Be Mindful of Your Priorities

Haggai 1:9 (GW) “You expected a lot, but you received a little. When you bring something home, I blow it away. Why?” declares the Lord of Armies. “It’s because my house lies in ruins while each of you is busy working on your own house.

Beloved, be mindful of your priorities. Be intentional about being rightly aligned with Me and My will. Refuse to succumb to the temptation to be fixated on yourself and your selfish pursuits, and instead be steadfast in pursuing the plans I have for you, for they are good. As you delight in Me, I will give you the desires of your heart. Be intentional to delight in Me.

When I bring to naught your  efforts, it is not that I’m acting like a toddler throwing a tantrum because you didn’t pay attention to Me first, it is because I want what is best for you; therefore, I cannot prosper that which is outside My will, but rather only that which aligns with it. So seek Me first. Focus yourself on Me. Yield to My leading, and trust Me to lead you rightly.

Rooted in Me

James 1:7 (TPT) When you are half-hearted and wavering it leaves you unstable. Can you really expect to receive anything from the Lord when you’re in that condition?

Beloved, refuse to be blown about by circumstances and emotions instead choosing to be quietly and firmly rooted in Me. Seek My will and trust it when I give you wisdom. Step out in faith knowing I AM faithful to guide each step. Refuse to give ear to the enemy’s lies and distractions. Stay firm.

Beloved, you know My sheep know My voice and that I graciously give wisdom to all who ask, so be at peace – knowing full well I AM more than able to steer you through any storm and quiet your heart as you allow Me to. Waiting upon Me is not a place of inaction, but rather a state of readiness. Being willing and yielded to go with My flow and allowing My Spirit to guide. Lay down the burden of “figuring things out” and seek Me. I AM faithful to lead, faithful to guide, and faithful to provide.

Be Sensitive

Galatians 5:22-23 (AMP) But the fruit of the Spirit [the result of His presence within us] is…gentleness…

Beloved, there are moments to be bold, but there are also moments to be gentle. Allow My Spirit to show you the difference. Keep your flesh in check in the moments it wants to reign free, but I’m calling you to keep it in check – remember that you rule it, not vice versa. Allow Me to lead and trust Me as I do.

In the same way My voice both thunders and is still and small, so must you be sensitive to what the moment calls for. There are some to whom a raised voice will always equal violence, and in the same way, some view gentleness as a license to walk all over you. Trust Me to know the difference and allow My Spirit to bring forth My fruit in your character as you stay yielded to My flow. Continue reading “Be Sensitive”

Trust Your Times in My Hands

Isaiah 46:10 (VOICE) From the beginning I declare how things will end; from times long past, I tell what is yet to be, saying: “My intentions will come to pass. I will make things happen as I determine they should.”

Beloved, trust My timing. Nothing happens by accident or without My notice, and nothing is beyond My care. Regardless of the enemy’s ploys, I will prevail. Trust Me at My word for I AM faithful and I AM good.

I work all things for good, so even in the moments you cannot see My hand, trust Me to move. Trust Me to heal. Trust Me to restore. Trust Me to work through every hurt, rejection, and pain and bring forth life. Beloved, My word will not return void, rather I watch over it to ensure each and every promise comes to pass. Trust your times in My hands.

Submit Yourself to My Loving Hands

Jeremiah 18:4 (NIV) But the pot he was shaping from the clay was marred in his hands; so the potter formed it into another pot, shaping it as seemed best to him.

Beloved, understand your role and understand Mine, then yield to them. Trust Me to know what is best, even when I seemingly break you – know that I always restore. For it is better to be a vine pruned back to the stump and regrowing in strength than to limp through life injured and weakened.

Allow My work in you. Allow Me to prune, reshape, refine. Yield to the process. Refuse the urge to accuse Me of cruelty or unkindness in the moments of hardship and trial. Trust that I AM for you and I AM good. I AM always working for your best interest and the best interest of the Kingdom. Submit yourself to My loving hands.

Your Life is in My Hands

Proverbs 27:1 (ESV) Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring.

Beloved, your life is in My hands. It’s fine for you to make plans as long as you hold them loosely, prepared to yield your will to Mine. You are not in control, but neither do you need to be. I AM faithful and trustworthy. The safest place you can possibly be is in the center of My will.

So resist the urge to be presumptuous in your planning and seek My counsel on all matters. I AM the only one who knows what tomorrow holds, so ask Me for wisdom and guidance regarding each step. Trust your life in My capable hands.

Your Piece in My Intentional Design

1 Corinthians 12:18 (GW) So God put each and every part of the body together as he wanted it.

Beloved, no detail escapes My notice. I AM intricate with My design. Each gifting given with intention. Each calling bestowed with purpose. What I have planned for you is not too big or too small, nor does it matter how it compares to anyone else’s. Each piece is vital. Every person important. The primary aim being each person’s heart and obedience to Me, and secondarily their love for each other.

Gifts are given for the purpose of expanding the Kingdom. Their purpose corporate not for the building up of the one who possesses it. Refuse to allow pride. Resist the temptation to judge with human eyes remembering I AM one who leaves the 99 to chase the one.

Each detail – each gift – is important because I have designed each one with a purpose. If you reach hundreds through your flesh, but miss the one I created you to reach because you judged with human eyes rather than yielding to My plan, you will not have succeeded. Be intentional about fulfilling your part of the greater plan – My plan. The full picture of the puzzle is only complete when every piece – regardless of size – has come into place.

So let go of any expectations, refuse to allow human judgments to encourage or discourage, and simply be intentional about yielding to Me and My plans. They are good. They are intentional. And you and your piece are key.

Trust Me to Know You

Matthew 7:11 (NLT) So if you sinful people know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give good gifts to those who ask him.

Beloved, I love to lavish My children with good gifts. I AM YHVH Bore, the Lord your Creator. I know how I’ve made you and the details of how I’ve wired you. I know your desires and the things that bring you joy. I know you even better than you know yourself. Trust that I know what will fulfill you.

Yield to Me. Ask Me for the good gifts I would have you have rather than persistently petitioning your wants. There will definitely be times those two things align, but I see things from a vantage point you don’t (and indeed cannot), so there are things I know will bless you beyond measure that are not even in your purview.

Trust Me and trust My heart for you. I AM and I AM the rewarder of those who diligently seek Me. Open your hands and heart to receive the blessings and gifts I have for you. Continue reading “Trust Me to Know You”

Be My Burning One

Hebrews 1:7 (NET) And he says of the angels, “He makes his angels spirits and his ministers a flame of fire,”

Beloved, My angels still touch coal to lips. Be purified. You are forgiven, refined, and guilt cannot plague you anymore. Choose to be holy as I AM holy. Choose to be tried in the fire – yield to My process – less of you, more of Me. My refining flames burning away the dross leaving you purified, sparkling, and new. Burn with passion for Me.

There is no need to resist the flames,  yield to Me and let Me bring forth beauty from the ashes that My glory might shine through. A broken, contrite spirit that seeks hard after Me is the most fragrant offering you can bring. That I will accept. That I will adore. You I cherish, beloved. Be My burning one, with a soul surrendered and a heart ignited for Me. Continue reading “Be My Burning One”

Let Your Actions Declare My Faithfulness

Galatians 5:22 (AMP) But the fruit of the Spirit [the result of His presence within us] is…faithfulness,

Beloved, I AM forever faithful, setting the example for My children. Allow My Spirit to bring forth faithfulness in you. That you might be focused and singleminded, a picture of loyalty and steadfastness – displaying My character and nature as you reflect Me.

Bear sweet fruit, beloved. You are made in My image, empowered by My Spirit, this character is not beyond your reach. It requires trust in Me – a trust that demonstrates to the world that I AM good and worthy of trust. Your actions will speak far louder than your words ever could, so declare My faithfulness by surrendering your all to Me knowing I AM full of love and worthy of your heart. Be at peace, I will meet you there for I AM good. Continue reading “Let Your Actions Declare My Faithfulness”