Your True Plumb Line

Psalm 143:2 (VOICE) Be kind and slow to judge Your faithful servant, for compared to You, no one is truly just.

Beloved, rely on Me to be your true plumb line. For regardless of your best efforts, you will always function with bias and flawed judgment. Only I AM the righteous judge, so resist the urge to attempt to stand in My shoes.

Rather lean on Me. Trust Me to guide you in true righteousness. Love as I love. For as you walk as a reflection of Me, you manifest My glory in the earth and make My heart known to the children of men.

Yield, Trust, and Obey

Proverbs 1:7 (TPT) How then does a man gain the essence of wisdom? We cross the threshold of true knowledge when we live in obedient devotion to God. Stubborn know-it-alls will never stop to do this, for they scorn true wisdom and knowledge.

Beloved, too often men rely on their own wisdom, scorning My instruction in favor of their own judgment. As if their limited views could steer them more accurately or somehow work more in their favor than yielding to Me.

Beloved, choose humility. Choose to yield to My will in favor of your own knowing I see what you do not. And I know things that are hidden from you. Choose to obey My Word and trust My voice. I will steer you rightly.

And though the path will not always be easy (for character is developed in hardship), I can promise that it is always good. So yield, trust, and obey, beloved. Yield, trust, and obey.

I AM Increasing You

Isaiah 54:2-3 (VOICE) Enlarge your house. You are going to need a bigger place; don’t underestimate the amount of room that you’ll need. So build, build, build. You will increase in every direction to fill the world. Your offspring will take over the nations; Your people will revitalize long-abandoned towns.

Beloved, I have more for you than you can begin to imagine. Keep your gaze fixed on Me and pursue Me with determined intent, then make ready for increase and pour out from your overflow.

I AM increasing you to the left and the right. I AM blessing you with more than enough because I know you are generous and will share liberally. Be intentional to remember that I AM the giver, and I give in abundance. Refuse to align with lack. Trust Me, and trust My hand as I move in and through you.

See Yourself Rightly

Psalm 139:1 (VOICE) O Eternal One, You have explored my heart and know exactly who I am;

Beloved, I have seen you and I know who you are. I know you intimately, for everything concerning you, concerns Me. There is nothing about you that is beneath My notice, and in fact I know you far more than you even know yourself. I created you. So trust My understanding of who you are over your own skewed understanding.

Refuse to be the lion looking in a mirror convinced they’re seeing a house cat in the reflection. Understand the strength and power you have been given. To refuse to see the gifts I’ve given you does a disservice to all those around you because it robs them of the beauty of all that you are. 

So beloved, see yourself rightly. For it is not pride to acknowledge how you’ve been made, nor is it arrogance to acknowledge the strength you’ve been given. I AM with you and I sustain you – of course you are mighty! My hand upholds you, and in Me you can do all things. So embrace the fullness of all you are. 

Note: this Prophetic Nugget was featured on a Lunchtime Live on the Dyed4you Ministries Facebook page. You can watch a recording of the livestream by visiting: Lunchtime Live: See Yourself Rightly

YHVH Melek Olam (Lord King Forever)

Daniel 2:21 (VOICE) He sets in motion the times and the ages; He deposes kings and installs others; He gives wisdom to the wise and grants knowledge to those with understanding.

Beloved, I AM YHVH Melek Olam, Lord King Forever. I AM sovereign and I AM not just wise, but wisdom itself is defined by Me. So look to Me for wisdom. Refuse to be tossed about by the opinions and assertions of men, which are fickle – an ever moving target. Instead trust Me to be your firm foundation, for I AM steadfast and unshakable.

Trust Me to give you the wisdom you need as you need it. And trust Me to grant you the knowledge and understanding you will also need to go with it. For I see the beginning from the end. And as you stay in tune with Me, I will give you all you need. Continue reading “YHVH Melek Olam (Lord King Forever)”

Watch and Wait and See {Moments with God}

{my heart cries} Hear me, Lord. My heart weeps until I feel like I could burst. The aching of this heartache seems endless and unbearable, and yet I know You are faithful. And yet I know I can rest in You. I trust You to bring beauty from these ashes, for You are good and Your goodness will reign forever – like a downpour of rain, Your goodness unfailingly saturates us.

{He whispers} Trust Me. Feel the gentle flow of My Spirit at work. Feel the movement from My breath as I bring life where it seemed nothing could flourish again. I AM the restorer. I AM the redeemer. I bring life, and do so abundantly. Wait and watch and see.

Psalm 17:6 (VOICE) I am crying aloud to You, O True God, for I long to know Your answer. Hear me, O God. Hear my plea. Hear my prayer for help.

Note: this Prophetic Nugget was featured on a Lunchtime Live on the Dyed4you Ministries Facebook page. You can watch a recording of the livestream by visiting: Lunchtime Live: His Timing/Seasons

Land of Blessing

Psalm 16:6 (TPT) Your pleasant path leads me to pleasant places. I’m overwhelmed by the privileges that come with following you, for you have given me the best!

Beloved, walk with Me and step into your land of promise. Trust Me, and yield to My path and My ways. See what I have in store for you: blessings in ways you never imagined, and beauty from ashes too.

Resist the urge to judge circumstances with human eyes, but rather tune into your spiritual senses and see all I have in store. See the impact of what I’ve called you to and walk it out in humble obedience as I bring you into your land of blessing.

Trust My Radical Grace

Romans 5:2 (VOICE) Jesus leads us into a place of radical grace where we are able to celebrate the hope of experiencing God’s glory.

Beloved, rest in My radical grace which was freely given to you. Cling fast to hope in seasons of testing, and know My grace is sufficient for all that is before you. I AM faithful, and I AM good. Trust in My mercy as you rely on My grace, for I will see you through.

Trust Me to be glorified even in the greatest trials, for I give beauty for ashes and joy for mourning, so rest in Me. Hope in Me. Cling fast, and trust My radical grace to see you through. Continue reading “Trust My Radical Grace”

Righteous Reflection

Psalm 141:5 (VOICE) Let those who do right strike me down in kindness and correct me in love. Their kind correction washes over my head like pure oil; do not let me be foolish and refuse such compassion…

Beloved, stay receptive to correction and open to instruction. Let those who speak in wisdom reflect My heart. For I guide you with My eye, and chasten those I love, so expect My direction from wherever it may come.

Refuse to take offense to admonishment. For even when unkindly given, it may give insight that can strengthen you. So bring it all to Me in prayer, trusting that I will lead you. Then in humility live as best as you can as a righteous reflection of Me.

Withhold Nothing

Hebrews 11:17 (VOICE) By faith Abraham, when he endured God’s testing, offered his beloved son Isaac as a sacrifice. The one who had received God’s promise was willing to offer his only son;

Beloved, withhold nothing from Me. Remember all you have is from My hand. So refuse to be like a dog growling at its  master’s outstretched hand as it enjoys a bone that was gifted from that very same hand. Trust all to Me. Resist the urge to guard or withhold from Me that which you hold dear.

If I instruct you in My Word not to frustrate your children, do you think I will turn around and do the opposite of what I instruct? Trust Me. I give and I take away, but I AM always working for good. Simply because I remove something doesn’t mean you’re “in trouble.” Trust that I AM working for your good.

So be passionate in your faith of Me. Withhold nothing. Demonstrate by your actions the level of belief you have in who I AM and the nature of My character. Let your unreserved faith declare Me worthy to all. Continue reading “Withhold Nothing”