You are My Everything {Moments with God}

Psalm 86:10 (TPT) You are the one and only God. What miracles! What wonders! What greatness belongs to you!

{From a heart filled with praise} God, I know who You are. Year after year I’ve seen You move in my life in beautiful and amazing ways. So even in this moment where I don’t see Your hand – when I’m confused and don’t understand – I still choose to remember who I know You to be. I know You are faithful, and I know You’re looking out for me. I know I can trust You, and I know You have good plans for me. I know I can safely rest in the shadow of Your wings. And I know beyond a shadow of a doubt, You are my everything.

Psalm 86:9-12 (TPT) Lord Almighty, you are the one who created all the nations; Look at them—they’re all on their way! Yes, the day will come when they all will worship you and put your glory on display. You are the one and only God. What miracles! What wonders! What greatness belongs to you! Teach me more about you, how you work and how you move, so that I can walk onward in your truth until everything within me brings honor to your name. With all my heart and passion I will thank you, my God! I will give glory to your name, always and forever!

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