My Promises are Assured

Psalm 103:4 (AMPC) Who redeems your life from the pit and corruption, Who beautifies, dignifies, and crowns you with loving-kindness and tender mercy;

Beloved, I love you too much to leave you on a path of hurt and destruction. I made a way and have drawn you to Myself. I have crowned you with unfailing love and compassion. You are priceless to Me and worth dying for.

Just as My covenant with Abraham is unconditional, so is My covenant of love with those who’ve chosen Me. Simply cling to Me and trust that My promises – Blood-covered and enforced – will not return void. I watch over to perform them and delight in bringing them to pass for it pleases Me to bless My children. Rest in My promises, beloved, for they are assured.

Genesis 15:17 (GW) The sun had gone down, and it was dark. Suddenly a smoking oven and a flaming torch passed between the animal pieces.

2 Replies to “My Promises are Assured”

  1. I hope you can see it when I put a heart icon.
    Sometimes the word ministers to my heart but I don’t know what to say. So I just give a heart to tell you it touched me. Thank you for this word. ❤️

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