Press Through

Numbers 22:22 (VOICE) Nevertheless, God was angry that Balaam was going. He sent His own messenger as an adversary to stand in Balaam’s way, blocking the prophet’s path. Now Balaam was riding on his donkey, and he had two servants too.

Beloved, press through. Not in the sense of forcing something like a square peg in a round hole, but rather in resisting the urge to give up. I AM at work even when it seems like I’m not. Look for the way I have made for you.

Remember I will hedge your way with thorns, so if you’re not finding a way through, keep looking. I may be the one who has blocked your path. Be willing to turn around or go another direction. Trust Me to move. Trust Me to lead. Trust Me to have a plan and be walking you through it. The plans I have for you are good plans, beloved, so trust in Me.

Hosea 2:6 (ESV) Therefore I will hedge up her way with thorns, and I will build a wall against her, so that she cannot find her paths.

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