Listening Heart

James 1:5 (NET) But if anyone is deficient in wisdom, he should ask God, who gives to all generously and without reprimand, and it will be given to him.

Beloved, I will not rebuke you for an earnest request, though I may not choose to answer in the way you hoped. But trust Me to hear and respond in love, for My heart toward you is good and My love for you is unshakable.

So refuse to feel overwhelmed by what you don’t understand, and instead ask My Holy Spirit – the teacher of all things – to show you what you need to know. For I love to share with My children, and a listening heart I will not deny. Continue reading “Listening Heart”

Trust Implicitly

Psalm 138:7 (VOICE) Whenever I walk into trouble, You are there to bring me out. You hold out Your hand to protect me against the wrath of my enemies, and hold me safely in Your right hand.

Beloved, as you follow the road of life, trust that I know what is behind each bend and beyond each corner. For I know the beginning from the end, and the whole of the journey in between. So trust Me to lead.

Just as you trust implicitly in a map or GPS if you are traveling in an unknown area, so you should have that same unreserved faith in Me. Have enough faith to rely even when you do not know or understand where you are headed. Trust that I will not lead you astray.

And rather than spend the journey fretting about what is to come, focus on enjoying the ride. Relax as you allow Me to lead, and remember to enjoy the sights and sounds along the way.

Put Your Trust in Me

Psalm 56:11 (AMP) In God have I put my trust and confident reliance; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?

Beloved, resist any temptation to be intimidated by men. For I AM God – I AM able to bestow honor and riches and favor. You need never strive for those things. Nor need you be worried over men’s machinations or threats, for I AM always with you and My right hand upholds you.

Men have what power I have allowed, you need not fear them or feel forced to trust them. Instead trust Me. Instead give reverence and honor to Me, for I AM the only true God. Refuse to even allow your fears or your tears to give more honor to them than you would to Me. Trust Me to meet every need, for I AM good.

Note: this Prophetic Nugget was featured on a Lunchtime Live on the Dyed4you Ministries Facebook page. You can watch a recording of the livestream by visiting: Lunchtime Live: Choose Who You Trust and Honor

Embrace the Adventure

Psalm 62:5 (NKJV) My soul, wait silently for God alone, For my expectation [is] from Him.

Beloved, hold loosely that which is to come. Trust Me, and trust in My plans – even when they take unexpected form. For I AM good, and My plans for you are good – regardless of whether they are expected or not.

So embrace the adventure. Trust Me to be at work on your behalf, and make each step as I lead you. You need not see the journey’s end when you begin, for therein lies the essence of faith. So embrace the adventure, and rest your expectations in Me.

Step Boldly Forth

Philippians 4:13 (TPT) And I find that the strength of Christ’s explosive power infuses me to conquer every difficulty.

Beloved, is anything beyond My strength to accomplish? So why then would you doubt your own ability to achieve when empowered by Me? Am I not strong enough or capable enough to equip and strengthen you for that which I’ve called you to?

Indeed, step boldly forth into the plans I have for you. I have prepared for each step along the way and I AM with you to strengthen you. Nothing is truly unknown when you walk with Me, because although the circumstances may be unfamiliar, I‘m not. I AM your God, and I AM with you always. So step out in faith with your hand gripped in Mine. I AM all in all. Continue reading “Step Boldly Forth”

Nothing is Too Hard for Me

Psalm 126:3 (VOICE) We shook our heads. All of us were stunned— the Eternal has done remarkable things for us. We were beyond happy, beyond joyful.

Beloved, I AM El Shaddai – God Almighty, and nothing is too hard for Me. So when the tears and rain may come, know that no situation or circumstance is beyond My ability to bring forth good. So wait, watch, and trust in Me. 

I AM faithful from generation to generation, and with Me nothing is impossible. I AM true to My word – I keep My promises. Be ready and expectant. Stand fast in hope. Know that I can and will move. And though it may not be in the way you expect, trust Me to be working all things for good. For I AM God. Continue reading “Nothing is Too Hard for Me”

Wait and Trust

Psalm 126:5 (VOICE) Those who walk the fields to sow, casting their seed in tears, will one day tread those same long rows, amazed by what’s appeared.

Beloved, though the days and nights of trial feel endless, stand fast and cling to hope. For in a time not too far off, you will stand amazed by the beauty that lies where the ashes once were. For I bring forth life from death, just as a seed – dry and dormant – is sown and brings forth fruit. 

So wait and trust. Resist the urge to battle and rage, and instead look to Me in the midst of your storm. Find My gaze and hold it. Just as keeping your eyes on the horizon calms sea sickness, so holding My gaze will steady you in the midst of turmoil. So cling to Me and the hope of who I AM. Trust and wait, beloved. Wait and trust.  Continue reading “Wait and Trust”

Emissaries of Heaven

Mark 16:20 (VOICE) The disciples went out proclaiming the good news; and the risen Lord continued working through them, confirming every word they spoke with the signs He performed through them.]

Beloved, expect manifestations of My power. For what is the point of praying for the miraculous if you aren’t fully persuaded that the One you beseech is more than able to do “abundantly above all you could ask or think”? Choose to know Me, and choose to believe.

Walk in the full authority and power of the One who has sent you: Me. You are the emissaries of heaven. Yielded and willing vessels – created to usher the supernatural into the natural realm because you know who I AM and you believe. So stand and speak in faith, and watch Me move.

I AM Good

Psalm 56:10 (TPT) I trust in the Lord. And I praise him! I trust in the Word of God. And I praise him!

Beloved, in the midst of trials, hold fast to that which you know is true: I AM good. That fact remains unchanging. Difficulties are not a sign that I’m cruel or uncaring. Hardships are simply a part of life. 

But I AM with you always. I stand by you – to comfort and to guide you – in good times and in bad. Trust in Me. Resist the urge to blame or accuse Me, for I AM loving and I AM good. And I will bring forth beauty from ashes, so wait for it and rest in Me.

You Are Not Alone

Psalm 62:1 (TPT) I stand silently to listen for the one I love, waiting as long as it takes for the Lord to rescue me. For God alone has become my Savior.

Beloved, you are not alone. Nor do you need to tackle the trials that come by yourself, for I AM with you, and I AM here to comfort you. I AM YHVH Shammah – the Lord who is present, and I AM always here. 

So look to Me, and wait on Me – knowing I meet every need. I AM your help, and the One who saves, so trust in Me. Look to Me with hopeful expectation. Trust Me to navigate, and leave each step to My loving hands.