Reflect My Love

Proverbs 3:3 (VOICE) Stay focused; do not lose sight of mercy and truth; engrave them on a pendant, and hang it around your neck; meditate on them so they are written upon your heart.

Beloved, the more you know, the easier it seems to be to slip into judgment. It is far too easy to think you know what is right and to assume you know best how another should act or what choices they should make.

I encourage you to be rich in mercy – to love one another, and be rich in compassion. Make that your focus rather than some self-congratulatory sense of “rightness” that feeds your pride. Cultivate mercy and be rich in understanding that you might reflect My love and live the true meaning of My Word.

Proverbs 3:1-4 (VOICE) My son, always remember what I have taught you; keep my instructions dear to your heart. If you do, they will be your guide to a long, healthy, prosperous life. Stay focused; do not lose sight of mercy and truth; engrave them on a pendant, and hang it around your neck; meditate on them so they are written upon your heart. In this way, you will win the favor of God and others, and they will think well of you.

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