Life-Changing Love

1 Corinthians 13:4-8 (TPT) …Love never stops loving…

Beloved, I never stop loving you. Regardless of your choices, actions, thoughts and all the moments you fall short, My love remains the same. My hope for you is steadfast, and I find you inherently worthy of love no matter the decisions you make or whether other people seem to find you so. My love for you is eternal and unconditional, and you are made in My image.

You were created not just to be loved, but to love – without reserve. You may hate choices or be disappointed in situations, but refuse to let your love – based on the inherent nature of each person and the way I created them – to change. Be steadfast. Hold to the truth of who I made them. Expect that, prophesy it. Be relentless in prayer, and lavish love – and do so without strings or contingencies. Love like that is life-changing. Continue reading “Life-Changing Love”

Selah (again)

Psalm 24:10 (AMP) Who is [He then] this King of glory? The Lord of hosts, He is the King of glory [who rules over all creation with His heavenly armies]. Selah.

Beloved, pause. Stop and reflect, truly take moment and ponder who I AM. Ponder My glory, the works of My hands, My character and identity. It’s far too easy to get caught up in the rhetoric and lose sight of who I truly am. I AM more than simply words regurgitated by well-meaning people who get so busy saying the “right” things they’ve missed the point: relationship with Me.

So pause. Make room for Me to speak, make room for Me to love you, and make room for all I share and teach you to penetrate. Meditate on Me – on My words, both rhema and logos (whispered in your ear and written in My word). Slow down. Refuse to be tempted to rush this journey. Some things cannot be hurried. So pause. Ponder Me, beloved. Selah.

Note: I find it ironic that in a year of doing these Prophetic Nuggets, this particular post “accidentally” got posted (and sent out to the subscribers) twice. 🙂 After my initial embarrassment, I realized God had this happen on purpose because He wanted to re-emphasize the need to pause. Continue reading “Selah (again)”


Psalm 24:10 (AMP) Who is [He then] this King of glory? The Lord of hosts, He is the King of glory [who rules over all creation with His heavenly armies]. Selah.

Beloved, pause. Stop and reflect, truly take moment and ponder who I AM. Ponder My glory, the works of My hands, My character and identity. It’s far too easy to get caught up in the rhetoric and lose sight of who I truly am. I AM more than simply words regurgitated by well-meaning people who get so busy saying the “right” things they’ve missed the point: relationship with Me.

So pause. Make room for Me to speak, make room for Me to love you, and make room for all I share and teach you to penetrate. Meditate on Me – on My words, both rhema and logos (whispered in your ear and written in My word). Slow down. Refuse to be tempted to rush this journey. Some things cannot be hurried. So pause. Ponder Me, beloved. Selah.

Allow Faith to Blossom

James 1:2-4 (VOICE) Don’t run from tests and hardships, brothers and sisters. As difficult as they are, you will ultimately find joy in them; if you embrace them, your faith will blossom under pressure and teach you true patience as you endure. And true patience brought on by endurance will equip you to complete the long journey and cross the finish line —mature, complete, and wanting nothing.

Beloved, allow faith to blossom – bursting forth in strength and life – like a chick breaking through its shell, having found the strength required to go forth and live through perseverance gained by the hardship of the immediate challenge. Press in and persevere.

Trust Me. Trust that I will be with you to strengthen and encourage you in your moments of need. Trust that I know what you can endure and what is needful for what lies ahead. I AM the beginning and the end, the Alpha and Omega, I AM always mindful of what is best for My children and for My Kingdom, and I use all things for good.

So in the moments it feels like too much, focus your heart on Me. Allow Me to renew your strength, restore your joy, and give you peace. Allow Me to guide you into the fullness of all you were created and called to be. Refuse to shy away from trials, instead seeing them as tests to be conquered that your faith might increase. So allow your faith to blossom, beloved, and do so with joy.

Being a Grateful Child of Mine

Psalm 107:8 (VOICE) May they erupt with praise and give thanks to the Eternal in honor of His loyal love And all the wonders He has performed for humankind!

Beloved, what I have done is more than enough. That’s not to say I won’t do more, but it is a reminder to choose gratitude over greed, thanksgiving over longing. Choose to be content with what you have already been given.

Refuse to operate from a place of spoiled entitlement. There is difference between standing in faithful expectation and pouting like a child because your prayers haven’t yet been answered.

Choose well. Who would you bless: someone you’d already gifted who quickly cast aside their blessing to extend their hand for more? Or the one grateful for your gift and appreciative of its blessing in their life?

You woke up this morning, that is a gift. You are breathing, that is a gift. Look around you, see and acknowledge all I’ve done, for I love My children. Bless Me by seeing and acknowledging the outpouring of that love, by being a grateful child of Mine. Continue reading “Being a Grateful Child of Mine”

Tremble in Awe

Psalm 96:9 (TPT) Come worship the Lord God wearing the splendor of holiness. Let everyone wait in wonder as they tremble in awe before him.

Beloved, tremble in awe as you gaze on My beauty – as the eyes of your heart become clear and you see Me for all I AM. I AM holy, rich in mercy – an awesome God, the great I AM. Meditate on all I AM. Let your heart be full. Be overtaken.

Set aside earth pursuits and distractions and make time to to seek Me. Choose to be holy as I AM holy. Offer yourself as a gift – a holy offering – an act of worship. I AM life-changing, life-giving, the author of hope. Being with Me changes things – changes you – the cares of the world will fall away as you see Me as I AM.

Mirror My Love

1 Corinthians 13:4-8 (TPT) …Love is a safe place of shelter…

Beloved, love is a place of safety, a shelter in the storm. I AM your strong tower, a place of refuge for you. But you, who are made in My image, can also provide a safe haven. Allow your love to create a place for a soul-weary exhale, just as Mine is for you. Provide a place free from judgment and criticism, a place filled with understanding and support.

Love can even speak hard truths without creating a need to be on guard because it does so from a place of humility, one that assumes the best and clearly sees the heart of who someone is and was created to be.

Cherish the safe places in your life, beloved. See them for the blessing they are and respond in kind. Be My heart and mirror My love. Continue reading “Mirror My Love”

Stand in Awe, Stand in Praise

Psalm 44:5 (TPT) Through your glorious name and your awesome power we can push through to any victory and defeat every enemy.

Beloved, no force is too strong for the King of Kings, the Lord of Heavenly Armies, God Almighty, the Great I AM. I AM your strength and your deliverer, the lifter of your head. Stand and praise, for My promises surround you like a shield, wholly reliable and forever true.

I AM awesome in holiness and My glory and power fill the earth. Stand in awe of Me. For I AM mighty in power, before Me demons will tremble and darkness must flee, and you know My name.

At Work in Every Moment

Jeremiah 32:27 (VOICE) Eternal One: Look! I am the Eternal, the God of all living things. Is anything too difficult for Me?

Beloved, refuse to allow Me to be made small in your eyes. Refuse to believe the lies that I do not see or My arm is too short – I AM more than able. I AM the God of heaven and earth. I AM sovereign, God Most High. My glory is infinite, it knows no end. Remind yourself who I AM and that I AM trustworthy. Leave your life in My hands.

When you see a problem in your life, don’t waste time and energy worrying over it. Instead, look to Me and ask Me for My wisdom, and My course of action. Be excited to see My creative solutions. And when you think I’ve overlooked you or forgotten to act, remind yourself that is not like Me, and be expectant for the unexpected, knowing I AM at work in every moment.

Come and Know Me

Psalm 16:11 (NKJV) You will show me the path of life; In Your presence [is] fullness of joy; At Your right hand [are] pleasures forevermore.

Beloved, in My presence is fullness of joy. The world would have you believe serving Me is drudgery. Your flesh seeks to convince you that worldly entertainments are more exciting. But beloved, those are simply quick counterfeits of downloads from heaven.

As with any relationship, ours is built over time. It requires commitment and dedication, but it is well worth the cost for true contentment is found there. Not the fruitless byproduct of the world’s offerings that often leave you more empty than when you began, but deep abiding satisfaction and wholeness that is found only in intimacy with Me.

No, I cannot be manipulated or controlled like a television is turned on and off with channels switched at will, but that which you will find in Me, is the only thing that truly satisfies.

Come and know Me. Come discover Me. Put in the time and effort recognizing it for the blessing it is – Melek Kabowd (the King of Glory) who desires your time and attention; Abba, your loving Father who desires the best for you; YHVH Bore (the Creator), the One who knows you intimately because He made you and understands every facet of your heart; Palet (your deliverer), the One who sets you free.