El Elyon (Most High God)

1 Kings 7:21 (GW) Hiram set up the pillars in the temple’s entrance hall. He set up the pillar on the right and named it Jachin [He Establishes]. Then he set up the pillar on the left and named it Boaz [In Him Is Strength].

Beloved, I establish and I bring strength. I stand fast, and I AM your firm foundation. Trust that I AM building that which is needed for what is to come. I see what lies ahead, and each and every need is accounted for. Rest in Me. 

Pillar of truth. Pillar of strength. Unchangeable and unwavering am I. Fully dependable. Wholly reliable. I AM El Elyon, the Most High God. Fully trust in Me. 

Lunchtime Live: Trusting and Hearing God 

2 Replies to “El Elyon (Most High God)”

  1. The passage of the building of these two pillars in 1 Kings (I think) has always fascinated me. Now after seeing this nugget I think I may to a study on them.

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