{my heart whispers} Lord, I want to walk in integrity – to be known as one of Your own. I want for my life to reflect Your ways, Your heart, Your Word. Teach me Your truth. May Your Holy Spirit lead and guide me, and may I be sensitive to Your voice. I want to hear You. I want to know You. I want to make choices that please You. I want to make You proud.
{I can sense Him smiling as He looks at me with love. And though we both know only too well I’ll fall short, He loves me just the same. He loves my desire to please Him even as He knows I won’t always make choices that do so. And yet His love remains steadfast – like a patient father, He believes in me and will always encourage me toward good. May my heart always pursue Him.}
Psalm 119:1 (VOICE) Happy are the people who walk with integrity, who live according to the teachings of the Eternal.