More Like You {Moments with God}

Psalm 86:5 (TPT) Lord, you are so good to me, so kind in every way and ready to forgive, for your grace-fountain keeps overflowing, drenching all your lovers who pray to you.

{With a heart filled with gratitude} Father, thank You for Your steadfast love. Thank You for Your overflowing grace. I need it and I receive it. I am grateful beyond words. The magnitude of Your love for me is completely incomprehensible. Your goodness and Your patience are more than I can understand.

{In prayerful petition} Help me to be more like You. Help my heart to mirror Yours. I want to be just like You because the impact of Your grace truly is amazing. So in the same way, may I mirror that grace to those around Me. May I walk in humble patience and understanding. May my heart be filled with compassion. May I be more like You.

{His whispered reply} My grace is sufficient, and My love sustains, so trust Me to see you through. As you yield to My plans and trust in My ways, My hands are molding you. It’s with love that I chasten and grace I extend every time you’re in need. For you are precious and prized – the apple of My eye, and your heart means the world to Me.

Psalm 86:5-8 (TPT) Lord, you are so good to me, so kind in every way and ready to forgive, for your grace-fountain keeps overflowing, drenching all your lovers who pray to you. God, won’t you pay attention to this urgent cry? Lord, bend down to listen to my prayer. Whenever trouble strikes, I will keep crying out to you, for I know your help is on the way. God, there’s no one like you; there’s no other god as famous as you. You outshine all others and your miracles make it easy to know you.

Faithful to Restore

Psalm 86:4 (TPT) Restore joy to your loving servant once again, for all I am is yours, O God.

Beloved, receive My joy as you rest in My presence. Be refreshed in your time with Me. For all that I AM is holy and true, and I pour My love out over you. Be saturated and satisfied, and be restored.

I AM the God who makes all things new. And I AM the God who redeems. Nothing is too hard for Me, and I AM all you need. So rest in Me and release your cares – cast them all on Me. For I AM faithful, beloved, forevermore. And faithful I’ll always be.

Psalm 86:1-4 (TPT) Lord, bend down to listen to my prayer. I am in deep trouble. I’m broken and humbled, and I desperately need your help. Guard my life, for I’m your faithful friend, your loyal servant for life. I turn to you in faith, my God, my hero; come and rescue me! Lord God, hear my constant cry for help; show me your favor and bring me to your fountain of grace! Restore joy to your loving servant once again, for all I am is yours, O God.

Choose to Trust

Psalm 86:3 (TPT) Lord God, hear my constant cry for help; show me your favor and bring me to your fountain of grace!

Beloved, I hear every word that falls from your lips (whether you’re addressing them to Me or not). Resist the urge to think I’m unfeeling or unmoved simply because I respond differently than you hope or perhaps think I should.

I AM the Alpha and I AM the Omega. I AM the first and last. My perspective is beyond your comprehension, so choose to trust My judgement. And choose to trust My counsel. And yield to My direction, and know it’s for your good.

Psalm 86:1-4 (TPT) Lord, bend down to listen to my prayer. I am in deep trouble. I’m broken and humbled, and I desperately need your help. Guard my life, for I’m your faithful friend, your loyal servant for life. I turn to you in faith, my God, my hero; come and rescue me! Lord God, hear my constant cry for help; show me your favor and bring me to your fountain of grace! Restore joy to your loving servant once again, for all I am is yours, O God.

I AM Still Good

Psalm 86:2 (TPT) Guard my life, for I’m your faithful friend, your loyal servant for life. I turn to you in faith, my God, my hero; come and rescue me!

Beloved, when you call to Me, I answer. And when you need Me, I AM there. I may not remove the consequences of poor choices, but I AM fully able to help you navigate challenging circumstances and work them for your good.

Choose to be faithful. Choose to be steadfast. Choose to walk with Me. But even when your actions diverge from your intent, still I AM with you and still I AM good. So cling fast to My promise, for it is bedrock.

Psalm 86:1-4 (TPT) Lord, bend down to listen to my prayer. I am in deep trouble. I’m broken and humbled, and I desperately need your help. Guard my life, for I’m your faithful friend, your loyal servant for life. I turn to you in faith, my God, my hero; come and rescue me! Lord God, hear my constant cry for help; show me your favor and bring me to your fountain of grace! Restore joy to your loving servant once again, for all I am is yours, O God.

I Don’t Desert You

Psalm 86:1 (TPT) Lord, bend down to listen to my prayer. I am in deep trouble. I’m broken and humbled, and I desperately need your help.

Beloved, regardless of the situation you find yourself in, I AM with you and I AM listening. Even when you’re in a crisis of your own making, I don’t turn my back to punish or desert you. I love you. And even when you walk through fire I AM with you – in fact, especially then.

I’m no fair weather friend. I’m not a “sometimes” god. I AM steadfast and I AM able. And whether the trap you find yourself in is one of your own making or one set to ensnare you, I AM fully able to move on your behalf, if you but yield to Me.

Psalm 86:1-4 (TPT) Lord, bend down to listen to my prayer. I am in deep trouble. I’m broken and humbled, and I desperately need your help. Guard my life, for I’m your faithful friend, your loyal servant for life. I turn to you in faith, my God, my hero; come and rescue me! Lord God, hear my constant cry for help; show me your favor and bring me to your fountain of grace! Restore joy to your loving servant once again, for all I am is yours, O God.

Hold My Heart {Moments with God}

{Crying in my heart} Please hear me, Father. I feel weighed down in spirit and troubled in my heart. So in my distress I turn to You (just as I do in my joy). In confusion I will cling to You (because You’ll never steer me wrong). I don’t understand what is troubling me, or why I’m in despair. But this is the way You’ve wired me, and so I trust my heart in Your care.

{His whispered reply} You’re beautiful, My precious one, and I’ve made you flawlessly. My design for you is beautiful, even when it’s incomprehensible for you – still then I can clearly see exactly what I had in mind, and how I see it playing out. You are exactly as you should be, a gift to the world and a joy to Me. So let Me lavish My love upon you, and let My Spirit minister to your soul. Your heart is so precious to Me, thank you for trusting it to Me to hold.

Psalm 86:1 (ESV) Incline your ear, O LORD, and answer me, for I am poor and needy.

Godly Character {Moments with God}

{Praying} Father, help me to choose wisely those I connect myself to. May I choose those who walk in love, righteousness, and humility. May they be people of grace and compassion. And may I reflect that godly character as well.

{Praying and declaring} Help me to resist all wickedness and not be drawn in by greed. Help me resist being so focused on myself and my own interests that I miss the opportunity to love and bless others. Help guard my tongue – keep me from foolish chatter. Let my words speak life and may they reflect the condition of my heart (and may it be beautiful). Help me to accurately reflect You and bring You glory.

Psalm 28:3 (ESV) Do not drag me off with the wicked, with the workers of evil, who speak peace with their neighbors while evil is in their hearts.

Life is Coming Forth

Psalm 1:3 (VOICE) You are like a tree, planted by flowing, cool streams of water that never run dry. Your fruit ripens in its time; your leaves never fade or curl in the summer sun . No matter what you do, you prosper.

Beloved, expand to the left and to the right, for now is the time to grow. Your roots have gone deep, so your foundation is secure. So let life burst forth, for life will not be contained. Rather vigorously growth takes place when the possibility of it can no longer await manifestation.

Just as a woman nine months pregnant cannot decide to delay delivery inevitably or until it is more convenient, so shall this new life – new growth – come amidst travail but with joyous conclusion. Conclusion of the labor simply marks the beginning of a new and greater work. Indeed, be ready, beloved, for life is coming forth.

Psalm 1:1-3 (VOICE) God’s blessings follow you and await you at every turn: when you don’t follow the advice of those who delight in wicked schemes, When you avoid sin’s highway, when judgment and sarcasm beckon you, but you refuse. For you, the Eternal’s Word is your happiness. It is your focus—from dusk to dawn. You are like a tree, planted by flowing, cool streams of water that never run dry. Your fruit ripens in its time; your leaves never fade or curl in the summer sun . No matter what you do, you prosper.

Flourish in Abundant Life

Psalm 1:2 (VOICE) For you, the Eternal’s Word is your happiness. It is your focus—from dusk to dawn.

Beloved, there is so much of Me to know and explore. So feast on My Word, and meditate on it night and day. For as you seek Me, I allow Myself to be found. I beckon you deeper – a feast of life and truth before you, indulge in Me and be satisfied.

As you make Me your focus and live with your heart ever fixed on Mine, My strength becomes your foundation and your joy will come from Me. For only I complete you, and in Me you find your rest. So feast on Me and the things of My Kingdom, and flourish in life abundant.

Psalm 1:1-3 (VOICE) God’s blessings follow you and await you at every turn: when you don’t follow the advice of those who delight in wicked schemes, When you avoid sin’s highway, when judgment and sarcasm beckon you, but you refuse. For you, the Eternal’s Word is your happiness. It is your focus—from dusk to dawn. You are like a tree, planted by flowing, cool streams of water that never run dry. Your fruit ripens in its time; your leaves never fade or curl in the summer sun . No matter what you do, you prosper.

Sincerity and Truth

Psalm 1:1 (VOICE) God’s blessings follow you and await you at every turn…When you avoid sin’s highway, when judgment and sarcasm beckon you, but you refuse.

Beloved, resist the urge to indulge in sarcasm regardless of how seemingly innocuous it may be. For careless words may wound as surely as the fiercest blade, and woe be to the one who uttered them.

Let your yes be yes, and your no be no, and let sincerity and truth ring from your mouth. For the heart and wellbeing of another far outweigh a moment’s thoughtless indulgence – when carefree becomes careless to another’s heart.

Psalm 1:1-3 (VOICE) God’s blessings follow you and await you at every turn: when you don’t follow the advice of those who delight in wicked schemes, When you avoid sin’s highway, when judgment and sarcasm beckon you, but you refuse. For you, the Eternal’s Word is your happiness. It is your focus—from dusk to dawn. You are like a tree, planted by flowing, cool streams of water that never run dry. Your fruit ripens in its time; your leaves never fade or curl in the summer sun . No matter what you do, you prosper.