Palet (Deliverer)

Psalm 18:17 (TPT) Even though I was helpless in the hands of my hateful, strong enemy, you were good to deliver me.

Beloved, I will not leave you in a pit of despair. I will always extend My hand and offer a means of escape. So grab hold and refuse to let go. I AM good and faithful and true. I AM Palet, your deliverer – your rock and your fortress. You are not helpless when you are resting in Me.

So choose to give thanks for My mighty hand. And resist the urge to believe the lies that you are worthless and alone. Instead listen to My truth, for I AM a good Father, and I protect those who are My own. And, beloved, you are Mine. Continue reading “Palet (Deliverer)”

Elohim Mishpat (God of Justice)

Job 25:2 (AMP) Dominion and awe belong to God; He establishes peace and order in His high places.

Beloved, I AM sovereign, and My rule  brings peace and justice. For I AM the righteous judge, Elohim Mishpat – God of Justice. I do what is right and establish righteousness in My Kingdom. Align yourself with Me. 

If you claim to yield to Me, but persist in walking in unrighteousness, you are deceiving yourself. Those who truly know Me walk in truth. So immerse yourself in My Word, beloved, that you might fully understand that which is good and perfect and true, and then you can walk in it. Then you will be a child of justice just as I AM the God thereof. 

El Qanna (Jealous God)

Exodus 34:14 (VOICE) because you must not worship any god except for Me. My name is Jealous, and I am a jealous God.

Beloved, I do not compromise and I will not share. You are Mine, and your fidelity – your steadfast devotion to Me and Me alone – is of the utmost importance to Me. I AM the Lord your God. I will not share you with another. 

To one who loves Me this fierce possession feels like the most ardent embrace. It is not burdensome or overwhelming. In the same way a husband demands purity and constancy from his wife, and a wife who adores her husband freely gives this burdenless commitment, so those who are passionate about Me will not hesitate to remain steadfast and singleminded in their love for Me. It is their joy to give so priceless a gift to One whom they adore. 

But to those who claim devotion but who are burdened by My just claim to their heart, they must reevaluate to see if they truly have given it to Me. As I have said, I wish that you were hot or cold, but the lukewarm I will spew out of My mouth. So check your heart, beloved. Choose one side or the other. And if you’ve chosen Mine, embrace the fullness of My jealous love, for I AM El Qanna, the Jealous God. Continue reading “El Qanna (Jealous God)”

YHVH Ga’al (the Lord your Redeemer)

Isaiah 43:14-15 (VOICE) The Holy One of Israel, the Eternal One who redeemed you, says, …I am the Eternal, your Holy One. I am your King…

Beloved, I AM the Holy One of Israel – YHVH Ga’al, the Lord your redeemer. Behold I have snatched you from the jaws of death and brought you into eternal life. So embrace life and walk in the freedom you’ve been given. 

Let nothing tempt you to waste the gift you’ve been given, beloved. Though free, this gift came at a high cost. And I deemed you well worth the cost. Walk in the knowledge that you are precious and worthy and prized. 

YHVH Bore (the Lord your Creator)

Genesis 1:2 (VOICE) At first the earth lacked shape and was totally empty, and a dark fog draped over the deep while God’s spirit-wind hovered over the surface of the empty waters. Then there was the voice of God.

Beloved, I AM YHVH Bore, the Lord your Creator, and I AM still speaking life today. Just as My Son called Lazarus from the tomb and He came forth, so I AM calling to the dry, wounded, and dead places in your heart and calling out, “Come forth, beloved. Come forth!”

Hear and respond to My voice. Be transformed into the fullness of all I have called you to be. Be as radically changed as the caterpillar to the butterfly, unrecognizable in your glorious metamorphosis. Allow all you are – all I have made you – to shine forth unhindered bringing glory to My name.  Continue reading “YHVH Bore (the Lord your Creator)”

YHVH El-Ashiyb (the Lord God Restorer)

Leviticus 25:10 (VOICE) When the 50th year arrives, sanctify it and declare liberty throughout the land for all who live there— dramatic, radical liberty for all. It is to be your jubilee year. Each of you is allowed to go back to the land that belonged to your ancestors; and each of you may return to your own family.

Beloved, there is dramatic, radical liberty available to all in Me. Refuse to settle for anything less. I AM YHVH El-Ashiyb – the Lord God Restorer, and I do nothing halfway. Look to Me for complete deliverance, for I AM able. 

Behold, I AM realigning things as they are supposed to be. Stand at the ready and be expectant, turn your face to Me, for I AM the God of the impossible because nothing is impossible for Me. 

YHVH Rapha (the Lord your Healer)

Exodus 15:26 (VOICE) Eternal One:  If you will listen closely to My voice— the voice of your God—and do what is right in My eyes, pay attention to My instructions, and keep all of My laws; then I will not bring on you any of the plagues that I did on the Egyptians, for I am the Eternal, your Healer.

Beloved, I AM the Lord your healer – YHVH Rapha. Look to Me. Even as you walk in righteousness, keep your gaze fixed on Me – the One who created you and knows your form. Look to Me first. Look to Me. 

For I AM high and lifted up – exalted above the heavens, and more than able to do far above that which you can ask or think. So look to Me and know I AM God. 

Adonai Ori (the Lord your Light)

Psalm 27:1 (TPT) The Lord is my revelation-light to guide me along the way…

Beloved, I AM Adonai Ori, the Lord your Light. Look to Me for clarity and wisdom. Look to Me for direction and insight. Look to Me to illuminate that which is murky or hidden in darkness. For I see all, and I understand all. I AM conscious of the hidden things for nothing is hidden from Me. 

I AM at work in the midst of every situation, so look to Me and seek to know how you fit within My plan. My eye is on you and My light is within you, so shine even as you follow My directing rays.

I AM the Lover of Your Soul

Song of Solomon 8:6 (VOICE) Set me as a seal over your heart; wear me as an emblem on your arm For love is as strong as death, and jealousy is as relentless as the grave. Love flares up like a blazing fire, a very ardent flame.

Beloved, be overcome with devotion for Me. I AM the lover of your soul, the One your heart desires – the only One who can truly fulfill you. Hunger for Me, as I ardently burn for you. Nothing can diminish My love for you, and let nothing dampen your fiery passion for Me.

Wear My love like a brand – a mark clearly identifying you as belonging to Me. For you do. And nothing can break that covenant connection. Let the world see and know, for I will not share your affections, beloved. You have given yourself to Me, so you are indeed Mine.

Trust My Love

John 3:16 (VOICE) For God expressed His love for the world in this way: He gave His only Son so that whoever believes in Him will not face everlasting destruction, but will have everlasting life.

Beloved, My love for you is so great there is nothing I’d hold back from you. My actions have proved that out again and again. So resist the urge to doubt Me now – to think the situations so important to you are somehow going unnoticed by Me. 

I see. I AM El Roi – the God who sees, and nothing escapes My notice. Trust My love. Trust My heart for you. Rest in the shadow of My wings, for you are My beloved, and I AM your God.