Daniel 3:17-18 (NIV) If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to deliver us from it, and he will deliver us from Your Majesty’s hand. But even if he does not, we want you to know, Your Majesty, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up. ”
Beloved, trust in Me and leave the outcome in My hands. Be expectant in Me without having expectations for specific results. For My ways are not your ways nor are My thoughts your thoughts, so My course of action may not make sense to you, but trust Me enough to know that even if you don’t “get” it and even if it isn’t what you thought or hoped for I AM always good.
Expect Me to be good without trying to mandate what that looks like. I AM the Righteous One, the Faithful God, trust Me to know what is best. Keep your heart in a place of gratitude and praise and be steadfast in it. Refuse to let circumstances shake or confuse you, and simply rest in Me.
[We shared this Prophetic Nugget during a live stream from our Dyed4you Ministries FB page yesterday (the nugget is read about five and a half minutes in). We mentioned the previous discussions on this theme which you can find the videos for at Being a Grateful Child of Mine and Drink Deeply. In this video, I’m ministering with a mismatched pair of large spin wings called Satisfied but Expectant, which are the Dayenu (It Would Have Been Sufficient) and Confident Faith silks.]
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