Look Closely

Revelation 5:5 (AMP) Then one of the [twenty-four] elders said to me, “Stop weeping! Look closely, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has overcome and conquered! He can open the scroll and [break] its seven seals.”

Beloved, look closely and see with spiritual eyes. Resist the urge to allow things in the natural to influence your foundational core. You know who I AM, so what have you to fear? You know who I AM, so why should you worry?

I AM the victorious One. My Kingdom is everlasting. No earthly situation will change that outcome. So remember that if human life is simply a wisp – a vapor, and each human circumstance is merely a tiny fraction of that vapor – so slight and fleeting.

So be sure to keep the circumstances of the day right-sized. Refuse to allow them to overwhelm or intimidate you. For regardless of the situation, I AM bigger. And regardless of the opposition you face, I AM stronger. So have faith in Me, and watch with spiritual eyes as I move in your life.

Burn Brightly

Revelation 2:4 (TPT) But I have this against you: you have abandoned the passionate love you had for me at the beginning.

Beloved, refuse to allow your flame to dim. And if you find your passion for Me is naught but smoldering embers, stir them up to roaring flames. Ask Me to blow on your embers and ignite you to flame. Seek Me as one who is suffocating seeks breath. Knock and be persistent in your pursuit. Refuse to be waylaid or derailed.

Burn brightly, My love. Hold fast to your first love, quickly seeking to regain it if you see your passion dimmed. I will settle for nothing less than your whole heart, and I will offer you nothing less than all of Mine. I AM worthy of your best. Refuse to hold back. Refuse to mute your passion so as not to offend someone else, or be concerned that you will draw attention to their own waning blaze. Burn, and burn brightly. Continue reading “Burn Brightly”

The Lamb has Overcome

Revelation 12:11 (TPT) They conquered him completely through the blood of the Lamb and the powerful word of his testimony. They triumphed because they did not love and cling to their own lives, even when faced with death.

Walk in victory, beloved, for the Lamb has overcome. Live your faith boldly. Let your actions speak loudly your faith in your King. Hold nothing more dearly than your trust in Me – not life or death – for the grave does not reign supreme, I do. 

This place of bold assurance is where true power comes from. A heart that stands secure will know peace, for it knows nothing can threaten that which truly matters because victory is assured. Beloved, your eternity is in Me, and nothing can steal it away. So walk boldly in that power and the authority you have in Me, and move mightily on behalf of the Kingdom and My righteousness.

Love Without Reservation

Revelation 22:12 (AMP) “Behold, I (Jesus) am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to give to each one according to the merit of his deeds (earthly works, faithfulness).

Beloved, lay up rewards in heaven. In comparison to eternity, life on earth is but a wisp – the blink of an eye. And yet so much time and focus is put on needs and comforts in this earthly realm. Be intentional to be mindful of both. 

Make choices based on eternity. Love is what will remain, so love well. Resist the urge to hold back or protect your heart, but rather trust Me to protect it, or heal it when you’re hurt. Take those moments of injury as opportunities to identify with My heart, which has been betrayed, falsely accused, and deeply wounded too. 

Love like Me – without reservation. My love is sacrificial, and it is limitless. There are no conditions to My love, and yet love does not facilitate actions that harm their recipient. Seek My heart that you might learn to best reflect Me.

Seek to Fathom Me

Job 11:7 (NIV) Can you fathom the mysteries of God? Can you probe the limits of the Almighty?

Beloved, I AM fathomless, yet I AM worth the effort to try. The depths of My mysteries have no end. The stretch of My hand goes beyond comprehension. And yet, those who seek Me are blessed, and those who hunger and thirst for Me are filled. 

So though My ways may defy understanding, still you should seek to understand. And though My thoughts are higher than your thoughts, seek to raise yours to Mine. I AM fathomless, beloved, and yet seek to fathom Me. Continue reading “Seek to Fathom Me”

Drown in My Depths

Psalm 42:7 (VOICE) In the roar of Your waterfalls, ancient depths surge, calling out to the deep. All Your waves break over me; am I drowning? 

Beloved, is there such a thing as too much of My love? Come drown in My depths. Be lulled in the flow of My Spirit. Be invigorated – My breath like bubbles against your skin. I AM El Shammah – the God who is present, and I AM always with you. 

Press into Me and seek out the deep mysteries, for I will not withhold wisdom from those who ask. Be drawn deeper still, for there is no end to Me. Revelation upon revelation. Mercy beyond mercy. Love, endless love. Like a pool of swirling waves, happily drown in the pleasure of knowing and being known.

Psalm 42:1, 5, 7-8 (VOICE) My soul is dry and thirsts for You, True God, as a deer thirsts for water. Why am I so overwrought? Why am I so disturbed? Why can’t I just hope in God? Despite all my emotions, I will believe and praise the One who saves me and is my life. In the roar of Your waterfalls, ancient depths surge, calling out to the deep. All Your waves break over me; am I drowning? Yet in the light of day, the Eternal shows me His love. When night settles in and all is dark, He keeps me company— His soothing song, a prayerful melody to the True God of my life.

Feast Extravagantly

2 Timothy 3:16 (VOICE) All of Scripture is God-breathed; in its inspired voice, we hear useful teaching, rebuke, correction, instruction, and training for a life that is right

Beloved, not one word of My Word is wasted. Its depths you can spend a lifetime plumbing. There is wisdom and insight and instruction throughout. Ask Me for revelation. Ask Me to bring forth the intricacies, and share with you the wisdom of the ages. 

Remember the study of My Word is no light, inconsequential matter. It takes time and dedication. So be intentional, beloved. Build on your understanding of My Word day after day, word after word. Be nourished, sustained, and become fruitful as you feast extravagantly on My Word.

The Depths of My Wisdom

Proverbs 2:6 (VOICE) The Eternal is ready to share His wisdom with us, for His words bring true knowledge and insight;

Beloved, I have so much to share, but to hear it you must quiet yourself and listen. If you have something of value to share and the person you want to share it with is giving you little to no attention, does that foster your desire to share? Absolutely not. And often if you power through and share it anyway, it’s treated lightly or as though it has no value, which diminishes the gift that’s been given. 

In the same way, beloved, I will not chase after you trying to share the depths of My mysteries. Those come only through your time and pursuit. But, beloved, they are well worth the effort, and here and available if you take time to abide. So seek Me while I may be found, and open yourself to the depths of My wisdom.

Look Ahead

Revelation 21:4 (AMPC) God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; and death shall be no more, neither shall there be anguish (sorrow and mourning) nor grief nor pain any more, for the old conditions and the former order of things have passed away.

Beloved, resist the urge to get swept up in the cares and pains of this world. Remember that your time on earth is like the blink of an eye, while My Kingdom is everlasting. Sorrow may last for a night, but remember to embrace the joy of the new day – for it always comes.

The griefs and trials of today will pass, so be intentional to look ahead and align with eternity. Grieve, but don’t be overcome with grief. Trust My heart. Trust My plan. Allow My Spirit to comfort and encourage you. Rest in Me. Rely on Me. Hide yourself in Me. And look ahead. Continue reading “Look Ahead”

Eager Anticipation

Revelation 22:20 (VOICE) The One who testifies to these realities makes this promise: The Anointed One: Yes. I am coming soon. To which we say, “Amen. Come, Lord Jesus.”

Beloved, I AM coming. Allow the quickening in your heart to stir. Allow the eager anticipation to build. The Bridegroom is returning for His bride. Coming and coming quickly. 

Resist the urge to be troubled by the hardships that will come, and instead fix your heart on the joyous culmination that is on its way. Drink deeply of the intimacy we have here and now, even as you anticipated the increase that is coming.