Drown in My Affections

Song of Songs 1:2 (TPT) Let him smother me with kisses—his Spirit-kiss divine. So kind are your caresses, I drink them in like the sweetest wine!

Beloved, receive My fresh flow from heaven. For I AM pouring out My love like the sweetest of wine to minister to your heart. Heady and intoxicating – be swept away in the rushing flow as you surrender to My love. 

Persistent and irresistible, yield to My heart, beloved. You have nothing to fear from Me, for I love you with a passionate intensity beyond your wildest imaginings. You are the apple of My eye and immeasurably precious to Me. Drown in My affections and be made whole. 

Life-Changing Peace

Isaiah 66:12 (KJV) For thus saith the LORD, Behold, I will extend peace to her like a river, and the glory of the Gentiles like a flowing stream…

Beloved, My peace I give you, My peace I leave. Receive the tender flow, and allow its gentle stream to minister to your heart. It is always there for you, you have simply to pause and receive – draw heaven into earth. 

And pray for that peace to flow to those around you, so many are in desperate need. Be intentional to shift the atmosphere – allowing peace to war against chaos. And just as a steady stream can move and shape a rock, so peace can change and overcome the trials surrounding you. So receive My life-changing peace. 

My Fresh Flow from Heaven

Isaiah 43:19 (GW) I am going to do something new. It is already happening. Don’t you recognize it? I will clear a way in the desert. I will make rivers on dry land.

Beloved, make way for My fresh flow from heaven. I AM pouring out My love like fresh wine and My anointing like fresh oil. Receive it. Reach up with outstretched hands and welcome My overflow. Be saturated and refreshed, changed and renewed. And most of all, know that you are loved.

My love changes things. It softens hearts of stone, heals wounded souls, and brings life to the desert places. Receive My love, precious one. Allow it to permeate and saturate – life and beauty spring forth in its wake. I AM doing something new and I AM doing it now. Receive the fresh flow.

Sabbath Rest

Leviticus 23:3 (NLT) “You have six days each week for your ordinary work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath day of complete rest, an official day for holy assembly. It is the LORD’s Sabbath day, and it must be observed wherever you live.

Beloved, I created you and I know well your inner workings. Just as a car comes with a manual so you know how to take care of it in a way to keep it in the best condition, so I have instructed you in My Word about how you should live. I have not created this structure to exert needless control, but rather because having made you, I know what you need in order to be your best, and I have instructed you accordingly.

Resist the urge to neglect the rest you need. I have instructed you that six days you may work, but should set aside the seventh for rest. It is not wasteful to observe the sabbath. It is needful. Pause for times of refreshing in My presence. Pause for times of fellowship with the Body. Pause simply to rest. Make time for sabbath rest and see how you flourish.

Spirit of Understanding

Exodus 31:3 (AMP) I have filled him with the Spirit of God in wisdom and skill, in understanding and intelligence, in knowledge, and in all kinds of craftsmanship,

Beloved, I have gifted you not just with wisdom, but with an understanding of what to do with that wisdom. When I grant you insight, you understand what is to be done with it. When I gift you with an idea, you understand how to execute it. Acknowledge the source of that understanding, for it flows from Me alone.

Cherish the gift you have been given. Share it liberally with others in the Body. Simply because it comes easily to you does not mean it is of no value, it is a gift; therefore, recognize it as one. With reverence and honor flow in My Spirit of Understanding.

And, beloved, if you feel as though you lack understanding, ask Me for it. For you know I AM a generous God and I love to bless My children. So ask in faith and expectantly wait to receive.

Rainbow Waters (Seven Spirits of God)

Seven Spirits of God: Flow in the Spirit by Dyed4you Art

Isaiah 44:3 (NKJV) For I will pour water on him who is thirsty, And floods on the dry ground; I will pour My Spirit on your descendants, And My blessing on your offspring;

Beloved, thirst for Me, for I will not leave you parched. I delight to saturate you with My Spirit – to flood you to overflowing that you might bless others in the overflow. Pour out without reserve knowing I AM faithful to pour in. Allow My Holy Spirit to bring forth abundant life, with beauty blooming forth even in the desert and the dry season.

For I give the only water that truly satisfies. Seek Me, beloved. Yield to My Spirit. Allow each facet to manifest in splendor in your life: My Spirit, Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel, Might, Knowledge, and a reverential fear of Me. Flow in each glorious stream, and let the rainbow waters flow in and through you bring glory and honor to Me. Continue reading “Rainbow Waters (Seven Spirits of God)”

Be Led By My Spirit

1 Corinthians 14:33 (VOICE) …God is the author of order, not confusion…

Beloved, I AM not the author of chaos, nor do I incite discord. I do not work contrary to My goal or My word. As My children yield to My flow, they find themselves working in concert, creating a harmony that glorifies and honors their King. As you each align with your roles within the flow, beauty and life pour forth.

Trust each to be led by My Spirit (and for Me to bring correction if they’re not). Trust the authority I have put in place to be a catalyst for unity and to lead and guide rightly (and pray for them to walk in the fullness of that call). Put your focus on aligning yourself with My purpose for you, and refuse to be distracted by whether or not others are doing likewise.

In the end, remember I AM sovereign. Regardless of human shortcomings, I delight to move in and through it all. Yield to Me, focus on Me, and usher in My Kingdom here on earth. Continue reading “Be Led By My Spirit”

I Orchestrate in Harmony

1 Corinthians 14:32 (VOICE) …the prophetic spirits are under the control of the prophets…

Beloved, cultivate a sensitivity to My leading, and extend grace to yourself in the process. Trust those I’ve placed in leadership to direct you according to My will. Even if they are shutting down what you are sensing, know I AM sovereign. Since I will not force Myself on anyone nor remove your natural abilities and functions, you are always able to stop or pause. I have placed you under authority and you honor Me when you honor them. They may fall short, but leave room for them to miss Me, even as you desire that grace for yourself.

Refuse the urge to try to control Me (or them) or need to understand everything in your natural mind, instead allowing Me to move. My Spirit empowers, moving in power and harmony. As you yield to My Spirit, we will flow together – breathing life and operating in truth.

So remember, beloved, to yield to authority, both Mine and that of those in the natural who have been granted the role. Honor them as you would Me. Trust that they are reflecting My heart and implementing My wishes to the best of their ability, and pray for them to do so. Operate in order. Cultivate My presence. And for those tasked with facilitating My presence, trust My Spirit to lead you. I orchestrate in harmony. Continue reading “I Orchestrate in Harmony”

Pour Out from Your Overflow

Psalm 33:2 (VOICE) Worship the Eternal with your instruments, strings offering their praise; write awe-filled songs to Him on the 10-stringed harp.

Beloved, use whatever is at your disposal to make a joyful noise. I AM less concerned with proficiency than heart, so simply pour out from your overflow the joy and worship you have for Me, may your love shine forth on words and notes so sweet unto My ear. May your praise be a fragrant offering and your worship as incense before My throne.

Make your praise glorious, worthy of the King of Kings. Like the widow’s mite, your all will be enough – you and your praise will be accepted when offered with clean hands and a pure heart. Ascend the heights with Me, beloved, lost in the glory of My praise. Watch life and joy pour forth as the flame on the altar burns brightly.

Psalm 66:1-2 (ASV) Make a joyful noise unto God, all the earth: Sing forth the glory of his name: Make his praise glorious.

Rooted in Me

James 1:7 (TPT) When you are half-hearted and wavering it leaves you unstable. Can you really expect to receive anything from the Lord when you’re in that condition?

Beloved, refuse to be blown about by circumstances and emotions instead choosing to be quietly and firmly rooted in Me. Seek My will and trust it when I give you wisdom. Step out in faith knowing I AM faithful to guide each step. Refuse to give ear to the enemy’s lies and distractions. Stay firm.

Beloved, you know My sheep know My voice and that I graciously give wisdom to all who ask, so be at peace – knowing full well I AM more than able to steer you through any storm and quiet your heart as you allow Me to. Waiting upon Me is not a place of inaction, but rather a state of readiness. Being willing and yielded to go with My flow and allowing My Spirit to guide. Lay down the burden of “figuring things out” and seek Me. I AM faithful to lead, faithful to guide, and faithful to provide.