beloved, in not doing so, you do the reverse.

Note: this Prophetic Nugget was featured on a Lunchtime Live on the Dyed4you Ministries Facebook page. You can watch a recording of the livestream by visiting: Lunchtime NOT Live: Believing What God Says

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