Look Beyond Yourself

Proverbs 6:16-19 (VOICE) Take note, there are six things the Eternal hates; no, make it seven He abhors: Eyes that look down on others…

Beloved, I have called you to walk in humility, not to be self-focused, but rather to put others first, and to be more conscious of their importance than that of your own. Raise your eyes. Refuse to be fixated on self. Look beyond yourself, not in a neglectful way or considering yourself of no value, but rather confident in the understanding that I AM infinitely mindful of you and your needs, and that I will take care of you as you look to others. Continue reading “Look Beyond Yourself”

Choose Joy

Proverbs 17:22 (NLT) A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person’s strength.

Beloved, choose joy for it is not based on circumstance. It is found in My presence. It is always there for you and it strengthens you. Literally. It builds you up and heals your heart – and it is even healing to your body.

Refuse to be tempted to bitterness, resentment, anger, or hopelessness. Rather shift your heart to focus on that which is good – clinging to the truth of My promises in the face of opposition and being steadfast in joy when confronted with trials.

Joy is a choice. Cling to gratitude regardless of circumstance, and shift the atmosphere with your laughter for I AM good. That truth always remains. So beloved, be intentional to always choose joy. It is contagious. A blessing that spreads. Be a catalyst. Choose joy. Continue reading “Choose Joy”

Using the Creative Force of Your Mouth for Blessing

Proverbs 18:21 (AMP) Death and life are in the power of the tongue, And those who love it and indulge it will eat its fruit and bear the consequences of their words.

Beloved, your mouth will bear fruit, the question is what kind. Will it be bitter or sweet? Will it bring forth life or cause death? Choose wisely, beloved. Align you heart and mouth and mind with Mine. Speak the echos of My heart, and watch the beautiful life that springs forth.

Be mindful of each word. Resist the urge to indulge in careless ones, understand the weight and responsibility of being a creative force, and choosing to be one for good by blessing.

Clothed in Strength

Proverbs 31:25 (NLT) She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future.

Beloved, allow your joy and trust in My faithfulness to bubble up and overflow. With YHVH Sabaoth (the Lord of Hosts) and the hosts of heaven on your side, you know you have nothing and no one to fear. Your future is safe in My hands.

Let the joy of victory ring. Let your strength be like the finest garments, and your gentle dignity – your steadfast honor and quiet assurance – be as lovely accessories, accentuating the beauty of your faith in Me as you stand assured with joy.

Be Sensitive

Galatians 5:22-23 (AMP) But the fruit of the Spirit [the result of His presence within us] is…gentleness…

Beloved, there are moments to be bold, but there are also moments to be gentle. Allow My Spirit to show you the difference. Keep your flesh in check in the moments it wants to reign free, but I’m calling you to keep it in check – remember that you rule it, not vice versa. Allow Me to lead and trust Me as I do.

In the same way My voice both thunders and is still and small, so must you be sensitive to what the moment calls for. There are some to whom a raised voice will always equal violence, and in the same way, some view gentleness as a license to walk all over you. Trust Me to know the difference and allow My Spirit to bring forth My fruit in your character as you stay yielded to My flow. Continue reading “Be Sensitive”

Stay Teachable

Proverbs 19:20 (VOICE) Heed counsel, act on instruction, and you will become wise later in life.

Beloved, stay teachable. Keep your heart in a position to receive. Recognize My voice regardless of the vessel I use to speak to you. Refuse to allow pride or arrogance to keep you from receiving from Me. You know I love to use the foolish things to confound the wise, so stay open. My sheep know My voice.

When given wise counsel, show wisdom by implementing it. It is not enough to simply hear and receive, beloved, you must respond and take action. From a place of both humility and confidence, move in the way I have counseled you. I will not steer you wrong, nor allow you to fall when you are seeking to obey Me in earnest. Rest in Me and respond.

Be My Love with Skin On

1 Corinthians 13:4-8 (TPT) …Love is gentle and consistently kind to all…

Beloved, refuse to allow pride (or any fleshly response) to bait you into responding rashly or causing hurt to another. A fool vents his emotions, and you are no fool. You are master of your emotions (for My Spirit empowers you) and have no need to thrust them on someone else for a moment’s pleasure.

Bring those feelings to Me. Bring all your hurts and frustrations, all the injustices and woundings. I AM the healer and restorer, I will tend your heart. So be intentional about reflecting Mine.

Walk in kindness and compassion. See past someone’s poor response to the heart of why they’re reacting the way they are. Are they immature? Demonstrate good behavior. Are they having a bad day? Encourage them. Are they frazzled and on edge? Seek to bring peace. Use the discernment of My Spirit, beloved, and be My love with skin on. Continue reading “Be My Love with Skin On”

Choose Humility and Love

Proverbs 3:34 (NLT) The LORD mocks the mockers but is gracious to the humble.

Beloved, choose this day how you would live. Will you choose to walk in sarcasm and mockery? Or will you walk in compassion and humility? Be intentional in your choice. Then walk in the fruit thereof.

I extend My grace to those who choose humility and love. For they are the ones who have chosen to walk in My image. Expect My grace. Expect My favor. I see your choice to die to your flesh and to extend grace to others in a moment that costs your pride. Your actions bless and honor Me. I will repay.

Your Life is in My Hands

Proverbs 27:1 (ESV) Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring.

Beloved, your life is in My hands. It’s fine for you to make plans as long as you hold them loosely, prepared to yield your will to Mine. You are not in control, but neither do you need to be. I AM faithful and trustworthy. The safest place you can possibly be is in the center of My will.

So resist the urge to be presumptuous in your planning and seek My counsel on all matters. I AM the only one who knows what tomorrow holds, so ask Me for wisdom and guidance regarding each step. Trust your life in My capable hands.

Be a God-Pleaser

Proverbs 29:25 (VOICE) If you fear other people, you are walking into a dangerous trap; but if you trust in the Eternal, you will be safe.

Beloved, refuse to fall into the trap of being caught up with what other people think. There will always be those who both approve and disapprove of your thoughts and actions so to fall prey to the fruitless efforts of people-pleasing enslaves you and distracts you from your true calling and purpose.

Seek Me. Seek to do My will and meet My approval and pleasure. The only way to truly be safe and at peace is in My will. Be a God-pleaser. Nothing will bring you fulfillment like knowing you are right with Me. That is a place a rest and peace. Find Me there.