The Glory Yet to Come

Haggai 2:9 (GW) This new house will be more glorious than the former, declares the Lord of Armies. And in this place I will give them peace, declares the Lord of Armies.”

Beloved, don’t be disheartened by things that have gone wrong and resist being discouraged by circumstances not to your liking, instead maintain a sense of expectancy for what I have in store as well as gratitude for all I’ve done.

I have saved the best for last, so make ready for that which is to come. I AM the Lord of Hosts and nothing is beyond My reach nor will you slip through My grasp. You are My delight and My joy. Prepare for the glory yet to come.

Replace Worry with Prayer and Thanksgiving

Philippians 4:6 (NLT) Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.

Beloved, I AM in control. You don’t need to fret or worry. Release any fear and rest in your trust of Me. Allow My love to draw you back, deeper into Me, and My peace to quiet your soul, while you press in for more of Me.

Keep turning your heart and mind back to Me as the cares of the world seek to distract your gaze. Only My love satisfies. Only My peace brings true rest. So with your mouth declare My goodness, and with your words share the things on your heart, and trust Me – the lover of your soul – to see to each need and concern. Cast your cares on Me and let your heart overflow with gratitude and thanksgiving fall from your lips without end.

Make Me Your Top Priority

Psalm 37:4 (TPT) Make God the utmost delight and pleasure of your life, and he will provide for you what you desire the most.

Beloved, make Me your top priority – not as a chore or something to check off your to-do list, but truly find joy and life in your relationship with Me. Let it be authentic. Share your deepest thoughts and hopes, confess your deepest concerns and fears – give them all into My capable hands.

Let the time in My presence shape and mold you. Let it inspire and encourage you. Let the hope found in the promises of My word bolster your faith and keep your time of waiting expectant because you know that you know I will move on your behalf because I AM faithful. Hope in Me.

Shaped and Purified

Colossians 1:11 (VOICE) Strengthen them with Your infinite power, according to Your glorious might, so that they will have everything they need to hold on and endure hardship patiently and joyfully.

Beloved, be patient and strong. Press into the joy and peace I’ve placed within you. I will never allow you to walk into trials you are unequipped for and I AM always with you to guide you and give you wisdom when you will but ask.

Rejoice in trials knowing they are the fire by which you are shaped and purified – your character coming forth in beautiful array when you’ve yielded to My refining. Beloved, cling to the knowledge that though sorrow may last for the night, joy comes in the morning.

Remind Yourself of My Faithfulness

Genesis 9:13 (TLB) I have placed my rainbow in the clouds as a sign of my promise until the end of time, to you and to all the earth.

Beloved, I AM the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End. I AM everlasting and completely faithful. That which I have said will be accomplished as surely as the sun will rise on the morrow. I AM steadfast.

Encourage yourself in the knowledge of who I AM. Stir up your faith and remember that I AM true. Look to the sky and allow My rainbow to remind you that I have promised and I will always make good on My promises. Remind yourself of My faithfulness and keep your heart true. Continue reading “Remind Yourself of My Faithfulness”

Tested and Found True

Psalm 12:6 (TPT) For every word God speaks is sure and every promise pure. His truth is tested, found to be flawless, and ever faithful. It’s as pure as silver refined seven times in a crucible of clay.

Beloved, I never waver. I never stumble or fall. I AM steadfast, fully believable and completely trustworthy. You are safe in My hands. Release control to Me, knowing that I love you and always have your best interests at heart. Rely on Me.

Refuse to lose heart when things don’t look like you think they should look. Remind yourself of who I AM – the Faithful One – and stay firmly rooted in faith, yielded to My plans for they are good. My promises are yes and amen so certain are they to come to pass. I have been tested and found true. Rest in the surety of Me. Continue reading “Tested and Found True”

Perpetually Faithful

2 Chronicles 21:7 (NET) But the LORD was unwilling to destroy David’s dynasty because of the promise he had made to give David a perpetual dynasty.

Beloved, even in the face of unrighteousness, My word and My promises are steadfast. I AM the Eternal One, the beginning and the end, and I AM relentlessly faithful. I do not promise anything lightly, for My integrity is flawless and I know what carrying out My word will entail.

Unlike man – who may justify breaking their word under extenuating circumstances – I never do. I AM perpetually faithful. When My children are unfaithful, I AM still faithful. And when their children and children’s children are rebellious and pursue evil, still I remain true to the promises I have made to those who love Me. In every season and every circumstance, I AM faithful.

Vast Blessings

Romans 4:20-21 (TPT) …because he was mighty in faith and convinced that God had all the power needed to fulfill his promises, Abraham glorified God!

Beloved, will you allow Me to be glorified through you? Will you expand your faith and stand fast in My promises? I will not love you any less if you are unable, but know that the beauty of My glory shining through your trusting heart speaks volumes about who I AM without uttering a word.

Will you take Me at My word? Will you allow My promises to stir hope in your heart? Will you remain steadfast in your hope even when My promises seem to tarry or when circumstances look bleak? I AM worthy of your trust, beloved. Stir up your faith! Look to the stars and remind yourself My blessings are vast and far more reaching than you will ever be able to know. Refuse to allow your blessings to be stolen through doubt and unbelief. Take Me at My word and refuse to be moved for I AM God.

Uncontainable Blessing

Genesis 15:5 (NET) The LORD took him outside and said, “Gaze into the sky and count the stars – if you are able to count them!” Then he said to him, “So will your descendants be.”

Beloved, My promises for you are plenteous and steadfast. Just as the rainbow is a reminder of My promises, may the stars be a reminder of the overwhelming blessings in store for those who love Me. For just as I promised Abraham more descendants than there are stars in the sky, so My promises for those who love Me are an uncontainable blessing.

Fix your gaze on Me and make Me your first choice. Throughout the ages My heart-cry remains the same: that I would be your God and that you would be My people. I hold nothing back from those who hold nothing back from Me. So delight in Me, beloved, and let your zeal be unmatched. May your passion be a flame that burns so brightly those around you can’t help but be ignited. May it serve as a lighthouse that guides the way to unfettered access to Me and the fullness of My love, which knows no bounds.

Blessed Beyond a Curse

Numbers 23:20 (VOICE) Look here, I received a word of blessing, and He has spoken a blessing. I cannot take it back.

Beloved, you are blessed beyond a curse for what I bless no man can curse. My word is Truth and nothing and no one can stand against it. I AM sovereign and My word will not return void. Wait upon My word. Maintain your focus on Me and delight yourself in My presence.

Refuse to be tempted to pursue the favor of man, for My favor is steadfast and unchanging unlike the fickle favor of man. Remain true, for without fail My showers of blessings will come in due season and will saturated you beyond your ability to contain them.