Positioned to Receive {Moments with God}

Proverbs 3:9 (VOICE) Pay tribute to the Eternal in all of your affairs. Honor Him with the best of what you make.

{Speaking to God} I want to honor You with all that I have. It all comes from You anyway, so I owe all I have to You. But to give You my first and my best, seems like a small way to give thanks and honor for the abundance of love and grace You have for me. It also helps me resist the urge to be in fear that you’ll suddenly reject me and be mindful of my needs. So I choose to honor You first because You are worthy.

{He smiles as He replies} I receive your heartfelt offering, for I know you give it with joy. I receive the honor you’re bestowing on Me, and I value the trust you place in Me. You are My beloved, and I love to lavish you with goodness, so I love that you are intentional to keep your heart rightly positioned to receive.

Proverbs 3:9-12 (VOICE) Pay tribute to the Eternal in all of your affairs. Honor Him with the best of what you make. That way you will prosper to the fullest and have plenty of food to eat and wine to drink. My son, do not ignore the Eternal’s instruction or lose heart when He steps in to correct you; Because the Eternal proves His love by caring enough to discipline you, just as a father does his child, his pride and joy.

Yield to My Perfect Will

Proverbs 3:8 (VOICE) If you depend on Him, your body and mind will be free from the strain of a sinful life, will experience healing and health, and will be strengthened at their core.

Beloved, I do not instruct you to yield to Me and My ways from a desire to control you or strong arm you into doing what I want. I instruct you to yield because I see the path of greatest blessing. Sometimes that blessing comes from grace under challenge and sometimes from hardships avoided, but ultimately I see the best path.

I desire blessing for you. When you choose to surrender your will to Mine, you are demonstrating that you trust Me and believe My heart towards you is good. When you resist Me, you demonstrate fear and a lack of trust. Often those choices come from past woundings, so I extend grace even in those moments. However, the highest sense of right in any situation is to yield to My perfect will and trust Me to guide you through. So make the intentional decision to yield, and leave the rest to Me.

Proverbs 3:5-8 (VOICE) Place your trust in the Eternal; rely on Him completely; never depend upon your own ideas and inventions. Give Him the credit for everything you accomplish, and He will smooth out and straighten the road that lies ahead. And don’t think you can decide on your own what is right and what is wrong. Respect the Eternal; turn and run from evil. If you depend on Him, your body and mind will be free from the strain of a sinful life, will experience healing and health, and will be strengthened at their core.

Trust Me to Lead You Rightly

Proverbs 3:7 (VOICE) And don’t think you can decide on your own what is right and what is wrong. Respect the Eternal; turn and run from evil.

Beloved, human judgment is influenced by opinions and bias, which makes it faulty. Even those who attempt to be scrupulous can still err, despite honest and earnest efforts to be righteous. Because I AM the same yesterday, today, and forever, My thoughts stay true – day-by-day, year-by-year, generation-by-generation. So trust Me to be steadfast in truth.

My Word and My Spirit guide you, if you will let Me lead. I can steer you clear of evil – whether they be obvious sin or unseen ones of the heart. If you trust and respect Me, you know I do not make rules for their own sake. Rather everything has a purpose, and that purpose is good.

If you find you don’t understand My instructions, you know that you can trust me anyway – even when you don’t understand. So resist the urge to allow a “need to understand” to become an idol. Instead yield to Me and trust Me to lead, and to lead you rightly.

Proverbs 3:5-8 (VOICE) Place your trust in the Eternal; rely on Him completely; never depend upon your own ideas and inventions. Give Him the credit for everything you accomplish, and He will smooth out and straighten the road that lies ahead. And don’t think you can decide on your own what is right and what is wrong. Respect the Eternal; turn and run from evil. If you depend on Him, your body and mind will be free from the strain of a sinful life, will experience healing and health, and will be strengthened at their core.

Honor to You {Moments with God}

Proverbs 3:6 (VOICE) Give Him the credit for everything you accomplish, and He will smooth out and straighten the road that lies ahead.

{Speaking to God} Lord, I give praise to You for every success – for every failure too. Because perceived win or loss matters not, it’s the success of the lessons I’m to learn that matters most to You. I can release any tendency towards perfectionism, for in the end it’s worth naught if I do everything “right” but miss the parts that are most important to You.

{Declaring} So I will yield to You fully, and put all honor in Your hands. For You are worthy of all praise. So to You be all the glory, for its Your hand that leads me. I entrust myself to You, and I rest in Your embrace.

Proverbs 3:5-8 (VOICE) Place your trust in the Eternal; rely on Him completely; never depend upon your own ideas and inventions. Give Him the credit for everything you accomplish, and He will smooth out and straighten the road that lies ahead. And don’t think you can decide on your own what is right and what is wrong. Respect the Eternal; turn and run from evil. If you depend on Him, your body and mind will be free from the strain of a sinful life, will experience healing and health, and will be strengthened at their core.

Unshakable Foundation

Proverbs 3:5 (VOICE) Place your trust in the Eternal; rely on Him completely; never depend upon your own ideas and inventions.

Beloved, trusting Me creates an unshakable foundation. For I AM steadfast and secure, a stronghold never broken. So rest in Me completely, and yield to My ways. Trust in Me to lead you, for I will guide you in love. For I know how you are wired, and I know what is to come. I know how best to prepare you, and I know how best to support you. I know what is for the good, for I see everything.

Trust in Me to lead you, and yield your ways to Me. When you choose My plans over those of your own, you choose in fact the surest path. For I remain the same always, and My love for you will never fade. So yield and rest wholeheartedly, and trust that I will lead you well.

Proverbs 3:5-8 (VOICE) Place your trust in the Eternal; rely on Him completely; never depend upon your own ideas and inventions. Give Him the credit for everything you accomplish, and He will smooth out and straighten the road that lies ahead. And don’t think you can decide on your own what is right and what is wrong. Respect the Eternal; turn and run from evil. If you depend on Him, your body and mind will be free from the strain of a sinful life, will experience healing and health, and will be strengthened at their core.

Note: this Prophetic Nugget was featured on a Lunchtime Live on the Dyed4you Ministries Facebook page. You can watch a recording of the livestream by visiting: Lunchtime Live: Fear of the Lord and Trusting God

A Person of Mercy and Compassion

Proverbs 3:4 (VOICE) In this way, you will win the favor of God and others, and they will think well of you.

Beloved, when you become known as a person of mercy and compassion, people are drawn to you. A person like that feels safe and trustworthy. A person like that reflects My love. Choose to be that kind of person.

As you seek to reflect Me, resist the urge to do so simply for the favor and blessing that accompany that kind of life. Rather do it because it’s the right thing to do. It’s right for mercy to triumph over judgment. It’s right for love to triumph over hate. So cloak yourself in character that mirrors Mine, and do so from a heart of love.

Proverbs 3:1-4 (VOICE) My son, always remember what I have taught you; keep my instructions dear to your heart. If you do, they will be your guide to a long, healthy, prosperous life. Stay focused; do not lose sight of mercy and truth; engrave them on a pendant, and hang it around your neck; meditate on them so they are written upon your heart. In this way, you will win the favor of God and others, and they will think well of you.

Reflect My Love

Proverbs 3:3 (VOICE) Stay focused; do not lose sight of mercy and truth; engrave them on a pendant, and hang it around your neck; meditate on them so they are written upon your heart.

Beloved, the more you know, the easier it seems to be to slip into judgment. It is far too easy to think you know what is right and to assume you know best how another should act or what choices they should make.

I encourage you to be rich in mercy – to love one another, and be rich in compassion. Make that your focus rather than some self-congratulatory sense of “rightness” that feeds your pride. Cultivate mercy and be rich in understanding that you might reflect My love and live the true meaning of My Word.

Proverbs 3:1-4 (VOICE) My son, always remember what I have taught you; keep my instructions dear to your heart. If you do, they will be your guide to a long, healthy, prosperous life. Stay focused; do not lose sight of mercy and truth; engrave them on a pendant, and hang it around your neck; meditate on them so they are written upon your heart. In this way, you will win the favor of God and others, and they will think well of you.

Act with Care and Wisdom

Proverbs 3:2 (VOICE) If you do, they will be your guide to a long, healthy, prosperous life.

Beloved, My Word sustains you, for it brings forth life. If you would walk in blessing, it is wise to choose that which brings forth blessing. For you cannot sow one type of seed and then expect to bring forth another type of harvest.

Be intentional to choose that which brings forth blessing, and to eschew things that which bring forth curses. For negative outcomes of bad choices are not a punishment from Me, they are simply consequences. So walk wisely. Act with care and wisdom that you might prosper and live a long and beautiful life.

Proverbs 3:1-4 (VOICE) My son, always remember what I have taught you; keep my instructions dear to your heart. If you do, they will be your guide to a long, healthy, prosperous life. Stay focused; do not lose sight of mercy and truth; engrave them on a pendant, and hang it around your neck; meditate on them so they are written upon your heart. In this way, you will win the favor of God and others, and they will think well of you.

Learn and Implement

Proverbs 3:1 (VOICE) My son, always remember what I have taught you; keep my instructions dear to your heart.

Beloved, one who is wise seeks knowledge and understanding. They listen when they are taught. But they do not only listen, they also learn. And then they implement what they have learned. For of what use is the understanding of something that is never applied? That kind of knowledge puffs up. It is of no true value.

Listen, and learn well. Then as you seek to understand, be intentional to apply it to yourself. For My Spirit is fully able to lead you to truth in the perfect timing I have for you. So walk in wisdom, and apply it with understanding.

Proverbs 3:1-4 (VOICE) My son, always remember what I have taught you; keep my instructions dear to your heart. If you do, they will be your guide to a long, healthy, prosperous life. Stay focused; do not lose sight of mercy and truth; engrave them on a pendant, and hang it around your neck; meditate on them so they are written upon your heart. In this way, you will win the favor of God and others, and they will think well of you.

YHVH Azar (the Lord your Help)

Proverbs 3:34 (TLB) The Lord mocks at mockers, but helps the humble.

Beloved, I AM your God, and a very present help in times of trouble. You need not fret about those who mock Me and have no reverence for the One who made them. Pay no mind to their successes or failures, trusting them to Me. Nor need you dwell on your own concerns, but rather  be intentional to cast those cares on Me.

I AM the One who made you. I AM intimately familiar with your frame. I created you and thought, “behold, this is good.” See yourself through My eyes and trust that I will always be close, for I AM YHVH Azar – the Lord your help, and I love you more than words can say.