Walk in Wisdom

Proverbs 3:17-18 (TPT) The ways of wisdom are sweet, always drawing you into the place of wholeness. Seeking for her brings the discovery of untold blessings, for she is the healing tree of life to those who taste her fruits.

Beloved, seek fast after wisdom and ask Me for it, for I will not withhold it. But remember that seeking and having wisdom is only part of the journey. Implementing that wisdom and making decisions based on it is essential as well. 

For as you walk in wisdom, blessing overtakes you. It draws you into a place of wholeness. And from that place of completeness, you are able to effectively pour out to others. So seek wisdom. Ask for it. Then walk in wisdom that you might be blessed and be a blessing.  Continue reading “Walk in Wisdom”

Walk in Full Confidence

2 Corinthians 2:15-16 (AMP) For we are the sweet fragrance of Christ [which ascends] to God, [discernible both] among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing; to the latter one an aroma from death to death [a fatal, offensive odor], but to the other an aroma from life to life [a vital fragrance, living and fresh]. And who is adequate and sufficiently qualified for these things?

Beloved, resist the urge to be offended when those who don’t know Me taunt and tease you. Remember the fragrance of your life is an offering to Me, it need not appeal to them nor is it likely to. 

Your light reminds them that they are in darkness, and no matter how much they may have grown accustomed to the dark, I have placed a desire in each heart for My light. The longing for it can cause a jealous desire they themselves may not even recognize. 

So refuse to allow yourself to be influenced by the unkind words of those around you. Instead be firmly rooted in who I say you are and walk in full confidence in your identity as a precious child of Mine.  Continue reading “Walk in Full Confidence”

Keep the Flame on the Altar of Your Heart Burning

Leviticus 6:13 (JUB) The fire shall burn continuously upon the altar; it shall not be put out.

Beloved, there’s no wrong time to worship Me. When you’re feeling overwhelming gratitude, it’s the right time. When you’re overcome with sorrow, it’s the right time. When trials press in on all sides, it’s the right time. It’s always the right time. 

Be intentional to let nothing steal your praise. Make time to lavish Me with your affections, and let Me do so in return. Keep the flame on the altar of your heart continuously burning – may it never go out. 

Sweet Essence of Joy

Romans 15:13 (VOICE) I pray that God, the source of all hope, will infuse your lives with an abundance of joy and peace in the midst of your faith so that your hope will overflow through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Beloved, just as you would use an extract to infuse a baked good with flavor, so you should allow the sweet essence of joy to infuse your life. Let its pleasant and pervasive flavor penetrate every aspect of your world. Allow it to color how you see and respond – let it guide your choices and actions. 

Just as when baked goods are shared with others that they are blessed by the sweet flavors, so your life and outlook will bless those around you. You will bring sweet joy to their lives and stir up hope for their own. So surrender to joy, beloved, and watch how it changes not only you, but the world around you.

Rest in Joy

Romans 12:12 (VOICE) Do not forget to rejoice, for hope is always just around the corner. Hold up through the hard times that are coming, and devote yourselves to prayer.

Beloved, choose to rest in joy. There is always something for which to have gratitude. At all times and through every experience, you can choose to maintain a state of joyous appreciation for My goodness to you. Joy is a choice. 

So choose to rest in joy even as you persist in prayer – trusting Me to move rightly, for I AM good. Your concerns are important to Me and never out of My thoughts. I never treat your heart lightly, beloved. So resist the urge to indulge in worry, and rather choose to be steadfast in joyful gratitude. 

Relentlessly Pursue the Mystery of Me

Job 36:26 (GW) Certainly, God is so great that he is beyond our understanding. The number of his years cannot be counted.

Beloved, seek out My mysteries. Continually seek to plumb My depths. Simply because I AM so great I defy full understanding doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try. There is much beauty both in knowing Me and the pursuit of doing so. And though you might seek Me all of your days, there will always be more of Me to ferret out. 

So endeavor to know Me, the unknowable God. Seek to understand, and refrain from wrongly judging Me in moments you do not comprehend My ways. I AM omnipotent and all-knowing. I AM also merciful and good, slow to anger and long suffering. Trust My character, and relentlessly pursue the mystery of Me. Continue reading “Relentlessly Pursue the Mystery of Me”

Hear and Follow Me

Ecclesiastes 12:13 (GW) After having heard it all, this is the conclusion: Fear God, and keep his commands…

Beloved, when all is said and done, obey and revere Me. You can consider the wisdom of man, and you can spend time deciding what you think is right, but ultimately not one person on earth has the understanding and insight I do with heavenly, eternal perspective. 

This is a matter of trust. Whose judgment are you going to trust and act on? Your own? With your limited view and biases, your judgment is imperfect, beloved. Wisdom is found in a multitude of counselors because you learn to listen for My breath among the words. 

Beloved, My sheep know My voice and another’s they will not follow. Are you Mine? Then demonstrate that in your heart and actions. Hear and follow Me. 

Song of Joy

Psalm 30:4-5 (TPT) O sing and make melody, you steadfast lovers of God. Give thanks to him every time you reflect on his holiness! I’ve learned that his anger lasts for a moment, but his loving favor lasts a lifetime! We may weep through the night, but at daybreak it will turn into shouts of ecstatic joy.

Beloved, keep an attitude of gratitude in your heart and a song of joy on your lips. Pause and reflect, and you will see there is always something worth praising Me for. You are alive. You are breathing. You are loved. Dayenu – what I have done already is sufficient. 

Resist the urge to focus on that which discourages and tears down – that which inspires fear and disappointment. Rather be intentional to look at the beauty I’ve placed in your life – even if it is something as simple as a lovely night sky or the kindness of a stranger. May your eyes be open and alert to My goodness, and may your heartsong always be one of joy. 

Fount of Life

Psalm 68:6 (VOICE) He makes a home for those who are alone. He frees the prisoners and leads them to prosper. Yet those who rebel against Him live in the barren land without His blessings and prosperity.

Beloved, you are not alone, for I AM with you. And I place you within the body of My family and give you a place of connection and peace. Prosper in this place of freedom, and zealously cultivate it by not just receiving and drawing life from its midst, but also sowing in your own precious flow. 

I have placed life within you, and you choose to pour it forth from your mouth, or not. So beloved, be intentional. Choose to be a fount of life even as you enjoy the life-giving flow of those around you. Then enjoy the beautiful harmony of what My body can be. 

Brave, Constant, and Disciplined

2 Timothy 1:7 (AMP) For God did not give us a spirit of timidity or cowardice or fear, but [He has given us a spirit] of power and of love and of sound judgment and personal discipline [abilities that result in a calm, well-balanced mind and self-control].

Beloved, refuse to allow what your eyes see to sway what your heart believes. Stand fast in the knowledge of who I AM and who I’ve made you. Remind yourself of My faithfulness. Recall to mind the countless times I’ve acted on your behalf. 

Then when troubles come, they will not shake you nor cause you to quake in fear, for you will steadfastly know I AM God, and you have nothing to fear. Be brave, constant, and disciplined, beloved, for I AM the One who sustains you.