Be Led By My Spirit

1 Corinthians 14:33 (VOICE) …God is the author of order, not confusion…

Beloved, I AM not the author of chaos, nor do I incite discord. I do not work contrary to My goal or My word. As My children yield to My flow, they find themselves working in concert, creating a harmony that glorifies and honors their King. As you each align with your roles within the flow, beauty and life pour forth.

Trust each to be led by My Spirit (and for Me to bring correction if they’re not). Trust the authority I have put in place to be a catalyst for unity and to lead and guide rightly (and pray for them to walk in the fullness of that call). Put your focus on aligning yourself with My purpose for you, and refuse to be distracted by whether or not others are doing likewise.

In the end, remember I AM sovereign. Regardless of human shortcomings, I delight to move in and through it all. Yield to Me, focus on Me, and usher in My Kingdom here on earth.

1 Corinthians 14:31-33 (VOICE) To avoid confusion and create a space where all can learn and be encouraged, let only one prophet speak at a time without interruption. You see, the prophetic spirits are under the control of the prophets because God is the author of order, not confusion. This is how it is in all gatherings of the saints.

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