A Generous Heart

1 Timothy 5:18 (AMP) For the Scripture says, “You shall not muzzle the ox while it is treading out the grain [to keep it from eating],” and, “The worker is worthy of his wages [he deserves fair compensation].”

Beloved, refuse the temptation to operate in a poverty mindset – constantly trying to get something for nothing. Surely you remember that the silver and gold are Mine? When you’re living a lifestyle submitted to Me, you can rest in the knowledge that that which I desire you to have, I will provide for.

So rather than trying to cheapen the value I have placed on someone’s work or by trying to rob them of their wages, be excited about the opportunity to sow into their lives, trusting that fertile soil will bear fruit and rejoicing that you get to have some small part in it.

Be wise with whatever I’ve entrusted you with – be it great or small. This means being obedient to use it in the ways I direct you, not working so hard to stretch it that you’re actively cheating others (whether intentionally or not). Remember I love a cheerful giver, I love a generous heart. Refuse to have that stolen by a fear of lack, or be tempted into greed or envy – constantly desiring that which I have not provided for.

Trust Me. Trust that I have reasons for what I’ve provided for and what I have not, and that those reasons have nothing to do with whether I love you or not – for that is never in question. Be thankful for what you have and find contentment there.

Rest in Me and look to Me. Trust Me to provide for your needs. Refusing to accuse Me of shortchanging you, regardless of circumstance. I AM faithful, and I love you – always. Stand fast in your belief that I AM good.

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