Surrender Your Plans to Me

Jeremiah 31:3 (GW) The Lord appeared to me in a faraway place and said, “I love you with an everlasting love. So I will continue to show you my kindness.

Beloved, never has My love for you dimmed or been diminished. No, it burns like the brightest flame, casting light and bringing warmth – a steady assurance and unyielding support. I AM and have been at your side, and ever will I be.

Let My love strengthen and encourage you – bring you comfort when you are in need. But press forward, beloved. Refuse to turn back. The threshold lies before you, and like a bridegroom carries the bride into the chamber, so, My love, will I carry you as you surrender your plans to Me.

Be Filled and Satisfied in Me {Moments with God}

{my heart whispers} Father, you are worth it all. Willingly I lay down all I have and all I am at your feet. I surrender everything into Your hands because I trust you completely (or at least my heart desires to do so). I refuse to hold on or try to control things from a place of fear or doubt. I know Your perfect love casts out all fear and I know you are good. I choose to believe. I refuse to let circumstances, emotions, or any fleshly evidence convince me otherwise. I choose to trust in You. 

{He gently replies} Beloved, all you have is Mine – freely given. Be strong, and resist the urge to judge My goodness based on earthly situations. Choose to know Me. Delight yourself in Me, not because you know that I will then give you the desires of your heart, but because I AM worth delighting in. Operate from a pure heart. As you have surrendered all to Me, now make Me your all. Be filled and be satisfied in Me. 

Mark 10:28 (VOICE) Peter: Master, we have left behind everything we had to follow You.

Tarry with Me

Isaiah 40:31 (AMP) But those who wait for the Lord [who expect, look for, and hope in Him]…

Beloved, wait on Me. No time is wasted when it is spent in My presence. So “waste” your life on Me. Yield your heart, your thoughts, your dreams. Sit in My presence. Open your heart wide. And wait. 

Trust that I will meet you there. Know that I am lavishing you with My love and attention. Know that each moment with you is precious to Me, for you are My beloved and it pleases Me beyond measure when you choose to tarry with Me.  Continue reading “Tarry with Me”

Refuse to Withhold

Matthew 16:25 (VOICE) The person who wants to save his life must lose it, and she who loses her life for Me will find it.

Beloved, refuse to hold anything back. The temptation is always to protect oneself, to hedge one’s bets, to cover your own interests, but I AM fully trustworthy to see to your needs. You cannot both protect yourself and surrender to Me fully. To yield requires trust, and to do so without condition.

Search your heart, beloved, and see if there are areas you  are yet withholding. Resist the urge to try to “help” Me take care of you, for I have the job well in hand. Give yourself to Me completely, and know I AM covering you in My great love.

Be a Portal

Psalm 84:2 (VOICE) How I long to be there —my soul is spent, wanting, waiting to walk in the courts of the Eternal. My whole being sings joyfully to the living God.

Beloved, spend your life in a place of worship. Dwell in there. Draw heaven into earth. Be a portal – a vessel for Me to flow through. Allow Me to change the world through you. 

As you yield your heart of worship, watch as I fling wide the windows of heaven and pour forth that which you have not known and cannot explain. Be ready to receive, beloved, for what I have in store is good.  Continue reading “Be a Portal”

Choose Wisely and Yield

Isaiah 64:8 (AMP) Yet, O Lord, You are our Father; We are the clay, and You our Potter, And we all are the work of Your hand.

Beloved, yield to Me. You have been given choices, so choose wisely – choose to surrender all you have and all you are to Me, trusting that I will lead you rightly. For I see what you do not see and know what you do not know. I AM righteous and I AM good. My heart towards you is unfathomable love. 

But surrender requires trust. At each decision and each choice the question becomes: do you trust Me? Do you trust Me to have your best interests at heart? Do you trust Me to care? Do you trust My judgment? Do you trust Me? 

So be mindful of the message your actions make clear, and know I AM not the only one who will see and take note. To surrender requires faith. Yield to Me, beloved. Choose wisely and yield. 

Hold Nothing Back

Matthew 22:37 (TPT) Jesus answered him, “‘Love  the Lord your God with every passion of your heart, with all the energy of your being, and with every thought that is within you.’

Beloved, hold nothing back. Give Me all your love, devotion, and passion, but also give Me free reign to mold and shape, to refine and prune. Trust Me to do so with love and with purpose, for My heart is to see you bloom into your best self. 

I created you and I know your innermost parts. I know the purpose I designed you for and I made you well. You are not “too much.” A fish on land looks foolish and weak, but put him in the water for which he was created and he will flourish. 

Trust Me to place you where you belong. Refuse to waste time wishing you were different or trying to be so. You are fearfully and wonderfully made. Be you and be you to the fullest. 

Trust Me to Do What is Good

Psalm 89:14 (VOICE) Your rule is rooted deeply in justice and righteousness— unfailing love and truth lead from the way ahead of You.

Beloved, I AM full of love and rich in mercy. I AM truth and fully trustworthy. Rely on Me. I will not be mocked, those that sow shall surely reap. Will I allow one who sows that which is evil to reap that which is good? That would be an injustice. 

Trust Me to do what is right. Trust Me to see and know. Trust Me to hear and respond to the cries of My people, for I AM a good God and righteous and just. Trust Me to do what is good. 

Swing Wide the Gates

Psalm 24:7 (TPT) So wake up, you living gateways! Lift up your heads, you ageless doors of destiny! Welcome the King of Glory, for he is about to come through you. 

Beloved, make way and make room. Swing wide the gates of your heart and make room for Me to come in all My Splendor. Live a life that models the beauty of one who is open and yielded to Me, for the spiritual power of that will shift atmospheres and cause the hardest hearts to pause in wonder.

Be a living testimony to the love of God – My love, for as you consciously and continually yield in your heart it causes a spiritual shift that becomes evident in the natural. So wake up and open the gates and prepare for things to move!

Sweet Surrender

Psalm 91:4 (TPT) His massive arms are wrapped around you, protecting you. You can run under his covering of majesty and hide. His arms of faithfulness are a shield keeping you from harm.

Beloved, I AM here and steadfast. Ever vigilant. Ever ready. My desire to protect you is acute. Consistently make the choice to run to Me. Be intentional to surrender to My covering. You cannot both protect yourself and surrender to Me – and only I can truly cover you, so hide yourself in Me.

Relinquish control, beloved, and trust Me completely. I AM the Rock of Ages, the Everlasting Arms, your Deliverer and your Strong Tower. Find your rest in Me. Cast your burdens down and surrender your cares to Me, for I AM well able to meet each and every need.

Trust Me. Trust that My ways are perfect even when they are not your ways. I see things you do not see and know things you do not know, and I operate with complete understanding, so surrender yourself to Me and delight in the sweetness found in that surrender.