Find Your Shelter in Me

Proverbs 29:25 (VOICE) If you fear other people, you are walking into a dangerous trap; but if you trust in the Eternal, you will be safe.

Beloved, refuse to be caught in the snare of the enemy. Resist the urge to be caught up in the fear of man, for I AM Lord of All. What man is higher than Me? Whose hand extends further than Mine?

Find peace in Me, beloved. I AM El Elyon, the most high God, and there is none above Me. Find your shelter in the shadow of My wings, and in that place find your rest. I AM all you need.

Yield, Trust, and Obey

Proverbs 1:7 (TPT) How then does a man gain the essence of wisdom? We cross the threshold of true knowledge when we live in obedient devotion to God. Stubborn know-it-alls will never stop to do this, for they scorn true wisdom and knowledge.

Beloved, too often men rely on their own wisdom, scorning My instruction in favor of their own judgment. As if their limited views could steer them more accurately or somehow work more in their favor than yielding to Me.

Beloved, choose humility. Choose to yield to My will in favor of your own knowing I see what you do not. And I know things that are hidden from you. Choose to obey My Word and trust My voice. I will steer you rightly.

And though the path will not always be easy (for character is developed in hardship), I can promise that it is always good. So yield, trust, and obey, beloved. Yield, trust, and obey.

Calibrate Your Behavior to Align with My Word

Proverbs 1:10 (VOICE) My son, should your less honorable peers pressure you to do what is wrong, you should be strong enough not to go along.

Beloved, refuse to be pressured into bad or questionable behavior by those around you. Calibrate your behavior to align with My Word. I AM your true north – your guiding star, so look to Me for direction and refuse to be knocked off course.

Rather than succumbing to pressure, be a standard setter yourself. Quietly lead by example that others might see what it looks like to live in a way that honors Me. Trust Me to strengthen you. Focus on being a God-pleaser instead of a pleaser of men. For in the end, I AM the One who matters, so look to Me.

Let Me Guide You in Truth

Proverbs 3:5 (TPT) Trust in the Lord completely, and do not rely on your own opinions. With all your heart rely on him to guide you, and he will lead you in every decision you make.

Beloved, trust My perspective, for I see all and I see rightly. So when I call you beautiful, it is truth. And when I call you loved, it is fact. Refuse to allow the lies that have been reflected to you or your own insecurities to mar your perspective.

Trust that I see you in truth. Trust that I know you, and know that I find you worth knowing. With all your heart, let Me guide you to see the truth of who you are. And then choose to believe, for in doing so you acknowledge Me as being trustworthy. And remember, beloved, in not doing so, you do the reverse.

Note: this Prophetic Nugget was featured on a Lunchtime Live on the Dyed4you Ministries Facebook page. You can watch a recording of the livestream by visiting: Lunchtime NOT Live: Believing What God Says

Refuse to Be a Fool

Proverbs 18:21 (TPT) Your words are so powerful that they will kill or give life, and the talkative person will reap the consequences.

Beloved, use your words to reflect My heart. Resist the urge to indulge your pride, and instead choose to walk in loving humility – be long suffering and extend much grace. For there have been moments you yourself needed patience and grace, and they will come again, so sow that you might reap.

I bring life, and life more abundant, and I desire that you choose to be like Me. So be circumspect, and count the cost before you speak – refuse to be a fool and vent every feeling. Instead, share your heart with Me, and allow My Spirit to lead you through, for I will not lead you astray. Continue reading “Refuse to Be a Fool”

Weigh Each Word

Psalm 141:3 (ESV) Set a guard, O Lord, over my mouth; keep watch over the door of my lips!

Beloved, listen to My Spirit’s direction over the words that you speak. Stay sensitive to My leading. For your words have more power than you begin to understand, and they must be treated with care.

Refuse to allow your mouth to be a vessel of death – for the power of life and death is in your tongue. So choose carefully, beloved. Choose life. Therefore, weigh each word to determine the fruit that it will bear – refusing to indulge your flesh, instead choosing life and the fruits of My Spirit. Continue reading “Weigh Each Word”

Flow in Every Aspect of My Holy Spirit

Proverbs 24:3-4 (VOICE) Wisdom is required to build a house; understanding is necessary to make it secure. Knowledge is needed to furnish all the rooms and fill them with beautiful treasures.

Beloved, wisdom is wonderful, but alone it is not enough. Understanding is needed to know how to use the wisdom you’ve been given. Resist the urge to pridefully presume you know what is best simply because I have given you enlightenment. Seek Me for guidance on what to do with what you’ve been given.

For just as I invite you to flow in My Holy Spirit’s Wisdom, so I invite you to flow in a Spirit of Understanding. In the same way the body (both natural and the Body of Christ) needs all its parts to function, so you should seek to flow in every aspect of My Holy Spirit to operate in the fullness of what you’re capable of in My power.

Speak in Faith

Jeremiah 1:10 (VOICE) This very day I appointed you to speak with My authority over nations and kingdoms. Your word — My word — will have the power to uproot and stamp out; it will destroy and upend. And then your word—My word— will rebuild and plant anew.

Beloved, refuse to underestimate the power of the words you speak. For I AM the one who has filled your mouth, so your power and authority comes from Me. Truly your tongue holds the power of life and death, so wield that authority wisely.

Speak with expectancy, and have faith in the Power behind your words. For I AM Elohim Yakol – God Most Able, and nothing is too hard for Me. So expect Me to move. Expect the manifestation of My power. Expect the fullness of My glory. Speak in faith, beloved, and then wait to see Me move. Continue reading “Speak in Faith”

Thrive Together in Love

Proverbs 24:6 (VOICE) For with wise guidance, you can wage a successful war, and with a council of many advisors, you will be victorious!

Beloved, seek godly counsel. Surround yourself with those who strive to be in right relationship with Me. For as each of you seek to walk uprightly, you will challenge one another to new levels of integrity and faith. Such relationships inherently strengthen one another.

So cultivate your divine connections, and bear with one another in love through every season. Then rest on those relationships to bring wisdom and confirmation when the days of trials come. Their voices – echoing Mine – will bring comfort and strength when it is most needed. Thrive together in love.

Ask and Ask Often

Proverbs 24:5 (VOICE) A wise man possesses great strength, and an intelligent man knows how to increase it;

Beloved, exercise wisdom with what you’ve been given that I may entrust you with more. If I have given you insight, use that insight carefully and for the good of the Kingdom. If I have given you a position of authority, operate in humility and strength, and in a way that brings Me honor.

Whatever you have been given is an opportunity to demonstrate trustworthiness. So be a wise steward, and always remember I delight to give wisdom to those who ask. So ask, beloved, and ask often, so that you might make the most of what you’ve been given and reap the greatest heavenly reward.