Be Radiant without Shame

Psalm 34:5 (GW) All who look to him will be radiant. Their faces will never be covered with shame.

Beloved, shame is not from Me. The price has already been paid for you to be free [Seeing what appears to be a cloak being removed and understanding it’s a covering of shame being removed].

Look to Me, beloved. Allow the glory of My presence to reflect on your face. Be radiant without shame or fear darkening your countenance. Refuse to allow the lies of the enemy to cloud who you are and change your reflection. You are beautiful, beloved. Fearfully and wonderfully made. Allow My glory to shine on and in you.

Make Knowing My Heart a Priority

Song of Solomon 4:12 (VOICE) You are a locked garden, my sister, my bride, open only to me; a spring closed up tight, a sealed fountain.

Beloved, I will not share first place in your heart with another. You are My beautiful treasure, apple of My eye, the center of My world. Truly, you cannot fathom the depths of My love for you nor the lengths I will go to for you. You are not something I take lightly.

So beloved, be mindful not to take Me lightly nor the things that are important to Me.  In the same way that it hurts you if someone important to you dismisses something deeply meaningful to you, it crushes Me as well. You are made in My image – the hurts you feel are ones I feel too, as are the longings. Make knowing My heart a priority. The joy that will come from the intimacies we share the deeper we go are greater than you can imagine.

Who I Give Honor to is Honored

Proverbs 16:31 (GW) Silver hair is a beautiful crown found in a righteous life.

Beloved, embrace the sign of wisdom and experience. It is a crown of honor. Even in moments when others refuse to give honor or bring dishonor (either in ignorance or intentionally), it does not change the fact that I honor the wisdom that comes through years spent with Me. If others choose not to align, that is an indicator of their own state, not yours. For who I give honor to is honored.

{praying} Sensing a prayer over the elders that they would have grace and patience with the younger generation – as they rush about often barely pausing to breathe and who too often in arrogance refuse wise counsel – continue to gently persist in giving it, speaking words of truth and life. As you echo the Voice of heaven and His heart, your words and actions have impact whether you get to see that impact or not. Trust it is there, and continue in obedience reflecting His heart. For it is vital to the body of Christ. Your role is vital. You are a blessing. Thank you.

Let Victory Be Your Song

2 Timothy 1:7 (VOICE) You see, God did not give us a cowardly spirit but a powerful, loving, and disciplined spirit.

Beloved, let My love for you embolden you. Let it fill you with confidence in Me. You walk in victory when you walk with Me. Refuse discouragement. The enemy will always try to distract you with seeming failures and he loves to malign My character, but you know and walk in Truth.

Let victory be your song. Let My joy wrap through your soul filling you with strength. Radiate the assurance of one who knows Me. Be filled with the knowledge of Me and be overwhelmed by My love.

Be a Conduit of Blessing and Grace

Psalm 112:5 (VOICE) Good comes to all who are gracious and share freely; they conduct their affairs with sound judgment.

Beloved, just as I have extended grace to you, you (being made in My image) should be intentional about extending grace to others. Freely you’ve received, freely give. Withholding grace speaks more to your character than to the recipient’s worth, so be known as one who is gracious and generous in spirit.

If it is within your power to be a blessing, resist the temptation to withhold it. Trust My leading and operate as a conduit for Me to bless others through. Closing down that pipeline doesn’t actually give you more, but rather it stagnates the flow. So open wide – holding everything loosely – what I prompt you to give won’t feel like a loss because of the magnitude of blessings on their way down the pipeline for you and for you to generously share. Continue reading “Be a Conduit of Blessing and Grace”

Kindness is Contagious 

Galatians 5:22-23 (AMP) But the fruit of the Spirit [the result of His presence within us] is…kindness,

Beloved, as My fruit multiplies within you, let it pour forth from your heart in the form of kindness. Be known for being one who is gracious and generous of spirit, full of mercy and overflowing with compassion. Let kindness be your trademark.

Nurture others’ wellbeing, making their interests your focus trusting that I will make yours My own. Encourage those around you to operate in joy and love simply by doing so yourself. Kindness is contagious. Spread it liberally!

See Yourself Rightly

Romans 12:3 (CJB) For I am telling every single one of you, through the grace that has been given to me, not to have exaggerated ideas about your own importance. Instead, develop a sober estimate of yourself based on the standard which God has given to each of you, namely, trust.

Beloved, refuse to let pride have any hold in your life. Nor let false humility take root. Seeing yourself as less than what You were created to be does just as much disservice to Me as your Creator as allowing yourself to be puffed up. Ask Me for an accurate understanding of who you are. Then when I tell you, believe Me. Allow Me to mold your understanding of yourself – what you’re capable of, who you’ve been created to be, how I see you, and who you truly are.

You have been fearfully and wonderfully made. Allowing yourself to believe that and using that which you’ve been given to its fullest honors Me. So resist the urge to hold back – whether you’re tempted to do so for fear of failure or because others are intimidated by the greatness in you or any reason in between – think only of pleasing Me, beloved. The thoughts and concerns of man should not hold more weight than Me. Trust Me. Trust My judgment in how I have created and called you. See yourself rightly and be all I have made you to be.

Able and Willing 

Psalm 40:5 (CJB) How much you have done, Adonai my God! Your wonders and your thoughts toward us — none can compare with you! I would proclaim them, I would speak about them; but there’s too much to tell!

Beloved, I AM the God of Wonders. Pause and behold My handiwork. See Me for who I AM. Do not allow doubt or circumstances to minimize Me in your eyes. Nothing is too hard for Me. And I love you. You are My beloved, My heart, apple of My eye, and center of My world.

Do you think that I could part the seas, but somehow be incapable of moving on your behalf? Or perhaps you think Me able but unwilling? Don’t fall prey to those lies, trust Me. Trust My plans for you, and yield to Me. Look with wonder upon My glory. Watch Me in action. Refuse to be moved or shaken. Know that I AM God.

My Crowning Glory 

Isaiah 62:3 (VOICE) And you will be the crowning glory of the Eternal’s power, a royal crown cradled in His palm and held aloft by your God for all to see.

Beloved, you are My crowning joy, a sparkling gem, My delight, the apple of My eye. My glory is made manifest in you and in your life. I display you for all to see – exalting you that those around you might see Me.

So shine brightly, beloved. It is not arrogance to live to the fullest of what I’ve created you to be. It is honoring to your Creator. Do not be shamed into diminishing yourself into a muted version of you simply because others are jealous, intimidated, or judgmental. You are My joy and glory. Live to please Me.

Love Well

Romans 12:9 (VOICE) Love others well, and don’t hide behind a mask; love authentically. Despise evil; pursue what is good as if your life depends on it.

Beloved, resist the urge to hide who you are for you have been fearfully and wonderfully made, and you are worth knowing. The real you. Be genuine. Do not fear rejection or those who may misunderstand you, they reject and misunderstand Me as well. I know you and I accept you, may that be sufficient. May My love be sufficient. And may you reflect that love – loving like you’ll never get hurt – trusting that when you do, I will heal your heart and comfort you.

Hate that which I hate. Evil. The works of the enemy. Not people, beloved, but their unrighteous actions and sin. Love the people. Reflect My heart of grace, righteousness, and mercy. Pursue that which is good and upright. Lead by example. Let your actions speak volumes, and allow your tongue to rest. Love well.