A Living Display of My Faithfulness

Isaiah 61:3 (TPT) …Because of this, they will be known as Mighty Oaks of Righteousness, planted by Yahweh as a living display of his glory.

Beloved, stand proud as a testament to My faithfulness – a living display of My grace and My glory. You will be as steadfast as a mighty oak with roots that go down deep, for I AM your foundation, and you’ve found your hope in Me.

So raise your hands and wave them high, an offering to Me. Be lifted up on eagles wings, and find new life in Me. I AM your strength, and I’m your song – your cry, your victory. And in My grace your hope is found, as you remain steadfast in Me. Continue reading “A Living Display of My Faithfulness”

Be Holy as I AM Holy

Romans 6:1-2 (NLT) Well then, should we keep on sinning so that God can show us more and more of his wonderful grace? Of course not! Since we have died to sin, how can we continue to live in it?

Beloved, returning to sin makes about as much sense as rolling in dog excrement right after bathing. When you gave your life to Me, you chose a clean life. That choice declared future intentions. Would you then go back on your word as though it were nothing simply because you know that I love you enough to forgive you again?

Just as a good parent will continue to love their child regardless of their behavior, so I will always love you – even though that love comes at a cost. But I also know the consequences to your choices and want better for you. So make wise choices, beloved. Be steadfast in your desire to walk in righteousness – be holy as I AM holy.

Be Steadfast in Hope and Shine

1 Thessalonians 5:11 (AMP) Therefore encourage and comfort one another and build up one another, just as you are doing.

Beloved, I have wired you to speak life and give hope. Shore up the broken ones around you. Let them be bolstered by your own overflow of faith. Live and walk in the light, for as solar power is charged by the sun, so you are emboldened and your own faith quickened and invigorated by basking in the glory of My presence.

So reflect Me, and do so unashamedly. As you live your life for Me, people cannot help but see and be encouraged as they see my hand at work. So walk in joy. Walk in truth. Be steadfast in hope. And shine, beloved. Shine.

YHVH Melek Olam (Lord King Forever)

Daniel 2:21 (VOICE) He sets in motion the times and the ages; He deposes kings and installs others; He gives wisdom to the wise and grants knowledge to those with understanding.

Beloved, I AM YHVH Melek Olam, Lord King Forever. I AM sovereign and I AM not just wise, but wisdom itself is defined by Me. So look to Me for wisdom. Refuse to be tossed about by the opinions and assertions of men, which are fickle – an ever moving target. Instead trust Me to be your firm foundation, for I AM steadfast and unshakable.

Trust Me to give you the wisdom you need as you need it. And trust Me to grant you the knowledge and understanding you will also need to go with it. For I see the beginning from the end. And as you stay in tune with Me, I will give you all you need. Continue reading “YHVH Melek Olam (Lord King Forever)”

Tenacious Hope

Romans 15:13 (TPT) Now may God, the inspiration and fountain of hope, fill you to overflowing with uncontainable joy and perfect peace as you trust in him. And may the power of the Holy Spirit continually surround your life with his super-abundance until you radiate with hope!

Beloved, may you be filled with contagious hope. May your hope be so tenacious that no circumstance or harsh words can quell it, no disappointment or confusion can dim it, and no delayed promise or unexpected direction can subdue it.

May your hope be so apparent and so steadfast that those around you can’t help but have their own hope stirred and fortified. As you draw from Me – the fountain of hope, may your reserves be filled to overflowing that you may share with those around from your surplus that you might be known as a releaser of hope.

Be Rooted in Hope

Romans 5:4 (VOICE) …When our characters are refined, we learn what it means to hope and anticipate God’s goodness.

Beloved, refuse to lose hope – even if the trials seem endless. Trust, and be rooted in faith, for you know who I AM, and you know My character, so anticipate My goodness. For I AM a good Father, and I love My children.

Let hope become your weapon, and make praise your battle cry. May My Word be your foundation, and may My Spirit lead you on. I AM the King of victory, and My heirs align with Me. So refuse to settle for anything less than My divine peace, for it is your legacy. Continue reading “Be Rooted in Hope”

Be Steadfast in Your Walk

Psalm 37:24 (VOICE) And even though you trip up, you will not fall on your face because He holds you by the hand.

Beloved, you have changed. You’re not the same. Behold, you are a new creature – transformed by grace. Refuse to revisit your old ways or stay stuck in the ruts of your old paths. I have made all things new, and that includes you. 

Like a baby colt stumbles as it catches its footing when it is newborn, extend grace to yourself as you stumble and trip – that is par for the course. The key is to keep getting your footing – to take the time for it to become steadfast and sure. 

And just as you need that grace for your own growing season, extend it also to others. To expect perfection – either from yourself or others – is pointless and unrealistic. The key is to shake off the stumbles and keep pressing onward. Refuse to go back to old ways that are familiar but unprofitable. Be steadfast in your walk, and encourage others to be steadfast in theirs.

Attentive for Eternity

Psalm 121:4 (TPT) He will never slumber nor sleep; he is the Guardian-God for his people, Israel.

Beloved, I AM awake day and night. Alert. Not one thing escapes My notice. I hear each prayer and petition, each offering on the altar of praise – day and night, night and day. I do not grow weary of My children, nor do I grow callus to your pleas. You are My heart’s desire, and I’m attentive for eternity. 

Refuse to let your flame grow dim, or to let your passion cool. My love for you is steadfast and ardent, unshakable and true. So as you lift your hands in worship and sing your words of praise, know I receive your sweet offerings – and will do so all My days.

Leviticus 6:13 (VOICE) The fire on the altar must burn continually; it must not be allowed to go out.

Stand Ready

Psalm 45:3 (NASB) Gird Your sword on Your thigh, O Mighty One, In Your splendor and Your majesty!

Beloved, stand ready. Be prepared to fight at My command. You do not war against flesh and blood, but against supernatural powers that would move against you and against My Kingdom. But do not be afraid, for I have overcome the wicked one. 

Beloved, none can stand against Me. As My children stand with Me, they are aligned and prepared for victory. For I AM the victorious One. So stand. Resist the devil and all his efforts to move you. Stand in faith – unwavering. Stand with Me.  Continue reading “Stand Ready”

YHVH Gibbor Milchamah (the Lord Mighty in Battle) {Moments with God}

{I declare} There is none like You. No one worthy – no one who can compare. No one can stand against You. And should they try, they would melt like wax before You if they stood as Your adversary. For there is no one like You in heaven or on earth. You are majestic and awesome – mighty beyond our comprehension. So I choose to stand with You. And come what may, I will remain steadfast, for by Your side is the only place I want to be. So where You are, I will be too. I trust You. I yield to Your plans. You are mighty and You are good. You are the Holy One. You are YHVH Gibbor Milchamah – the Lord Mighty in Battle. And You are worthy.

{Sensing the Lord’s presence hovering – like with the pillars of cloud and fire. In the same way Moses refused to move without the presence of the Almighty, so my heart stands fast with His presence. And I sense His pleasure over my unwillingness to move without Him. It’s as if He is giving a look that says, “Well done.”}

Psalm 76:7 (TPT) No wonder you are greatly feared! You are the awe-inspiring God! For who could ever stand before your face when your fierce anger burns and live to tell about it.

Exodus 33:15 (VOICE) If Your presence doesn’t travel with me, then don’t lead us away from here.