Be Saturated

Isaiah 58:11 (VOICE) The Eternal One will never leave you; He will lead you in the way that you should go. When you feel dried up and worthless, God will nourish you and give you strength. And you will grow like a garden lovingly tended; you will be like a spring whose water never runs out.

Beloved, let My love wash over you and soothe the broken, dry places. Be saturated in My presence – no longer dry and brittle, but supple and flexible. I AM the potter and you are the clay. When clay becomes dry and difficult to work with, water makes it pliable and easy to mold. 

So be saturated by My Spirit. Become fully yielded in My hands. In the same way dried clay can be broken, but supple, wet clay simply adapts and changes shape, so I have created you to flourish regardless of what comes your way. Saturate yourself in Me, and be whole. Continue reading “Be Saturated”

Entrust Your Heart to Me

Psalm 4:5 (VOICE) From this day forward, offer to God the right sacrifice from a heart made right by God. Entrust yourself to the Eternal.

Beloved, entrust your heart to Me. Resist the urge to hold back or try to protect yourself. You are safe with Me. I do not promise a life without trial, but I promise to give you the strength to endure. 

Hold on to Me, and honor Me with the offering I most desire: a surrendered heart. Yield your plans to Mine. Yield your will to Mine. Yield to Me, beloved. Yield. Entrust your heart to Me.

Yield and Wield

Luke 12:48 (VOICE) …If you are given much, much will be required of you. If much is entrusted to you, much will be expected of you.

Beloved, in order to wield My strength, you must yield to Me. Only My judgment is perfect, and My right hand wields much power. That power cannot be entrusted to those who operate from their own flawed sense of right, but rather those who yield to Me, will wield authority. 

Resist the urge to covet the authority you see others walk in, for you do not know the cost that was required. Rather focus on yourself, and on surrendering more and more fully to Me. Then trust I will move through you in My perfect timing. Yield and wield, beloved. Yield and wield.

Rending the Heavens with Humility

Proverbs 22:4 (TPT) Laying your life down in tender surrender before the Lord will bring life, prosperity, and honor as your reward.

Beloved, surrender your will to Mine. Lay it down as a humble, heartfelt offering before the One who made you. True power and authority does not come in human strength, but in your ability to yield to the One who wields all power – the One who is sovereign: Me.

So rend the heavens with humility as you lay down your life as a pleasing offering before Me. Then watch as I move in power – in and through you – bringing life, prosperity, and honor to the one who chose to honor Me first. Delight in Me and I will give you the desires of your heart, beloved. So delight in Me.

My Golden Flow

Psalm 46:4 (VOICE) A pure stream flows— never to be cut off— bringing joy to the city where God makes His home, the sacred site where the Most High chooses to live.

Beloved, as I have deposited in you, so pour forth the golden flow of My anointing. Be a vessel of My Spirit, and be obedient to My direction – not from a place of constantly fearing doing wrong, but from a yielded heart sensitive to My leading. 

As you are open to Me, My flow continually pours into you and you will never run dry. So stay open to Me, and trust Me when I say it’s time to pause – even when there are more good things to be done around you. For I know what you are capable of, and I will not give you more than you can handle as you rest in Me. 

So pour out as I pour in, beloved. Trust My leading, and yield to Me. Then watch as the golden flow of My anointing continues pouring – changing the lives of those it touches. 

Fully Yield

John 3:8 (TPT) For the Spirit-wind blows as it chooses. You can hear its sound,  but you don’t know where it came from or where it’s going. So it is within the hearts of those who are Spirit-born!”

Beloved, as you yield to My Spirit, expect the unexpected. For the way I think and move isn’t the same as you might think or move. “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways” (Isaiah 55:8).

So expand your expectations. Be open to how I might move, and be ready to go with My flow. Release any expectation of control and fully yield to Me.

Face the Flames

Hosea 6:1 (VOICE) Come on, let’s renew our loyalty to the Eternal One! He tore us like a lion, but He’ll heal us; He wounded us, but He’ll bandage us.

Beloved, My love for you never changes – no matter what you do or say. And I AM never cruel or unfeeling towards you. I will, however, allow hardships into your life to shape and mold you, and to build your character. 

I do not do this to be unkind, though in the moment it may feel that way. The contrast of “bad” gives “good” a greater fullness. Just as the contrast of sorrow brings joy more depth. If a child is given everything they want and they experience no hardship, they will be spoiled and self-focused. I will not do that to My children, for My love for them is too great. 

Therefore, I allow hardships and trials, but I walk through them with you. I AM present – ready to give support and strength as you reach for Me. Then as you come out the other side, I bring healing and restoration. And just as a scar strengthens the area where there has been a wound, I will strengthen you in the areas you’ve been tried. 

So face the flames of testing unafraid, knowing I AM with you and will walk you through, knowing you will be stronger for doing so, and knowing challenges are simply part of life. And, beloved, life is worth embracing in all its fullness.  Continue reading “Face the Flames”

Glorious Harmony

John 5:19 (VOICE) Jesus: The truth is that the Son does nothing on His own; all these actions are led by the Father. The Son watches the Father closely and then mimics the work of the Father.

Beloved, watch Me closely. Keep your eyes fixed on Me. Resist any urge to be rigid and unmovable – fixed and resistant to change, but rather stay supple and loose – ready and willing to be moved by My Spirit. 

For I long for us to move as one – seamlessly, like a pair of dancers who move in perfect, fluid unity. So, beloved, do as I do, speak as I speak, and love as I love. Mirror Me. And together we will move in glorious harmony bringing My Kingdom here to earth. 

Radical Obedience

2 Timothy 4:2 (TLB) to preach the Word of God urgently at all times, whenever you get the chance, in season and out, when it is convenient and when it is not. Correct and rebuke your people when they need it, encourage them to do right, and all the time be feeding them patiently with God’s Word.

Beloved, resist the urge to be silent simply because it stretches you to speak. Await My nudges and act in obedience when they come. True obedience isn’t reflected when you “feel like” obeying, but rather when you do so without consideration of your feelings in deference to Me. 

Trust that I know what you’re capable of. Trust that I know the timing and the words and actions for you to execute, and that I will lead you accordingly. I AM sovereign. Yield to Me.

Hear and Obey

John 15:14 (TLB) and you are my friends if you obey me.

Beloved, hear and obey. Hear and obey. Don’t delay. Resist being sidetracked. Refuse to be derailed or dissuaded. Know My voice so well, that nothing can shake you. Know My Word so well, that your foundation is completely secure. 

Be willing. Be yielded. And be obedient. Abide in the secret place with Me. Know My heart that you might accurately reflect it in your words and actions. Hear and obey, beloved. Hear and obey. Continue reading “Hear and Obey”