Delve into the Mysteries of Me

Psalm 78:2,4 (VOICE) I will open my mouth in parables; I will speak of ancient mysteries— We will not keep these things secret from their children; rather, we will tell the coming generation All about the praise that is due to the Eternal One. We will tell them all about His strength, power, and wonders.

Beloved, delve into the mysteries of Me. There is such beauty in knowing and being known – such joy and depth of affection in the intimacy of understanding. Just as a couple that has been married for decades and who are deeply in love can finish one another’s sentences and preemptively anticipate each other’s needs and wants, so I desire that intimacy with you. 

I want you to know how I think – to feel confident in how I move. I want you to be intimately aware of the mysteries that make Me who I AM, just as I know you and all the mysteries that make up who you are. From that depth of understanding comes an unshakable foundation of trust and appreciation. It is worth the effort to cultivate. So delve into the mysteries of Me and see the beauty that comes forth, beloved, and then share Me with the world.

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