Mighty Praise

Psalm 149:9 (TPT) Praise-filled warriors will enforce the judgment-doom decreed against their enemies. This is the glorious honor he gives to all his godly lovers. Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!

Beloved, draw strength from the fullness of joy you’ve received having been freed from fear by My infinite love. Allow praise to overflow from your heart of joy, and gratitude for My immeasurable love. No greater weapon can you wield than a heart of praise for Me. 

Praise Me for My holiness and praise Me for My mercy. Without a word of criticism, the enemy is slain. Worship Me for My goodness, adore Me for My love – stand in awe and know that simple, singular focus is more mighty than you know.  Continue reading “Mighty Praise”

Key to the Kingdom: Receive Correction

Psalm 141:5 (AMP) Let the righteous [thoughtfully] strike (correct) me—it is a kindness [done to encourage my spiritual maturity]. It is [the choicest anointing] oil on the head; Let my head not refuse [to accept and acknowledge and learn from] it; For still my prayer is against their wicked deeds.

Beloved, I chasten those I love. Those who are humble and wise will receive it without complaint knowing it ultimately is given for their benefit. My sheep know My voice, beloved, so if correction comes without My breath on it or if you simply aren’t sure, ask Me and I will lovingly make My will known. I break down to build up. I wound that I might heal. I will not tear you down and abandon you or leave you hopeless. None who seek me are beyond My reach. 

So willingly – even joyously – seek that which will grow and strengthen you. Godly correction not only shifts things into place, but it builds good character, so embrace it without fear or hesitation. It is not an indication that you are hopeless or worthless, but rather that you are loved and you are Mine. 

Trust Me to Do What is Good

Psalm 89:14 (VOICE) Your rule is rooted deeply in justice and righteousness— unfailing love and truth lead from the way ahead of You.

Beloved, I AM full of love and rich in mercy. I AM truth and fully trustworthy. Rely on Me. I will not be mocked, those that sow shall surely reap. Will I allow one who sows that which is evil to reap that which is good? That would be an injustice. 

Trust Me to do what is right. Trust Me to see and know. Trust Me to hear and respond to the cries of My people, for I AM a good God and righteous and just. Trust Me to do what is good. 

Swing Wide the Gates

Psalm 24:7 (TPT) So wake up, you living gateways! Lift up your heads, you ageless doors of destiny! Welcome the King of Glory, for he is about to come through you. 

Beloved, make way and make room. Swing wide the gates of your heart and make room for Me to come in all My Splendor. Live a life that models the beauty of one who is open and yielded to Me, for the spiritual power of that will shift atmospheres and cause the hardest hearts to pause in wonder.

Be a living testimony to the love of God – My love, for as you consciously and continually yield in your heart it causes a spiritual shift that becomes evident in the natural. So wake up and open the gates and prepare for things to move!

Hold Fast and Give Thanks

Psalm 34:1 (VOICE) I will praise the Eternal in every moment through every situation. Whenever I speak, my words will always praise Him.

Beloved, choose to stay in a place of praise at all times, not simply because I AM worthy, but also because doing so maintains your focus on what is good and perfect and true. Dayenu (it would have been sufficient). The blessings received so far are worth giving thanks for so refuse to be tempted to bitterness or anger. 

Resist the urge to allow grief or frustration to overwhelm you, instead fixing your gaze on the truth that in all things I AM both good and sovereign. I bring beauty from ashes and joy from mourning. Beloved, I AM enough.  Rest in Me and trust that I AM working all things for good even in the moments that doesn’t seem possible – because still it is true. Hold fast and give thanks that I AM good.  Continue reading “Hold Fast and Give Thanks”

Fields of Glory

Psalm 96:6 (TPT) Breathtaking brilliance and awe-inspiring majesty radiate from his shining presence. His stunning beauty overwhelms all who come before him.

Beloved, abide in My presence. Be overcome by My glory. Allow the beauty of My majesty to stir within you greatness and inspiration. Let My anointing drip down like rain from heaven over you – saturating and bringing life. 

Reflect Me, precious one. You are made in My image. My children stand like fields of glory reflecting My face and bearing My name. Refuse to hold back. Choose to be who I made you to be, for you are lovely beyond description and Mine forevermore. 

Stay the Course

Psalm 30:5 (VOICE) His wrath, you see, is fleeting, but His grace lasts a lifetime. The deepest pains may linger through the night, but joy greets the soul with the smile of morning.

Beloved, though the seasons of labor may seem endless, and the tears of hardship feel overwhelming, rest in the truth that your labor is not in vain. Stay the course with tenacious intention, and wait in steadfast expectancy for the harvest to come bringing with it much rejoicing. 

Allow the stretching seasons of waiting to mold and shape your character. Stand on the promises you know to be truth and refuse to be moved. My grace is sufficient, beloved, and it is everlasting. I AM with you in both the trials and the joy, know that each season carries its own blessing and receive each one with joy. 


Psalm 118:25 (TPT) O God, please come and save us again; bring us your breakthrough-victory!

Beloved, cry out, “Hosanna!” Cry out for salvation of the lost, for the broken and weary to come home. Refuse to grow weary in your intercession, and be relentless in your pleas. For I will not turn a deaf ear to your petitions, nor will I neglect to answer your call.

Beloved, cry out, “Hosanna to the Son of David!” Give honor to the One who was slain. Rejoice in His holy sacrifice, and the victory it has already won. Call out “Hosanna in the highest!” Welcome the heavenly hosts to join your praise. Rejoice for salvation is won – it is coming, and, lo, it is already here. Continue reading “Hosanna”

Sweet Surrender

Psalm 91:4 (TPT) His massive arms are wrapped around you, protecting you. You can run under his covering of majesty and hide. His arms of faithfulness are a shield keeping you from harm.

Beloved, I AM here and steadfast. Ever vigilant. Ever ready. My desire to protect you is acute. Consistently make the choice to run to Me. Be intentional to surrender to My covering. You cannot both protect yourself and surrender to Me – and only I can truly cover you, so hide yourself in Me.

Relinquish control, beloved, and trust Me completely. I AM the Rock of Ages, the Everlasting Arms, your Deliverer and your Strong Tower. Find your rest in Me. Cast your burdens down and surrender your cares to Me, for I AM well able to meet each and every need.

Trust Me. Trust that My ways are perfect even when they are not your ways. I see things you do not see and know things you do not know, and I operate with complete understanding, so surrender yourself to Me and delight in the sweetness found in that surrender.

One Who Calms the Storms

Psalm 107:29 (TPT) God stilled the storm, calmed the waves, and he hushed the hurricane winds to only a whisper.

Beloved, surely you must know that no storm – physical or natural – is too much for Me to handle. I AM the great I AM, Lord of Hosts, Creator of heaven and earth – nothing is too hard for Me. I AM strong and I AM able. I AM the one who calms the storms.

And you are My child. I take great delight in you and love to cover and protect you. Rest in the fact that I AM for you, I love you and I chose you. I have no desire to hurt or destroy you. Choose to believe that I AM for you and stay under the shelter of My wings. Continue reading “One Who Calms the Storms”